GD 2020 Accepted Papers
János Barát and Geza Toth. Improvement on the crossing number of crossing-critical graphs Vincenzo Perri and Ingo Scholtes. HOTVis: Higher-Order Time-Aware Visualisation of Dynamic Graphs Janos Pach, Gabor Tardos and Geza Toth. Crossings between non-homotopic edges
Deepak Rajendraprasad and Sreejith K Pallathumadam. Characterization and a 2D Visualization of B0-VPG Cocomparability Graphs Oswin Aichholzer, Michael Hoffmann, Johannes Obenaus, Rosna Paul, Daniel Perz, Nadja Seiferth, Birgit Vogtenhuber and Alexandra Weinberger. Plane Spanning Trees in Edge-Colored Simple Drawings of $K_n$ Michael Hoffmann, Chih-Hung Liu, Meghana M Reddy and Csaba Toth. Simple Topological Drawings of k-Planar Graphs Julian Walter, Johannes Zink, Joachim Baumeister and Alexander Wolff. Layered Drawing of Undirected Graphs with Generalized Port Constraints Timothy M. Chan and Zhengcheng Huang. Improved Upper and Lower Bounds for LR Drawings of Binary Trees Laura Merker and Torsten Ueckerdt. The Local Queue Number of Graphs with Bounded Treewidth Amyra Meidiana, Seok-Hee Hong and Peter Eades. New Quality Metrics for Dynamic Graph Drawing
Jonathan Klawitter and Peter Stumpf. Drawing Tree-Based Phylogenetic Networks with Minimum Number of Crossings
Jonathan Rollin, Alexander Pilz, Lena Schlipf and André Schulz. Augmenting Geometric Graphs with Matchings Katharina Börsig, Ulrik Brandes and Barna Pasztor. Stochastic Gradient Descent Works Really Well for Stress Minimization Fabrizio Frati. Planar Rectilinear Drawings of Outerplanar Graphs in Linear Time Patrizio Angelini, Giordano Da Lozzo, Henry Förster and Thomas Schneck. 2-Layer k-Planar Graphs: Density, Crossing Lemma, Relationships, and Pathwidth
Benjamin Niedermann and Ignaz Rutter. An Integer-Linear Program for Bend-Minimization in Ortho-Radial Drawings Jawaherul Md. Alam, Michael Bekos, Martin Gronemann, Michael Kaufmann and Sergey Pupyrev. Lazy Queue Layouts of Posets Stefan Felsner, Michael Hoffmann, Kristin Knorr and Irene Parada. On the Maximum Number of Crossings in Star-Simple Drawings of K_n with No Empty Lens David Baum. Exploring Design Space of Aesthetics with Repertory Grids