1. Project Authors:
Author Name:
1. Alam, Mohamed
2. Chita, Christian
3. Yu, Anthony
2. Description of domain,
task, dataset:
- Domain Description:
Over the last decade, the computing experience has changed for both
business and private users, mainly due to the advent of powerful, yet
affordable machines. In addition, a significant amount of data has
migrated from shelved hard copies to the World Wide Web, sparkling a
frenzy of Internet activity all over the world. Moreover, interpersonal
communication equally migrated in a significant proportion over the
web. As a consequence, always on, high speed internet connections have
become common in the western world households, and a pletora of service
providers has flourished to answers the new, Internet-related needs of
the population.
One such need is Internet Telephony. Unfortunately, it is an emerging
technology and has a number of
technological and evolutionary issues. The technological issues are
mainly because the Internet was not designed for real time traffic such
as voice and video. However, the benefits of using IP as a generic
platform for both data
and real time applications are compelling enough to encourage
resolution of these issues [1].
One of the main reasons behind the security problems affecting today's
online services resides in the fact that interdomain routing protocol
BGP was designed at a time when the Internet was nowhere near its
present complexity. In addition, since BGP is a TCP/IP protocol, it is
subject to all vulnerabilities characteristic to TCP/IP [2].
Testing for the various vulnerabilities affecting a given networking
protocol has gained thus outmost importance in recent days, and given
the complexity of today's systems, the number of test cases to be run
by any given test suite easily reaches an 10^3 order of magnitude.
- Task Description:
Professionals working in the computer networks field need to test the
various protocols for both conformance (to accepted industry standards)
and vulnerability (to the most common/obvious threats, and beyond).
Using an automated tool, the developer will submit a given networking
protocol to a series of test operations, and observe the outcome. For
those cases where one or more test cases fail, the developer needs to
be able to extract conclusions of the following nature:
- are all, or a majority of the failed test cases concentrated
in one particular phase of the protocol?
- are all, or a majority of the failed test cases trivial, or
do they belong to a high priority equivalence class?
- are all, or a majority of the failed test cases in one branch
the testing tree in any way related to those in some other branch of
the tree?
- how far along each branch was the test suite allowed to
progress, before the occurrence of the first major failed case?
- the usual how-many-of-each stats
The problem with the current human interface of the available test
suites is that they easily afford only the latter type of inference, as
the screen shot bellow shows. The tester needs to perform significant
additional steps to answer (i)-(iv) type questions.
- Dataset Description:
Significant inroads have been made in automating the networking
protocols' testing task, and the H.248
test suite is an industry wide accepted tool. It is based on the
Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN), defined by the International
Standard Organization and International Electrotechnical Commission,
and it is composed of a collection of various test cases together with
the declarations and components it needs. H.248 is a Conformance test suite for
the Voice over IP (VoIP) protocol. The main component of the test file
can be examined here, or glimpsed at by clicking
on the thumbnail bellow. In addition, for a human readable version of
the file, please follow this
Given that the creation of a
comprehensive vulnerability test suite is a work in progress for
the CPSC 527 project work, we will be using the H.248
test suite (current industry standard) as input for the CPSC533 course
project. We expect the transition to the newly created test suite to be
uneventful, as both test suites will be following the TTCN language
specifications. In addition, the clients for our tool would welcome the
visualization of the conformance test suite as well.
3. Personal Expertise:
All three authors of the project have an interest in networks and
protocols, and have taken courses in this area at the undergraduate
level, but are not familiar with the (vulnerability) test suites and
their use. Furthermore, the authors have no background in computer
graphics or information visualization. They have done intensive
(paper reading/analysis) on the topics outlined above only after
registration in the {CPSC533/CPSC527} classes.
In addition, one group member has taken HCI courses at both
undergraduate and graduate levels, and has worked on a few
projects involving computer/human interfaces and usability testing.
As well, a third member of our group has working experience (8 months)
with building a GUI in the Java programming language.
4. Proposed InfoViz solution:
Our suggested visualization of the test suite's structure
results is based on the Matryoshka dolls principle (more about the
dolls here).
In particular, we propose using a series of recursively defined virtual shoe boxes,
each holding one level of depth in the test suite.
The boxes will have their cover removed, thus exposing their contents
to the user. Furthermore, the boxes will see their physical size
change, according to the following schema:
- before the test suite is ran, the tool will only show the suite's
structure, and as such, all groups and test cases are equal citizens,
and will benefit from the same amount of screen space.
- once the test suite has finished running, the results will
determine the
size of each container box. For example, a group with numerous failed
test cases will be drawn significantly larger than a group with only a
couple of failed test cases, even if both groups are otherwise located
at the same depth in the test suite's inner structure. Furthermore,
this increase in size will be percolated through the groups' hierarchy
until the highest level is reached.
- the extra pixels required for this magnified representation will
be substracted from the ones dedicated to other groups with few
and/or unimportant failed cases -- which will consequently be drawn
smaller than in the a priori view.
For a Wizard of Oz prototype, download the
following zip archive (it contains a
VB executable and a README file, and was used to obtain the screen
shots bellow. Linux boxes need not apply :-) ).
5. Scenario of Use:
Bob is a new UBC graduate just hired by the prestigious CRESCO
Networks & Co networking equipment company. The company is heavily
involved in producing the hardware required by the various
North-American high-speed networks, and also produces the software
required to run the resulting systems. Furthermore, the company is
currently heavily involved in developing a new protocol for the next
big thing in American digital communication: Voice over IP (VoIP).
In his entry level job, Bob is required to test prototype
network-segments implementing the new VoIP protocol for the various
vulnerabilities inferred by the senior (vulnerability testing)
developing team. In particular, while the senior team is busy
developing a novel, all encompassing VoIP vulnerability Test Suite,
Bob must run an existing test suite (H.248), so that the team
developing the actual networking protocol can progress as well.
In particular, today, Bob's manager (Martin, a guy known to be stiff on
deadlines) asked Bob to test the latest VoIP
protocol version (with the H.248 Test Suite) and to produce the
following results by 4:00 PM:
- What is the group with the larger, and what is the group with the
smaller number of test cases.
- What is the group with the larger,
and what is the group with the smaller number of failed/inconclusive/passed test
- Given that the H.248 Test Suite has two main branches, how
balanced is the resulting tree? (i.e. in percentage points, what is the
ratio of the failed/passed test cases for the two branches?)
- For all inconclusive test cases in the MG group, find out the
ratio of Failed VS
Passed test events (a test event is the atomic component of a test
case; several test events compose a test case. A test case is
inconclusive when some test events pass, and some fail).
- What is the trouble area of the VoIP protocol, if any? (i.e. is
a specific concentration of failed cases in some specific group, or
adjacent groups of a branch?)
The following table describes how, by using our tool, Bob will
produce the requested
results by 3:00 PM, thus impressing his manager as the guy who can
Note: to conform with reality, we remind the reader that
H.248 is a conformance test suite
(not a vulnerability one). It will be used as input for our project,
until a vulnerability suite becomes available. Moreover, though the
above is a hypothetical example, our tool is supposed to handle both
types of test suites, and afford the same operations.
To answer
question (i), Bob needs to upload the test suite by clicking
on the "Load Test Suite" button (LHS figure), and visually inspect the
various groups shown in the resulting view (RHS figure), while using
Stats window to solve any ambiguities (the Stats window updates itself
with the stats of whatever container happens to be in full view. We are
not sure yet what the "Show Stats" button would do). Zooming is
explained further in the next row.
Of course, my screen shots have an equal number of Test Cases in each
group; this is not the case with the real test file, as can be observed
from the link provided in the Dataset
Description section of this document.
ii, v
To answer
question (ii), Bob needs to ran the specific (i.e. H.248) test file by
clicking on the "Run Tests" button (LHS figure), and observe the
graphical output of the test (RHS figure). Bob will easily solve any
ambiguities, by zooming, in turn, on the k groups best candidates to hold
the greater/smaller number of failed test cases. The Stats window will
provide the exact numbers. For example, let us suppose that there are
two groups (in the RHS Figure) that appear to hold the greater/smaller
number of failed test cases. Bob will double click on their title bars,
thus zooming in and bringing each one in full view, and will examine
the rows of interest in the Stats window (Zooming is shown in the
screen shot next row, and can be performed at any level).
Question (v) can be answered by visual inspection of the RHS Figure
only, and perhaps a few zooming actions; something not possible with
the current tools.
(iii) can be answered with only two double clicks motions using our
tool: First, Bob will double click on the title bar of the LHS group
(labeled MG in the test file), and the Stats window will provided the
sought after partial result. A similar zooming on the RHS group
(labeled MGC in the test file), will provide the equivalent result. Bob
only have to compute the ratio. |
(iv) can be answered by double clicking on all Inconclusive test cases
of interest, and examining the corresponding TTCN table.
A proxy of this particular action can be performed by the current tools
as well; our implementation stands out by affording full maintenance of
the hierarchy context while performing it. That is, the
user never looses track of what groups the examined test cases belong
to, and who are the neighboring groups. This context is not as easy to
maintain and remember with current tools, which are using a
scroll-through-a-list interaction metaphor.
6. Proposed Implementation Approach:
We intend to use Java 2D for
the backbone of our project, and Jazz
as the zooming tool kit for
implementation. Should this fail, our other options are piccolo and the zvtm/zgr
7. Milestones:
Viz of Test Suite Structure |
Viz of ran Test Suite,
with appropriate color coding (Pass/Fail/Incomplete) |
Previous, by implementing
varying box sizes according to
{important/numerous} failed test cases criteria |
all of the above
but with run time functionality
(i.e. modify view as test progresses) |
VizTool variant where up to 4 different products are tested with the
same Test Suite, and combined output is presented to user
[March 01, 2004]
[April 15, 2004]
8. References:
[2] http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-idr-bgp-vuln-00.txt
[3] http://www.packetizer.com/iptel/h248/