Vega is a visualization grammar that allows users to describe visualizations in JSON and render it using SVG or Canvas. Vega-lite is a higher-level language built on top of Vega that automates some constructions and makes the JSON specification significantly shorter. Vega-Lite gets automatically compiled into Vega before rendering.
Vega-Lite specifications describe visualizations as encoding mappings from data to properties of graphical marks (e.g., points or bars). The Vega-Lite compiler automatically produces visualization components including axes, legends, and scales. It determines default properties of these components based on a set of carefully designed rules. This approach allows Vega-Lite specifications to be concise for quick visualization authoring, while giving user control to override defaults and customize various parts of a visualization.
"$schema": "",
"data": {
"values": [
{"cat": "A", "value": 28}, {"cat": "B", "value": 55}, {"cat": "C", "value": 43},
{"cat": "D", "value": 91}, {"cat": "E", "value": 81}, {"cat": "F", "value": 53},
{"cat": "G", "value": 19}, {"cat": "H", "value": 87}, {"cat": "I", "value": 52}
"width": 750,
"height": 300,
"mark": "bar",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "cat", "type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0}},
"y": {"field": "value", "type": "quantitative"}
Other visualization libraries in JavaScript are, for example, D3, Highcharts, ECharts, FusionCharts, and react-vis.
Tools based on Vega-lite: Altair (Python), Vega-lite for Julia, Vega-lite for R, and Vega-lite for Rust
Vega and Vega-lite are results of research projects by the UW Interactive Data Lab.