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NOTE: Publications listed pertain to algorithms
and/or bioinformatics
THESES, Nov 2008 - March 2010
Mirela Andronescu
"Computational approaches for RNA energy parameter estimation",
November 2008.
Alireza Khodabakhsi
"The structure approximating inverse protein folding in 2D and 3D HPC models",
December 2008.
Articles in Refereed
November 2008 to March 2010
W. Li, B. Ma, K. Zhang.
"Amino Acid Classification and Hash Seeds for Homology Search".
BICoB 2009: 44-51.
P. Dao, A. Schonhuth, F.. Hormozdiari, I. Hajirasouliha,
S. C. Sahinalp, M. Ester.
"Quantifying systemic evolutionary changes by color coding
confidence-sored PPI networks".
The 9th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, 2009.
R. Salari, R. Backofen, and S. C. Sahinalp.
"Fast prediction of RNA-RNA interaction."
Journal of Algorithms for Molecular Biology 2009.
H. Chitsaz, R. Backofen, S. C. Sahinalp.
"biRNA: Fast RNA-RNA Binding Sites Prediction".
The 9th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, 2009.
P. Dao, F. Hormozdiari, H. Jowhari, K. Byler, A. Cherkasov,
S. C. Sahinalp.
Improved Small Molecule Activity Determination via Centroid Nearest Neighbor
s Classification
The 8th Annual Conference on Computational Systems Bioinformatics, 2009.
H. Chitsaz, R. Salari, S. C. Sahinalp, R. Backofen.
"A Partition Function Algorithm for Interacting Nucleic Acid Strands".
Bioinformatics 25(12):i365-i373.
F. Hormozdiari, C. Alkan, E. Eichler and S. C. Sahinalp.
"Combinatorial Algorithms for Structural Variation Detection in High Throughput Sequenced Genomes".
Genome Research, Jul, 19(7):1270-8, 2009.
R. Colak, F. Hormozdiari, F. Moser, A.
Schonhuth, J. Holman, M. Ester and S. C. Sahinalp.
"Dense graphlet statistics of protein interaction networks and random
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 2009.
F. Hormozdiari,
M. Hsing, R. Salari, A. Schonhuth, S. C.
Sahinalp and A. Cherkasov.
"The effect of insertion and deletions (indels) on wirings in protein
interaction networks: a large scale study".
Journal of Computational Biology, February 1,
2009, 16(2): 159-167.
R. Salari, A. Schonhuth, F. Hormozdiari,
A. Cherkasov and S. C. Sahinalp.
"The relation between indel length and functional divergence: a formal
8th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics 2008.
N. Alon, P. Dao, I. Hajirasouliha, F. Hormozdiari, S. C.
"Biomolecular Network Motif Counting and Discovery by Color Coding".
Bioinformatics 2008 24: i241-i249.
C. Thachuk, J. Manuch, A. Rafiey, L.-A. Mathieson, L. Stacho and
A. Condon. "An algorithm for the energy barrier problem without
pseudoknots and temporary arcs". Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing,
M. S. Andronescu, C. Pop, and A. Condon. "Improved free energy
parameters for RNA pseudoknotted secondary structure prediction". RNA
2010;16 26-42.
C. Thachuk, J. Manuch, L. Stacho, and A. Condon.
"NP-completeness of
the direct energy barrier height problem without pseudoknots".
Proc. 15th International Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular
Programming, 2009.
H.L. Chen, H. Jabbari and A. Condon.
"An O(n^5) algorithm for MFE
prediction of kissing hairpins and 4-chains in nucleic acids".
J. Comput. Biol., 803-815 2009.
A. Condon and H. Jabbari. "Computational prediction of nucleic acid
secondary structure: Methods, applications and challenges", Theoretical
Computer Science, 9:340 (10 pages), 2009.
M. Andronescu, V. Bereg, H.H. Hoos, and A. Condon.
secondary structure and statistical analysis database". BMC
Bioinformatics 2008 9:340, 2008.
A. Condon, J. Manuch, and C. Thachuk. "Complexity of a collision-aware
string partition problem and its relation to oligo design for gene
synthesis". The 14th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics
Conference (COCOON), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (LNBI 5092),
Springer, 265-275, 2008.
J. Manuch, L. Stacho, C. Stoll.
"Two lower bounds for self-assemblies at temperature 1."
SAC 2009, 808-809.
A. Gupta, J. Manuch, L. Stacho, X. Zhao.
"Haplotype inferring via galled-tree networks using a hypergraph
covering problem for special genotype matrices".
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2310-2324 (2009).
A. Gupta, J. Manuch, L. Stacho, X. Zhao.
"Haplotype Inferring Via Galled-Tree Networks Is NP-Complete".
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 5092/2008, 287-298.
R. Salari, C. Aksay, E. Karakoc, P.J. Unrau, I. Hajirasouliha and
S.C. Sahinalp. "smyRNA: A Novel Ab Initio ncRNA Gene Finder". PLoS ONE
(2009), 4(5), e5433.
E. Dolgosheina, R.D. Morin, G. Aksay, S.C. Sahinalp, V. Magrini,
E.R. Mardis, J. Mattsson and P.J. Unrau. "Conifers have a unique small
RNA silencing signature". RNA (2008), 14(8), 1-8.
R.D. Morin, G. Aksay, E. Dolgosheina, H.A. Ebhardt, V. Magrini,
E.R. Mardis, S.C. Sahinalp and P.J. Unrau.
"Comparative analysis of the
small RNA transcriptomes of Pinus contorta and Oryza sativa". Genome
Research (2008), 18(4), 571-84.
B. Brejova, T. Vinar, Y. Chen, S. Wang, G. Zhao,
D. G. Brown, M. Li, Yan Zhou.
"Finding genes in Schistosoma
japonicum: annotating novel genomes with help of extrinsic
evidence". Nucleic acids research, 37(7):e52. 2009.
T.Y. Lam, I.M. Meyer "HMMCONVERTER 1.0: a toolbox for hidden Markov
models". Nucleic Acids Research (2009) 37(21):e139.
November 2007 to October 2008
J. Zhang, X. Gao, J. Xu, and M. Li .
"Rapid and Accurate Protein Side Chain Packing using Local Backbone
RECOMB 2008.
B. Brejova, T. Vinar, Y. Cheng, D. Brown, M. Li,
and Y. Zhou.
"Finding genes in Schistosoma Japonicum: annotating
novel genomes with help of extrinsic evidence".
Nucleic Acids Research. Accepted Nov. 2008
H. Lin, Z. Zhang, M.Q. Zhang, B. Ma, M. Li.
"ZOOM! Zillions of oligos mapped".
Bioinformatics. 24:21, 2431-2437, 2008.
S.C. Li, D. Bu, J. Xu, and M. Li,
"Fragment-HMM: a new approach to protein structure prediction".
Protein Science, 17(2008) 1925-1934, 2008.
Z. Zhang, H. Lin, M. Li,
"MANGO: multiple alignment with n gapped oligos".
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,
6:3, 521-541, 2008.
S.C. Li, D. Bu, J. Xu, and M. Li,
"Designing succinct structural alphabet".
Bioinformatics, ISMB Special Issue, 2008.
A. Condon, J. Manuch, and C. Thachuk.
"Complexity of a Collision-Aware String Partition Problem and Its Relation to Oligo Design for Gene Synthesis".
The 14th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (LNBI 5092), Springer 2008.
L. Wang and K. Zhang.
"Space Efficient Algorithms for Ordered Tree Comparison".
Algorithmica 51(3) 2008.
B. Shan, B Ma, K. Zhang , and G. Lajoie.
"Complexities and Algorithms for Glycan Sequencing Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry".
J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 6(1) 2008.
B. Ma, L. Xin, and K. Zhang .
"A new quartet approach for reconstructing phylogenetic trees: quartet joining method". J. Comb. Optim. 16(3) 2008.
Pain et al. (incl. Irmtraud Meyer ).
"The genome of the simian and human malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi".
Nature 455(7214) 2008.
I.M. Meyer .
Predicting novel RNA-RNA interactions, Current Opinion in Structural Biology
18(3) 2008.
M. Andronescu, V. Bereg, H.H. Hoos and
A. Condon .
"RNA Strand: The RNA Secondary Structure and Statistical Analysis Database".
BMC Bioinformatics, 9:340, 2008.
Sanja Rogic, Ben Montpetit, Holger H. Hoos , Alan K. Mackworth, B.F. Francis Ouellette, and Philip Hieter.
"Correlation between the secondary structure of pre-mRNA and efficiency of splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae".
BMC Bioinformatics, 9:355, 2008.
R. Colak, F. Hormozdiari, F. Moser, A. Schonhuth, J. Holman, M. Ester and
S.C. Sahinalp .
"Dense graphlet statistics of protein interaction networks and random networks".
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2009.
F. Hormozdiari, M. Hsing, R. Salari, A. Schonhuth, S.C. Sahinalp
and A. Cherkasov.
"The effect of insertion and deletions (indels) on wirings in protein interaction networks: a large scale study."
RECOMB satellite conference on Systems Biology 2008.
R. Salari, A. Schonhuth, F. Hormozdiari, A. Cherkasov and
S.C. Sahinalp .
"The relation between indel length and functional divergence: a formal study"
8th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics 2008.
N. Alon, P. Dao, I. Hajirasouliha, F. Hormozdiari,
and S.C. Sahinalp .
"Biomolecular Network Motif Counting and Discovery by Color Coding",
16th Annual International Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2008.
I. Hajirasouliha, F. Hormozdiari, S.C. Sahinalp , and I. Birol.
"Optimal pooling for genome re-sequencing with ultra-high-throughput short-read technologies".
16th Annual International Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology. (ISMB 2008), Toronto, Canada.
E.V. Dolgosheina, R.D. Morin, G. Aksay,
S.C. Sahinalp , V. Magrini, E.R.
Mardis, J. Mattsson, and P.J. Unrau .
"Conifers have a unique small RNA silencing signature."
RNA 2008.
R.D. Morin, G. Aksay, E. Dolgosheina, H.A. Ebhardt, V. Magrini, E.R. Mardis,
S.C. Sahinalp , and P.J. Unrau .
"Comparative analysis of the small RNA transcriptomes of Pinus
contorta and Oryza sativa."
Genome Res. 18(4), 2008.
November 2006 to November 2007
Z.C. Yen, I.M. Meyer, S. Karalic, C.J. Brown. "A cross-species comparison of X-chromosome inactivation in Eutheria". Genomics. 2007.
I.M. Meyer.
"A practical guide to the art of RNA gene prediction". Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2007.
I.M. Meyer, Miklos I. "Simulfold: Simultaneously Inferring an RNA Structure Including Pseudo-Knots, a Multiple Sequence Alignment and an Evolutionary Tree Using a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo Framework". PLoS Computational Biology. 2007.
H.S. Zaher and P.J. Unrau. "Selection of an improved RNA polymerase ribozyme with superior extension and fidelity". RNA. 2007.
C. Alkan, M. Ventura, N. Archidiacono, M. Rocchi, S.C. Sahinalp, and E.E. Eichler. "Organization and evolution of primate centromeric DNA from whole-genome shotgun sequence data". PLoS Comput Biol. 2007 Sep 28;3(9):1807-18.
F. Hormozdiari, P. Berenbrink, N. Przulj, and S.C. Sahinalp. "Not All Scale-Free Networks Are Born Equal: The Role of the Seed Graph in PPI Network Evolution". PLoS Comput Biol. 2007 Jul 6;3(7):e118
C. Aksay, R. Salari, E. Karakoc, C. Alkan, and S.C. Sahinalp.
"taveRNA: a web suite for RNA algorithms and applications". Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jul 1;35(Web Server issue):W325-9. Epub 2007 May 8.
R. Backofen, S. Chen, D. Hermelin, G. Landau, M.A. Roytberg, O. Weimann, and K. Zhang. "Locality and gaps in RNA comparison". Journal of Computational Biology.
B. Shan, B. Ma, K. Zhang, and G. Lajoie. "Complexities and algorithms for glycan structure sequencing using tandem mass spectrometry". Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
X. Cui, T. Vinar, B. Brejova, D. Shasha, and M. Li. "Homology search for genes". Bioinformatics 2007
Jul 1;23(13):i97-i103. (Proc. of the 15th
Annual International conference on
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology,
B. Ma, L. Wang, and M. Li. "Near optimal alignment within a band in polynomial time". J. Comput. Syst. Sci.
M. Andronescu, A.
Condon, H.H. Hoos,
D.H. Mathews and K.P. Murphy. "Efficient
parameter estimation for RNA secondary
structure prediction". Bioinformatics 2007
Jul 1;23(13):i19-28. (Proc. of the 15th
Annual International conference on
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology,
R. Aguirre-Hernandez, H.H.
Hoos and A. Condon.
"Computational RNA secondary structure
design: empirical complexity and improved
methods". BMC Bioinformatics, 8:34, 2007.
C. Thachuk, A. Shmygelska, and
H.H. Hoos. "A replica
exchange Monte Carlo algorithm for protein
folding in the HP model". BMC Bioinformatics,
8:342, 2007.
A. Shmygelska and H.H.
Hoos. "An Adaptive Bin Framework
Search Method for a Beta-Sheet Protein
Homopolymer Model". BMC Bioinformatics,
8:136, 2007.
J. Zhang, B. Jiang, M. Li,
J. Tromp, X. Zhang, and M.Q. Zhang.
"Computing exact P-values for DNA motifs".
Bioinformatics, 23(5):531-537. 2007.
M. Farach-Colton, G. Landau, S.C.
Sahinalp, D. Tsur. ''Optimal spaced
seed selection for approximate string
search'' Journal of Computer and Systems
Sciences, (accepted).
S.C. Sahinalp, A. Utis.
''Hardness of sequence similarity search and
other indexing problems'' Journal of Computer
and Systems Sciences, (accepted).
G. Bebek, P. Berenbrink, C. Cooper, T.
Friedetzky, S.C. Sahinalp.
''Topological properties of proteome
networks''. Theoretical Computer Science, (in
A. F. Ergun, S. Muthukrishnan and
S.C. Sahinalp. ''Sublinear
Methods for Determining Representative Trends
in Time Series Data Streams''. ACM
Transactions on Algorithms (accepted).
S.C. Sahinalp. "Edit
distance under block operations".
Encyclopedia of Algorithms (Ming Yang Kao,
ed.), Springer (forthcoming).
E. Karakoc, A. Cherkasov, S.C.
Sahinalp. "Novel Approaches for
Small Biomolecule Classification and
Structural Similarity Search", Explorations,
Volume 9, Issue 1, pages 14-21, June 2007.
F. Hormozdiari , P. Berenbrink, N. Przulj,
and S.C. Sahinalp. "Not all
scale-free networks are born equal: The role
of the seed graph in PPI network evolution",
Computational Biology 3(7).
C. Aksay, R. Salari, E. Karakoc, C.
Alkan, and S.C. Sahinalp.
"taveRNA: a web suite for RNA algorithms and
applications", Nucleic Acids Research , Web
Server Issue, 2007.
S.C. Sahinalp. "The
intelligence in developing systems for
molecular biology", Genome Biology, 8:301,
J. Liu, B. Ma, and K. Zhang,
"An Algorithm for Searching RNA Motifs in
Genomic Sequences", To
appear, Biomolecular Engineering
P. Clote, E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc, and
L. Stacho, Asymptotics of
random RNA, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
D. Kral, and L. Stacho,
Closure for the property of having
hamiltonian prism, Journal of Graph Theory,
November 2005 to November 2006
C. Alkan, E. Karakoc, J.
Nadeau, C. Sahinalp,
K. Zhang. ''RNA-RNA
interactions and miRNA target prediction''.
Journal of Computational Biology, 13(2), pp
267-282, (RECOMB'05 special issue), Mar
A. Gupta, J. Manuch, and L.
Stacho, Fault tolerant forwarding
and optical indexes: a design theory
approach, Journal of Combinatorial Designs 14
(2006), 25--40.
E. Chavez, S. Dobrev, E. Kranakis, J.
Opatrny, L. Stacho, J.
Urrutia, Route Discovery with Constant Memory
in Oriented Planar Geometric Networks,
Networks 48 (2006), 7--15.
L. Goddyn, and L. Stacho,
Edge disjoint cycles through prescribed
vertices, Journal of Graph Theory 50 (2005),
G. Fertin, A. Liestman, T. Shermer, and
L. Stacho, Edge-disjoint
spanners in Cartesian products of graphs,
Discrete Mathematics 296 (2005), 167--186.
P. Berenbrink, T. Friedetzky, J. Manuch, and
L. Stacho, (Quasi) spanner
in mobile ad hoc networks, Journal of
Interconnection Networks 6 (2005), 63--84.
L. Stacho, and D. Szeszler,
On a generalization of Chvatal's condition
giving new hamiltonian degree sequences,
Discrete Mathematics 292 (2005), 159--165.
Shortreed MR, Chang SB, Hong DG, Phillips M,
Campion B, Tulpan DC,
Andronescu M, Condon A, Hoos HH,
Smith LM.
A thermodynamic approach to designing
combinatorial DNA word sets, Nucleic
Acids Research 2005 33(15):4965-4977.
Other Refereed Contributions:
November 2006 to present
E. Karakoc, S.C. Sahinalp, and A. Cherkasov. "Comparative QSAR Analysis of Bacterial-, Fungalplant- and Human Metabolites". Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 12:133-144, 2007.
F. Hormozdiari, P. Berenbrink, N. Przulj, and S.C. Sahinalp. "Not All Scale Free Networks are Born Equal: the Role of the Seed Graph in PPI Network Emulation". RECOMB Satellite Conference on Systems Biology, San Diego, CA, USA (2006).
S. Chen, B. Ma and K. Zhang. "The normalized similarity metric and its applications". To appear in the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2007.
C. Thachuk and A.
Condon. "On the design of oligos for
gene synthesis". To appear in the IEEE 7th
International Symposium on Bioinformatics and
Bioengineering, 2007.
H. Jabbari, A.
Condon, A. Pop, C. Pop, and Y. Zhao.
"HFold: RNA pseudoknotted secondary structure
prediction using hierarchical folding". To
appear in Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 5th
International Workshop, 2007.
B. Rastegari, A.
Condon, and K. Leyton-Brown.
"Revenue Monotonicity in Combinatorial
Auctions". Proc. Twenty Second Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2007.
F. Hutter, D. Babic, H.H.
Hoos and A. Hu. "Boosting
Verification by Automatic Tuning of Decision
Procedures". Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Formal Methods in
Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD-07), 2007 (to
L. Xu, F. Hutter, H.H. Hoos
and K. Leyton-Brown. "SATzilla-07: The Design
and Analysis of an Algorithm Portfolio for
SAT". Proceedings of the 13th International
Conference on Principles and Practice of
Constraint Programming (CP-07), 2007 (to
F. Hutter, H.H. Hoos and T.
Stutzle. "Automatic Algorithm Configuration
based on Local Search". Proceedings of the
22nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-07), pp. 1152-1157, 2007.
H.H. Hoos and T. Stutzle.
"Empirical Analysis of Randomized
Algorithms". Chapter 14, Handbook of
Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007.
H.H. Hoos and T. Stutzle.
"Stochastic Local Search". Chapter 19,
Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and
Metaheuristics, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007.
C. Rostoker, A. Wagner and H.H.
Hoos. "A Parallel Workflow for
Real-time Correlation and Clustering of
High-Frequency Stock Market Data".
Proceedings of the 21th International
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
(IPDPS 2007), pp. 1-10, IEEE Computer
Society, 2007.
L. Xu, H.H. Hoos and K.
Leyton-Brown. "Hierarchical Hardness Models
for SAT". Proceedings of the 13th
International Conference on Principles and
Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-07),
2007 (to appear).
Z. Zhang, H. Lin, and M. Li.
"MANGO: A new approach to multiple sequence
alignment". In San Diego, California, August
13-17 2007. Life Sciences Society, To appear.
J. Zhang, X. Chen, and M.
Li. "Calculate exact p-value for
structured motif". In The 18th Annual
Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching
(CPM 2007), London, Ontario, 2007. To appear.
J. Qian, S.C. Li, D. Bu, M.
Li, J. Xu. "Finding Compact
Structural Motifs in Many Proteins". In 18th
Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern
Matching (CPM 2007), London, Ontario, 2007.
To appear.
X. Cui, T. Vinar, B. Brejova, D. Shasha, and
M. Li. "Homology Search for
Genes". In Bioinformatics: ISMB/ECCB 2007
Conference Proceedings 21-25 July 2007,
Vienna, number 13 in 23 volume of pp.
i97-103, 2007.
X. Gao, D. Bu, S.C. Li, M.
Li, and J. Xu. "Consensus Contact
Prediction by Linear Programming". In 6th
Annual Conference on Computational Systems
Bioinformatics Conference (CSB 2007), San
Diego, California, April 30 2007. Accepted.
E. Karakoc, C.
Sahinalp, A. Cherkasov.
''Comparative QSAR Analysis of Bacterial,
Fungal, Plant and Human Metabolites''.
Proceedings of PSB'07, Pacific Symposium on
Biocomputing, Hawaii (full paper), Jan 2007.
(to appear)
S.C. Sahinalp. ''Indexed
Approximate String Matcing'' Encyclopedia of
Algorithms (invited contribution), Ming Yang
Kao (ed.), Springer, (to appear).
B. Ma, and K. Zhang.
"Combinatorial Pattern Matching". 18th Annual
Symposium, CPM 2007, London, Canada, July
9-11, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007.
B. Shan, B. Ma, K. Zhang,
and Gilles Lajoie. "Complexities and
Algorithms for Glycan Structure Sequencing
using Tandem Mass Spectrometry". APBC 2007:
L. Xin, B. Ma, and K. Zhang.
"A New Quartet Approach for Reconstructing
Phylogenetic Trees: Quartet Joining Method".
COCOON 2007: 40-50.
S. Chen, and K. Zhang. "An
Improved Algorithm for Tree Edit Distance
Incorporating Structural Linearity". COCOON
2007: 482-492.
November 2005 to November 2006
E. Karakoc, A. Cherkasov, C.
Sahinalp. ''Distance based
algorithbms for small biomolecule
classification and structural similarity
search''. Proceedings of ISMB'06, Intelligent
Systems for Molecular Biology, Fortaleza,
Brazil, pp 243-251, Aug 2006.
C. Alkan, E. Karakoc,
C. Sahinalp, P. Unrau, A.
Ebhardt, K. Zhang, J.
Buhler. ''RNA Structure Prediction via Energy
Density Minimization'' Proceedings of
RECOMB'06, Research in Computational
Molecular Biology, Venice, Italy, pp
130-142, Apr 2006.
T. Batu, F. Ergun, C.
Sahinalp. ''String embeddings and
edit distance approximations'' Proceedings of
SODA'06, ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms, Miami, Fl, pp 792-801, Jan 2006.
G. Bebek, P. Berenbrink, C. Cooper, T.
Friedetzky, J. Nadeau, C.
Sahinalp. ''Topological properties
of proteome networks'' Proceedings of RECOMB
Satellite Meeting on Systems Biology, San
Diego, CA, (full paper), Dec 2005.
E. Kranakis, T. Mott,
L.Stacho, On-Line Routing in
Quasi-Planar and Quasi-Polyhedral Graphs, 2nd
IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Wireless
Networking (PWN'06), March 2006, Pisa, Italy.
E. Chavez, S. Dobrev, E. Kranakis, J.
Opatrny, L. Stacho, J.
Urrutia, Local Construction of Planar
Spanners in Unit Disk Graphs with Irregular
Transmission Ranges, 7th Latin American
Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN'06),
March 2006, Valdivia, Chile.
A. Gupta, J. Manuch, L.
Stacho and X. Zhao, On
intractability of haplotype inferring via
galled-tree networks, Workshop on Networks in
Computational Biology, Ankara, Turkey,
September, 2006.
C. Alkan, E. Karakoc, S. C.
Sahinalp, P. Unrau, A. Ebhard,
K. Zhang, and J. Buhler, RNA
secondary structure prediction via energy
density minimization, Proceedings of the
Tenth ACM Annual International Conference on
Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB), pp.
130-142, Venice, Italy, Jan. 2006.
L. Wang and K. Zhang, Space
efficient algorithms for ordered tree
comparison, Proceedings of the Sixteenth
International Symposium on Algorithms and
Computation, pp. 380-391, Sanya, China,
December 2005.
Manuch, X. Zhao, and L. Stacho, A.
Gupta. Characterization of the existence of
galled-tree networks, 4th Asia Pacific
Bioinformatics Conference (APBC'06), 13-16
Feb 2006, Taiwan.
Before November 2005
M. Farach-Colton, G. Landau, C.
Sahinalp, D. Tsur. ''Optimal spaced
seed selection for approximate string
search'' Proceedings of ICALP, International
Colloquium on Automata, Languages
and Programming, Lisboa, Portugal, pp
1251-1262, LNCS 3580, Jul 2005
T. Batu, S.C. Sahinalp.
''Approximate String Comparisons via Locally
Consistent Parsing'' Proceedings of DLT'05,
International Conference on Developments in
Language Theory (invited paper),
Palermo, Italy, pp 22-35, LNCS 3572, Jul
C. Alkan, E. Karakoc, J.
Nadeau, C. Sahinalp,
K. Zhang. ''RNA-RNA
interactions and miRNA target prediction''
Proceedings of RECOMB'05, Research in
Computational Molecular Biology, Boston, MA,
pp 152-171, LNBI 3500, Apr 2005.E. Tuzun,
C. Alkan, J. Buard, F. Lethiec, E.
Eichler, J. Bailey, S.C.
Sahinalp. ''Manipulating Multiple
Sequence Alignments with Mam and WebMam''.
Nucleic Acids Research, 1;33 (Web Server
Issue), W295-298, Jul 2005. [PIMD: 15980474]
Liu, B. Ma, and K. Zhang,
Algorithms for searching RNA motifs in
genomic sequences, Proceedings of the 6th
Atlantic Symposium on Computational Biology
and Genome Informatics, pp. 1303-1306, Salt
Lake City, Utah, USA, July 2005.
Can Alkan, Evolution and functionality
of large scale genomic repeats. PhD thesis.
June 2005.
Rosalia Aguirre-Hernandez,
Computational RNA Secondary Structure Design.
PhD thesis. November 2006.
Chris Thachuk, Novel algorithms for
in vitro gene synthesis. MSc thesis.
August 2007.
Hosna Jabbari, RNA Secondary Structure
Prediction Using Hierarchical Folding. MSc
thesis. August 2007.
Nadia Nosrati,
Domination in Graphs.
MSc thesis. August 2007.
Other Non-Refereed
Sahinalp. ''Intelligent Systems or
Intelligence for Systems Molecular Biology''
Genome Biology (invited contribution),
November 2006.
Condon and S. Shah. Finding
local RNA motifs using covariance models,
Technical Report Number TR-2006-08, U.
British Columbia, April 2006.