With June a week away, the start of true summer is upon us. A few people in the department have been walking around telling everyone that they're going to be a degenerate this summer. If you're like me, you have no idea what these dozens of people are talking about. I sat around as I heard person after person tell me they were going to have a degenerate summer. I just sat there. I laughed. I pretended to be part of the joke. I googled what a degenerate was. I got confused. I cried. A lot. I just have no idea what they're talking about and it scares me. But eventually I said "hey I'm a researcher. I can figure this out." I wiped my eyes free of the tears and started to solve this problem. I think I finally understand what everyone keeps meaning when they tell me that they're having a degenerate summer and that I should have one too. Join me as I present my taxonomy of degeneracy.