Xin Huang

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Postdoctoral Fellow

Data Management and Mining Lab
Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia
2366 Main Mall, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T1Z4

Email: xin0 (at)


I am currently a postdoctoral fellow of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia(UBC), under the supervision of Prof. Laks V.S. Lakshmanan. Before that, I received the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management(SEEM) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK) under the supervision of Prof. Hong Cheng and Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu in 2014, and the bachelor degree from Department of Computer Science in Xiamen University(XMU) of China in 2010.

Research Interests

My research interests span the broad area of graph related problems with particular focus on graph clustering, graph pattern mining, social network analysis and massive graph data management. The tag-cloud of my paper abstracts also describes my research interests.

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Selected Publications

  1. Qiankun Zhu, Hong Cheng, and Xin Huang, “I/O Efficient Algorithms for Top-K Nearest Keyword Search in Massive Graphs”, The VLDB Journal (VLDBJ), 2017.

  2. Xin Huang and Laks V.S. Lakshmanan, “Attribute-Driven Community Search”, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (VLDB’17), 2017.

  3. Xin Huang, Laks V.S. Lakshmanan, and Jianliang Xu, “Community Search over Big Graphs: Models, Algorithms, and Opportunities”, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’17), 2017.

  4. Zheng Dong, Jianquan Liu, Rong-Hua Li, Cigdem Aslay, Yi-Cheng Chen, and Xin Huang, “Querying Intimate-Core Groups in Weighted Graphs”, IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC’17), 2017. (Best Student Paper)

  5. Xin Huang, Wei Lu, and Laks V.S. Lakshmanan, “Truss Decomposition of Probabilistic Graphs: Semantics and Algorithms”, Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD’16), 2016.

  6. Xin Huang, Laks V.S. Lakshmanan, Jeffrey Xu Yu, and Hong Cheng, “Approximate Closest Community Search in Networks”, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (VLDB’16), 9(4): 276-287, 2016.

  7. Xin Huang, Hong Cheng, and Jeffrey Xu Yu, “Attributed Community Analysis: Global and Ego-centric Views”, IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 39(3): 29-40, 2016.

  8. Xin Huang, Hong Cheng, Rong-Hua Li, Lu Qin, and Jeffrey Xu Yu, “Top-K Structural Diversity Search in Large Networks”, The VLDB Journal (VLDBJ), Vol. 24, Issue 3, pages 319-343, 2015.

  9. Xin Huang, Hong Cheng, and Jeffrey Xu Yu, “Dense community detection in multi-valued attributed networks”, Information Sciences, Vol. 314, pages 77-99, 2015.

  10. Xin Huang, Hong Cheng, Lu Qin, Wentao Tian, and Jeffrey Xu Yu, “Querying K-Truss Community in Large and Dynamic Graphs”, Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD’14), 2014.

  11. Rong-hua Li, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Xin Huang, and Hong Cheng, “Random-walk Domination in Large Graphs”, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’14), 2014.

  12. Rong-Hua Li, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Xin Huang, Hong Cheng, and Zechao Shang, “Measuring the impact of MVC attack in large complex networks”, Information Sciences, Vol. 278, pages 685-702, 2014.

  13. Xin Huang, Hong Cheng, Rong-Hua Li, Lu Qin, and Jeffrey Xu Yu, “Top-K Structural Diversity Search in Large Networks”, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (VLDB’13), 6(13):1618-1629, 2013.

  14. Hong Cheng, Yang Zhou, Xin Huang, and Jeffrey Xu Yu, “Clustering Large Attributed Information Networks: An Efficient Incremental Computing Approach”, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD), Vol. 25, Issue 3, pages 450-477, 2012.

  15. Rong-Hua Li, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Xin Huang, Hong Cheng, and Zechao Shang, “Measuring Robustness of Complex Networks under MVC Attack”, Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’12), 2012.

  16. Xin Huang, Hong Cheng, Jiong Yang, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Hongliang Fei, and Jun Huan, “Semi-Supervised Clustering of Graph Objects: A Subgraph Mining Approach”, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA’12), 2012.

  17. Rong-Hua Li, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Xin Huang, and Hong Cheng, “Robust Reputation-Based Ranking on Bipartite Rating Networks”, Proceedings of the 2012 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM’12), 2012.

Professional Service

Teaching Assistant


Honors and Awards
