Final breakdown of course marks will depend on whether presentations are feasible; rough guidelines are
In many cases I'll be
bucket-sorting individual subcomponents of your grade based on on a scale
roughly following {great 100%, good 89%, ok 78%, poor 67%, zero 0%},
although the exact weighting may vary. Note that poor is not a passing
mark in a graduate class.
By 10am the morning of class (Tue), you must have posted your
comments to the Canvas discussion board. You must
submit one comment about each reading; a typical week will have
four readings. By 60 min before class (1pm Tue) you must submit at
Please do bring a laptop or tablet to class for use in the in-class
exercises, if possible. A smartphone with a camera is also helpful. If you don't have one, then bring a hardcopy
printout of your comments with you to class, so you can use them as a
springboard for discussion.
I expect you to attend class. If you must miss class you should
send me email with an explanation; this email should be in advance not
after the fact, unless the problem is illness or emergency. In this
case, you may send your questions to me via email, but you will only
be given credit if they arrive by usual time on the day of class.
Your submitted comments should be thoughtful, and clearly
show that you've done the reading and reflected on it. They may either
be phrased in the form of an observation or a question. If
you genuinely are confused by some aspect of the reading, then it's
useful and legitimate to ask for clarification. However, simply asking
something that you could trivially look up yourself is not a good
question. Neither are vague statements like "I liked it" or "I learned
a lot", or anything that you could write without having thought
carefully about the reading. As with any written work that you hand in, I expect correct
grammar and spelling. Do be concise: aim for between a few sentences
and a paragraph for each reading.
Below are examples of graded comments from a
Navigation/Zooming reading in a previous course, ranging from great to
Students must do the core readings before the lectures and are
expected to participate in class: with in-class exercises and group
work, project critiques, discussions about the
main readings, and discussions following student
presentations (if they happen this year). The in-class group work
(design exercises, project critiques) is mandatory, and is marked
on a pass/fail basis; if you participate and you're engaged, you will
pass. Your mark for the level of contribution to the class
discussion will depend on both your level of engagement (amount of participation) and the thoughtfulness of your
two ONE responses to a classmate's comments; you will be able to see
those comments only after you've posted your own. For marking I'll
start with pass/fail, I may fall back on explicit marking if I see
quality issues.
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