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Results from SPL web retrieved at 21:22 (GMT)

AspectJ An Aspect Oriented programming language that is an extension of Java. This language is intersting for our purpose (Design Rule checking) because: 1. It...
Aspect Oriented Design Rules Aspect oriented design rules are DesignRules which are specifically related to or caused by the introduction of aspect oriented language...
BDD Based Deductive Database What is BDDBDB? From the BDDBDB website: bddbddb stands for BDD Based Deductive Database It is an implementation of Datalog, a declarative...
Design Rules Repository This page is the start of a hopefully growing collection of Design Rules. By building this collection of examples we will hopefully be able...
JQuery An Eclipse Plugin that provides a query based source code browser for the Java programming language. JQuery employs the TyRuBa logic programming and builds...
Analysis Tools for C Wikipedia: Static Code Analysis Smells for .NET, disassembly tool. Main.wohlstad 31 May 2005
All the Engler stuff. See also documentation from the commercial Coverity version. Main.wohlstad 06 May 2005 Extenddocs.htm: Coverity Extend Docs
Phoenix Microsoft new compiler framework for .net. KrisDeVolder 10 May 2005
Phoenix Project Related Work Related AspectJ MetaL JQuery BDDBDDB Aspect Mining Aspect Mining Using Event Traces...
Main.wohlstad 06 Jun 2005 qualified types.cs: Helper functions for serializing type formats. For more information see: name mangling
Info for getting tools to work. Compiling an unmanaged executable for reading with Phoenix `cl Zi link debug debugtype:cv,fixup` Here is a way to visualize...
Welcome to the home of SPL. This is a web based collaboration area for the Software Practices Lab Administrative StartingGuide for new SPL members...
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Statistics for SPL Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors for...
Number of topics: 14

Results from Main web retrieved at 21:22 (GMT)

Name: Kris De Volder Login Name: kdvolder Email: kdvolder #64;csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca Phone: 604 822 1209 Department: CS Lab: SPL Comment...
Number of topics: 1

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