DSCI 531 Quiz 2

Time: 30 minutes

Visualizing spatial data, color, visualizing network data and rules of thumb

Part 1 - Visualizing spatial data


In 2-3 sentences, explain the relationship between a choropleth map and a heatmap from a structural point of view, in terms of marks and channels. Comment on similarities & differences.

Choropleth map Heatmap
alt tag Source: http://www.petercollingridge.co.uk/data-visualisation/choropleth-maps-africa alt tag Source:https://flowingdata.com/2010/01/21/how-to-make-a-heatmap-a-quick-and-easy-solution/

answer goes here

Part 2 - Color


Which statement(s) below is/are true regarding the major problems with using a rainbow colormap for showing ordered data:

a. From a perceptual standpoint, more differences can be observed when greyscale is used compared to a rainbow colormap.

b. The hue channel is not ordered. Colors such as red versus blue versus green versus purple have no intrinsic perceptual ordering.

c. Due to constraints of the human visual system, color is not a useful channel for ordered data.

d. The rainbow is not perceptually linear: a box that shows two or three different discernable colors in some regions of the colormap may show only one distinguishable color in other regions (especially the large green-yellow area near the middle).

answer goes here (listing letters for TRUE statements is sufficient)

Part 3 - Visualizing network data


In 1-2 paragraphs, Explain the tradeoffs between the use of node-link diagrams and adjacency matrix representations of networks in terms of the tasks that they support, as well as scale of the data.

Node-link diagram Adjacency matrix representations of network
alt tag Source:http://www.mdpi.com/2079-9276/5/1/4/htm alt tag Source:http://matthewlincoln.net/2014/12/20/adjacency-matrix-plots-with-r-and-ggplot2.html

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Part 4 - Analyzing visualizations



In 2-3 paragraphs, critically analyze this visualization in terms of marks and channels, including the use of categorical vs ordered attributes. Critique its effectiveness, and suggest at least one improvement.

alt tag Source:http://viz.wtf/post/137826497077/eye-popping-3d-triangles

answer goes here



In 2-3 paragraphs, critically analyze this visualization in terms of marks and channels, including the use of categorical vs ordered attributes. Critique its effectiveness, and suggest at least one improvement.

alt tag Source:http://viz.wtf/post/139002022202/designer-drugs-ht-ducqn

answer goes here