CPSC 590: Research Presentation
You will be giving a presentation on the topic of your research proposal.
This presentation should have both breadth and depth. In terms of breadth,
it should give an overview of the area of the research proposal, motivate
why it is important, and give an overview of unsolved problems and existing
approaches to the problem. In terms of depth, some of the existing work
in this area should be discussed in some detail. The talk should not describe
details such as the budget for your proposed research project, but it should
point to key open problems and possible lines of attack for these problems.
The presentation should be 20 minutes in length.
You can assume that your audience is not a specialist in your area of
computer science, but that they have the knowledge of a typical computer
science graduate student. Your goal of the talk is to have the audience
learn something about the area in question and for them to understand where your
proposed research fits with respect to existing work in this area.
You can assume the availability of an LCD projector and laptop
for the presentations, although you will be expected to mail
the presentation to the laptop owner the day prior to your
- Fri Nov 14: lecture on "Giving Technical Presentations" (Jason Harrison)
- Mon Nov 17: presentations
- Fri Nov 21: presentations
- Mon Nov 24: presentations
- Fri Nov 28: presentations
Each presentation will be critiqued by your fellow colleagues and
a faculty member.