Exploring InfoVis Publication History with Tulip
Contest webpage: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~tmm/papers/contest04
We pick a single author to investigate, in this case George Robertson. First, we interactively select that node by hitting Control-F for the find panel, choosing the {\it titleshort} property, the {\it =} filter, and the regular expression {\it G.*Rob.*}. We then quickly check to see how he is connected to the entire graph by temporarily moving that node away from the others to see roughly how many edges are attached to it, in the first picture.
We then select the menu item Property->Selection->ReachableSubGraph, type 1 for the depth into the popup panel and 0 for the direction of the edges (outgoing). We then select the menu item Edit->New subgraph to save this selection for further manipulation, naming it GR.1hop.outgoing. We then select this new subgraph in the hierarchy window, and lay out this subgraph using using a hierarchical drawing algorithm. We can see simply from the drawing which papers were published first, as they are cited by the later ones. The result is shown in the second picture: Robertson has published 11 papers in this database. The coloring by the number of citations shows that Cone Trees is his most influential work. When we consider how Robertson fits into the topics described above in Task 2.4 above, it is clear that he is one of the most central contributors to the Focus+Context topics.
Finally, we select all papers by hitting Control-F for the find panel, choosing the {\it type} property, the {\it =} filter, and the value 0 for papers. We explicitly add Robertson to the selection using the ViewSelection property, and save this whole set to a new subgraph that we name GRCite. We then select the Robertson node again as above, use the Property->Selection->ReachableSubGraph, pick a depth of 2 to find all papers that cite a paper written by Robertson, and save the resulting subgraph using the Edit->New subgraph menu. The final image shows the result of using the Property->Layout->Hierarchical Graph layout. property.
We use the same dataset as before as a base, but use a plugin to add
coauthorship links between authors. The first picture shows that as
before, we select Robertson and move that node away from the main
dataset. This time, we can see more links. The second picture shows
the reachable subgraph that is 1 hop away from this node, and it is
considerably bigger than before. We again save that subgraph so that
we can apply different layouts to it. The third picture shows a
hierarchical layout, and we see not only Robertson's papers but also
his coauthors. The hierarchical layout automatically places the
coauthors near the top, and the papers near the bottom, again with the
ability to quickly see the rough order in which the papers were
written. The fourth picture shows the usual force-directed layout that
we have been using in most images, and it is easier to see
coauthorship clusters in this view.
In the second row, we zoom in to roughly the same section and view three colorings: the author/green and conference/blue; the Strahler coloring showing that van Wijk and Chuah are very important in the branching structure of the graph; and a blue to red colomap (where blue is low, red is high) with a "prolificness" metric that shows the number of InfoVis papers published. In this case, we see many high ranking people, including the previous two and also Chi, Hetzler, and Keahey. Although the label is not visible in the snapshot, the bright red box near the bottom of the image is Roth. Notice that Mackinlay and Shneiderman are not highly ranked by this local metric.
Although we experimented with creating separate graphs for paper coauthoring and paper cocitation, we found the combined graph to be much more useful.
This sequence from 1986 to 1994 shows that SIGGRAPH and SIGCHI were
the main conferences where infovis-related papers were published
before the InfoVis Symposium was established. A cluster of theory
venues, such as TOCS, finally joins up with the main connected
component in 1994.
We were intrigued by the dramatic transition that was visually
apparent in the year 1997 when we saw the InfoVis papers evolving over
time in Task 2.3.3. We investigated further with standard charting
tools to understand this phenomenon, and saw that when we consider the
entire author-paper-conference dataset used for Pre-InfoVis Conference Evolution that 1997 is
indeed where the normalized curves for number of connected components
and the number of nodes cross.
Many of our answers span tasks 2 and 3: showing some combination of topics, the relationship between authors and topics, and the relationship between authors and authors, and the evolution of all these aspects over time.
We use rainbow colormaps as a quick shortcut for true segmented colormap: we are usually interested in the high ranking part of the dataset where the reds and pinks and blues are clearly distinguishable, and less interested in the more uniform yellow-green region at the low end of the ramp.