Generals Charge
This is the charge I for my generals examination, established on
approximately 13 June 1999. The charge is effectively the question or
challenge you respond to in your generals examination. In general, it
defines the sub-discipline of interest, a body of literature to work
from, and an approach to take in synthesizing these. In response to
my charge, I wrote my generals
paper and gave my generals
presentation (for the examination itself).
Paper [4] presents CPlan, a powerful planning engine
based on compilation to constraint satisfaction; however, the system
relies on properties and heuristics encoded by hand. The other three
papers address problem reformulation using abstraction,
simplification, and static analysis. Do these papers suggest a way to
automate the CPlan framework? Does the work on reformulation suggest
more effective or general encodings for STRIPS planning problems?
Previous STRIPS compilers generate a separate encoding for each plan
length considered, increasing the number of steps until a plan is
found; do reformulation techniques suggest an alternative to this
method? What other domain knowledge might these techniques be able to
Primary Papers
- Christensen, Jens. "A Hierarchical Planner that Generates its Own
Hierarchies". In Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, pages 1004-1009, Boston, MA, 1990.
- Crawford, James and Ginsberg, Matthew and Luks, Eugene and Roy,
Amitabha. "Symmetry-Breaking Predicates for Search Problems". In
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Principles of
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Morgan Kaufman, pages 148-159,
San Francisco, CA, 1996.
- Fox, M. and Long, D. "The Automatic Inference of State Invariants
in TIM". In Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 1998, Volume
9, pages 367-421.
- Van Beek, Peter and Chen, Xinguang. "CPlan: A Constraint
Programming Approach to Planning". To appear AAAI-99.
Steve Wolfman
15 August 2003