CPSC 533C Project Proposal 3
Exploratory Browsing in Music Space
by Heidi Lam (hllam@cs.ubc.ca)
The motivation behind the proposed project is to investigate how the interface can support fuzzy information seeking behaviour. In general, information seeking behaviour can be classified based on the amount of information the user has regarding the nature of the target and its location:
Specified Target | Uncertain Target | |
Specified Location |
Navigation if a map of the space is present; Redundent encoding (target and location) to evaluteif the target is found |
Navigation if a map of the space is present; Single encoding (location) to evalute if the target is found |
Uncertain Location | Search/find with static evaluation (i.e., looking for something defined) |
Browsing with potentially dynanmic evaluation (i.e., target is ill-defined, and its properties may change/be refined along the process). |
Table 1. Matrix of information seeking behaviours. By "uncertain", I am referring to cases where the user may have some ideas about the target/location, but these ideas are not specific/fixed.
Based on the nomaclecture described in Table 1, current search tools (e.g. the file search tools provided by the Windows OS) are mostly designed for "search" and "find" activities, and structured visualizations of the entire space (e.g., the hierachical file Explorer) target navigation. To some degree, search engines (e.g., Google search) supports browsing behaviour, but the support is suboptimal.
Not surprisingly, the goals and natures of these information seeking tasks differ. For tasks that at least one of target or location is specified, users' goal is to obtain the target as quickly and as directly as possible. In short, the process is not important to the user; the goal is. In these cases, the system should provide the best algorithm to find information that matches the input search terms, and rank them in a meaningful order. For the display, the main purpose is to display these results in order, in enough detail to allow the user to effectively evaluate the search results before viewing the entire piece of information, and in a spatially compact manner to allow scanning. For example, Google displays search results as a list ordered by relevance, and for each results, lines of text where the search terms are found within the document are included provide context for the user to evaluate the relevance of the obtained web page. In the ideal situation, the user would be able to find the target in the first few retrieved results, and the goal of the seeking task is accomplished.
Even given a perfect retrieval algorithm, the effectiveness of these kind of tools hinges on at least three factors: the user's ability to summarize their targets as search terms, their ability to convert those terms into a valid boolean expression, and the ability for the display to provide enough context for evaluation. Extracting search terms is arguably easier for if the target/location is specified, but would be much more difficult in the case of browsing. Also, it is known that most users have difficulty converting their search ideas into correct boolean expressions, partly because the way we use "and", and "or" in natural language differs from that in logic statements. As for the display, while it may be easier to provide enough context for evaluation for text-based information, either with text, and/or the thumbnail of the documents, music information is more difficult to summarize.
For the task of browsing, the goal may not be just the target itself, but also the satisfaction derived out of the process of browsing ("getting there is part of the fun"). Also, since neither the target nor its location is specified and fixed, refining the query criteria becomes an important part of the process. In this case, not only the context of the individual information retrieved is required (for evaluation), its association with the rest of the retrieved results is important as well to give the user some idea as to where to go next in their browsing process. Such browsing experience is well-known to most of us. Imagine the situation where you walk into your favourite kind of store without knowing exactly what you want to buy. You may navigate first to your favourite area within the store (e.g., the Classical section of a music store), and look for your favourite composer (e.g., J.S. Bach). While browsing (e.g., going through the Bach collection linearly, or scanning the available collection), one of the records you come across may catch your attention (e.g., a jazzified version of Bach). At this point, you may wish to navigate to another part of the store based on what you have seen (e.g., the Jazz section).
This project is therefore an attempt to capture some of the essence of this
kind of browsing experience on a computer interface. The rest of the proposal
will provide further details for the domain (along with my personal experience
of the domain), the task, the dataset, the proposed info vis solution, and a
scenario of use illustrated with two initial design prototypes. The proposal
will conclude with a time-line.
This project is in the domain of browsing among music files for entertainment purposes. There are two aspects of the domain: visualization in information retrieval, and music files. An important part of the information retrieval systems is the algorithm to select and rank search results. This is not the focus of the current project, and will only be briefly mentioned in the "Dataset" section.In terms of visualization, most of the efforts are invested in text-based documents. Some researches focus on visualizing the entire information space (e.g., InfoSky [Kienreich et al, 2002]). Since this is not the nature of my proposed task, I will focus on approaches that views a subset of the information space based on user input query terms. Within this area, there are systems that combine searches from different sources (i.e. meta-searches, e.g., MetaCrystal [Spoerri, 2004]). This is potentially relevant to the current task, but not directly pertainent in my proposed domain and will not be further discussed in this proposal.
For query-criteria based from a single data source, there are four basic approahes to visualizing the retrieved results:
(1) Spatial: Retrieved results are clusters into grouped based on keywords, and displayed spatially. Some displays delineate the relationships between these keywords (e.g., as a Venn diagram in InfoCrystal [Spoerri, 1993], Cougar [Hearst, 1994] and VQuery [Jones, 1998], a modified Venn diagram in Cluster Map [Fluit et al., 2003]), while some only present the clusters (e.g., Lighthouse with clusters and linear list with page names [Leuski & Allan, 2000]; VISER for images [Uptill, 2000]; BEAD on a 3D terrain [Chalmer, 1993], and MusicPlasma). Some displays multiple query results spatially (e.g., Sparkler [Havre et al., 2001]).
(2) List: Retrieved results are displayed as a linear list. This is the 1D case of spatial displays. Stuff I've Seen presents results in a manner similar to Google, and clustered by dates of the documents [Dumais, 2003]. VIEWER [Berenci, 1999] augments the linear list with distribution of query terms among the retrieved data.
(3) Temporal: Retrieved results in the context of timelines. For example, Milestones in Time provides personal events as landmarks on the time line for the retrieved results [Ringel, 2003].
(4) Integrated: Multi-view with combinations of the above approaches. For example, InfoSpace provides both spatial and temproal views [Ravasio, 2003].
To my knownledge, there are very few visualization systems that explicitly support refinement of queries with new query terms. There are, however, systems that support dynamic queries, where the values of existing query terms can be modified interactively, and the system provides immediate feedback (e.g., HomeFinder and FilmFinder [Ahlberg & Shneiderman, 1994]).
In terms of music files, they differ from text-based files in the sense that it is difficult to compactly summarize their content. While the "list" approach may be able to provide enough context for the user to evaluate the search results in cases of text-based information, this may not be the case in music files. It is possible to summarized music by a number of tags: composer, title, performer(s), instrument (including vocal), and genre. To further characterize the music, Eric Brochu at UBC dervied a system that can automatically assign labels (e.g., "agressive", "bittersweet") (more details in the "Dataset" section).
In terms of experience, I am currently a student in information visualization coming from a background of human-computer interaction. For the musical aspects, I have training in classical piano (Performer's Licentiate from Royal School of Music, UK), played ensembles with students from the School of Music at UBC, and a life-long passion with music in the Classical and Jazz genres. I have on-and-off follow the Hong Kong/Taiwan pop-music culture, and recently, rap music.Task
A typical task for the tool is to select a piece of music for entertainment. The user may only have a fuzzy idea about the music he is seeking, and can vaguely conceptualized with words like "celebratory", "soothing" or "cheerful", or by genre like "Jazz" or "Rock". The user will wish to explore the space to better conceptualize his target piece of music and to help pin-point his search goals.
Here are some estimations of the dimension of the display.
Based on 2697 searches on online documents performed by participants
in their user study, [Hertzum& Frøkjær, 1996] found that 97%
of the free-style logical queries could be represented by a 3-term Venn diagram.
They concluded that limitation of a 3-term Venn would be of marginal importance.
Despite multimedia browsing being different from text searching, my initial
design allows up to three input terms per query, since with less specific targets,
users will more likely to have less instead of more input terms. As for the
total number of queries per task, the same study found that the number of queries
required to finish search tasks was 7.4 using logical statements, to 9.4 using
Venn diagrams on average. The average number of threads (queries without shared
keywords) in logical queries was found to be 2.5, and 1.5 using the Venn diagrams.
This, on the other hand, will unlikely hold in the browsing scenario with a
less defined target. From my experience, such behaviour is more likely to be
limited by the quality of the retrieved results (or to carry on with our music
store example, how much I like the collection), and by available time. Nonetheless,
I expect the number of queries per thread would be at most 10, since if the
retrieved results are interesting, the users would likely perform more local
browsing; if not, they would mostly likely terminate the query.
The MP3 database created by Eric Brochu taken from www.allmusic.com, and is currently on the BETA web server. It consists of 8556 mp3 files extracted from 714 albums by 315 different artists. The main genres represented in the database are rock/pop and electronica. The music are also labelled with English terms (see Appendix A of Brochu's master thesis). Information about the music is stored in ASCII files. Here is one sample:
ALB Fever to Tell
ART Yeah Yeah Yeahs
REL Apr 29, 2003
GEN Rock
STY Indie Rock, Garage Punk
TON Cathartic, Exuberant, Boisterous, Passionate, Brittle
PAT /cs/beta/SCRATCH/music/mp3library/Yeah Yeah Yeahs/Fever to Tell
ALB is the album,
ART is the artist,
REL is the release date,
GEN is the genre,
STY is the style,
TON is the tone and
PAT is the path on the server computer.
For the project, ART, GEN, STY and TON will be treated as potential query terms. Further clustering of retrieved results will be based on ART, STY, and GEN (see "Scenario of use" for more details).
[For some reason, the Title of the song is missing. I am consulting with Eric about these details, and he will unlikely reply by the deadline of this proposal. Basically, I should have access to these ASCII files. I am also under the impression that the same files can be obtained from allmusic.com (or allclassical.com for this Classical geek)]
Proposed infovis solution
Based on the aboved discussion, the proposed solution should support,
(1) Browsing within the retrieved results in the context of query terms so as to direct users to the specific area of interest;
(2) Guided navigation in retrieved results based on query terms;
(3) Refinement of query based on retrieved results;
To achieve these goals, the proposed visualization provides spatial maps of retrieved results clustered by the query terms in the style of Venn diagrams. This allows users to browse within each section in the context of the query terms (similar to signs inside the stores). Understanding the structure of the retrieved results is not the main goal for displaying them in a Venn diagram. It is chosen to display retreived results for two reasons. First, similar results are clustered together in all possible combinations. Results within each region is therefore as "homogeneous" as possible. Second, since neighours of subregions are all related to the subregions, going from one subregion to another does not involve an "abrupt" change of information attribute. In short, continuous navigation based on the Venn diagram will be "smooth" conceptually.
To explicity support query refinement based on retrieved results, attributes (or keywords) of each retrieved result that are not used in the current query should be shown, and be potentailly used as new query terms. To continue with the music store example, this is analogous to seeing a Jazzified version of Bach, and wishing to explore the Jazz section of the store. Each new query will create another map based on the new query term and the old associated terms. Creating a new map not only explicitly depicts the departure from the old query (e.g., leaving the Classical section), but allow allow for better orientation in the visualization, since once created, the topology of the query maps does not change. These queries can be linked together by their common search times, both to provide context of the the new query, and to a trail of evolution of these queries.
More details of the initial prototypes will be discussed with a scenario.
A scenario of use
It is the end of a very long day. The user wishes to listen to a piece of music that can help him relax and ease into the evening. He thus inputs three search terms into the system: "soothing", "peaceful" and "meditative". The system displays the search results as follows:
NOTE: The results retrieved should be unique--I just didn't have time to find enough CDs to fill up the space at this stage :-( |
Figure 1. Initial map: Design 1 Retrieved results are visually clustered based on the three search criteria in the format of a Venn diagram. Colour coding: Each main cluster of the Venn diagram is encoded by a primary colour (red, green and blue), and the subregions (e.g. union of "Soothing" and "Meditative") as the perceived addition of the two colour (e.g. with "Soothing" being green and "Meditative" being blue, the region indicating their union is aqua). The selection of primary colour is due to their distinctiveness. Perceptual layering: In order to emphasize the degree of relevance of the search results, and reduce visual cluttering, the technqiue of perceptual layering is used to create the illusion of layers. In the case of three search criteria, three layers are created:
Semantic Zooming: Information related to the piece of music (the title, the composer and the performers in the case of classical music) are displayed for each search result. The degree of detail displayed depends if the node is in focus or not. In the initial map, the most relevant area (i.e. where the three search criteria intersect) is the focus by default, and results belonging to this area is displayed in full detail. The next level of zooming only shows the composer and the title of the piece (i.e. the next most important pieces of information for classical music), and the at the lowest zoom level, only the composer is displayed. The lowest level is to display only the number of results in the subregion (see Figure 4 below, the "Soothing"+"J.S.Bach" subregion). Focus+Context: This technqiue is used to allow the user to explore details of the retrieved results that are not shown at the highest zoom level. As mentioned, there are four levels of zoom, and selection of a subregion of the Venn diagram will increase the level to the highest. Neigbouring subregion will decrement their zoom level (and the required area) to accommodate for the larger requirement of space caused by the change. The change in zoom levels will be animated (aside: since we do not know otherwise. It is "safer" to follow convention wisdom for now). For example, selection of the cluster "Soothing"+"Meditative" increases the zoom-level of its elements, and to accomodate this change, its immediate neighbour "Soothing"+"Meditative"+"Peaceful" decreases its zoom-level to "release" enough display space. In this case, only one other subregion is involved to recapture enough space. Otherwise, more subregions will be involved. In cases where all subregions are at the minimal zoom-level, and there still isn't enough space to display all the results in that region in full, then only some of the results can be enlarged, and the priority will be given to nodes closer to the centre of the cluster (i.e. a quasi fisheye within the cluster).
![]() |
Figure 2. Initial map: Design 2 The above design has the weakness of scalability: it is already encountering some problems when displaying 3-5 pieces of music in each subregion. This is partly because the design does not take into account the nature of music files that may help cluster the data within each subregion:
Given these characteristics of music, it is therefore possible to further cluster retrieved results within each subregion. In Figure 2, in the focused area, 3 of the 24 preludes by Chopin are retrieved, and can be "piled" up to conserve screen space. At a higher level of clustering, pieces by the same composer can be grouped (e.g., the three pieces by Rachmaninoff). The common words are highlighted to indicate the theme of the collection (e.g., "Chopin Prelude" and "Rachmaninoff"). Similar technique can be used even when there is only enough space to display the name of the composer (e.g., the piles of compositions by Mozart in the "Peaceful" subregion). As in the physical world, the height of the pile indicates the number of results in that cluster. Another problem with design 1 is the display space usage. Since text is rectangular, displaying text in non-rectangular containers is wasteful in terms of space usage. In this case, since the texts are further contained in boxes, using non-rectangular designs leads to more unusable space. In view of this difficulty, design 2 modified the circular Venn digram into a rectangular shape. As a result, the main regions are no longer simple shapes (e.g., circle or squares). Admittedly, this makes it more difficult to understand the structure of the digram (e.g., where is the boundary of the "Meditative" cluster?). However, as mentioned before, since conveying the structure is not the main aim of the map, the benefits of using a rectangular display may be an adequate tradeoff. (Due to the length of this proposal, the rest of the design sketches use the rectangular form. I have drawn the corresponding circular models as well.) |
Figures 3. Selection of a piece
of music
User can select any pieces on the display by clicking on the description to show additional keywords of the music that are not part of the query map to which the music . These new keywords are then potential query terms for a new query. For example, in this figure, the music with the label "J.S. Bach Cello Suite No. 1 in C Casals (Cello)" is highlighted with a perceptually salient border, and three other related keywords ("Sober", "J.S. Bach" and "Cello") are displayed. Double clicking the target will play the music. |
Figures 4. New query After listening to J.S. Bach's Cello Suite No. 1, the user may wish to continue the "Bach experience" by exploring other music by Bach, but keeping with the general mood of the Cello Suite (i.e. soothing and meditative). This requires adding a new keyword to the query. To allow for fluid exploration, keywords of any displayed can be used to modify the current query, and a new map will be created. Since the query basically belong to the same thread as the original query (linked by a common piece of music), this relationship is encoded by a direct path between the two queries, with both ends of the path linked to the connecting piece of music. In the new query, this connecting node becomes the starting node, and is therefore placed at the focus of the new query map. In this example, the user selected "J.S. Bach" as the new query keyword in the context of "Soothing"+"Meditative. The "J.S. Bach Cello Suite No. 1 in C Casal (Cello)" becomes the centre node in the right cluster group, and is in focus. Since two of the terms in the new cluster groups are from the original cluster group, they share a number of nodes. However, based on the new criteria (i.e. "J.S. Bach", instead of "Peaceful"), some of the nodes now belong to different subregion in the new cluster group. To help the re-orientation, ordering and positioning of the nodes are preserved when possible. Also, to continue with the exploration metaphor, when the user continue with the direction of travel, he should find more and more music satisfying the new criteria, and less of the old. In this case, going towards the "J.S. Bach" label will reveal more "J.S. Bach", and less "Soothing"+"Meditative" results. Animation: I am thinking to use animation to convey the transistion in stages, to show:
Colour encoding with new queries : It is obvious that it will not be possible to encode each search criteria with a distinctive colour. In design 1, the three primary colours are reused. While such an encoding scheme is appropriate for shared search criteria among the queries (e.g., "meditative" and "soothing"), it is disturbingly misleading for different search criteria (e.g., "Peaceful" in query 1 and "J.S.Bach" in query 2). To avoid this effect, old query search criteria that are not resued will fade with each new additional query to minimalize the unwanted colour grouping effect. Eventually, the all the colour will fade away, leaving a grayscale display for old query criteria, and a more saturated trail based on common terms. Space allocation to queries: When the display runs out of viewable space, there two choices: first, allow the space to expand and treat the viewable space as a window to the entire display space (i.e. panning with a hole), or second, reduce the size of the elements on the space to make room. I propose to use the second approach for the prototype. When users have "moved-onto" new queries, the old queries should be less important, except for the reused query terms. Thus reducing the size of these old query results not only to free up space, but also to help focus user's attention to more relevant areas. This works in harmony with the "fading colour" idea mentioned above. |
Proposed implementation approach
The prototype will be implement using Java with the Eclipse IDE.
Nov 5: Proposal due
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Nov 5-Nov12 |
Nov 17: Project Update 1 |
| | |
Nov 13-19 Implement basic layout (Figure 1 or 2), and displaying and launching of selected individual element (Figure 3) |
Nov 22: Project Update 2 |
| | |
Nov 20-26 Implement semantic zooming, F+C with animation (going from Figure 1 to 3) |
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Nov 27-Dec 3 Implement new keyword query (spatial layout) (Figure 4) |
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Dec 4-10 Implement new keyword query (animation) (Figure 4) |
Dec 15: Final report and presentation |
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Dec 11-15 Preparation of report and presentation |
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