Difference: Czarships (91 vs. 92)

Revision 922018-01-03 - IzabelleJanzen

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Imager Czarships

Below is the current list of Czarships, the member of IMAGER responsible for that area, when they are likely to need replacing, and who their supervisor is.

Each Czar should ensure that a description of their duties exists and is current so that new Czars can take over smoothly. Duties that require collaborating with other Czars or department members should list the collaborators by title if possible. See the Espresso/Milk Czarship for an example.

Faculty Liaison: Alla Sheffer -- sheffa@csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca

Czar of Czars: Izabelle Janzen -- bjanzen@csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca (assigned Dec 2015) (KB)

Czarship Czar Supervisor Date Assigned
Demonstration Planning and Scheduling
HCI Matthew Chun KM July 2016
Graphics Minchen Li AS July 2016
System Administration
Tech Admin (MUX) Meghana Venkataswamy KM July 2016
Tech Admin (x660++) Jason Peng MV July 2016
Faculty Liaison Michiel van de Panne
Lab Infrastructure
Cleaning/Organization (x660) Lipeng Liu TM July 2016
Cleaning/Organization (X508) Soheil Kianzad KM July 2016
Pop pool admin/finance/lists Chenxi Liu AS Nov 2016
Espresso Machine Maintenance <vacant, handled for now by Chenxi+Kamyar> - July 2016
Milk/Coffee Shopping <vacant, handled for now by Chenxi+Kamyar> - July 2016
Pop/Food Shopping Kamyar Ardekani JM Nov 2016
Espresso Machine Maintenance <vacant, handled for now by Chenxi+Shayan> - July 2016
Milk/Coffee Shopping <vacant, handled for now by Chenxi+Shayan> - July 2016
Pop/Food Shopping vacant    
Major Reading Groups (across multiple faculty)
AMoRe on pause  
MUX Soheil Kianzad KM July 2016
InfoVis Kim Dextras-Romagnino TM  
Web & Wiki Maintenance (email: imager-web)
general/Imager Distributed between faculty and laura    
Faculty Liaison On Hiatus
Social Functions
MUX/SSL Dilan Ustek KM July 2016
Graphics Xinxin Zhang (tent, may leave in mid sept) RB July 2016
Faculty Liaison Kelly Booth
External Jobs
Grad Admissions Committee Will be needed    
TA Training Coordinator Laura Cang KM July 2016

Unassigned (to general jobs)

Name Supervisor
Yufeng Zhu RB
Giorgio Gori AS
I-Chao Shen AS


Name Reason Supervisor
Todd Keeler finishing PhD remotely RB
Boris Dalstein internship at Pixar in october 2016 MV
Nicholas Vining works remotely AS
Mikhail Bessmeltsev finishing up PhD (summer 2016) AS
Felix Heide at Stanford, will graduate in Fall 2016 WH
Lei Xiao KAUST in October 2016 WH
Shuochen Su KAUST in October 2016 WH
Evan Peng KAUST in October 2016 WH
Gerwin Damberg busy with his company, rarely on campus WH
Rex Chang Part time student KB
Oliver Schneider Finishing up phd defending fall 2016 KM
Hasti Seifi Finishing up phd defending march 2017 KM
Laura Cang Finishing Masters then on Maternity Leave till march 2017 KM
Mona Hararty Finishing PhD fall 2016 JM
Georges Hattab Visiting Masters leaving Oct 2016 TM

Czarships are split between faculty members with the expectation that each faculty member contributes roughly 1/3 of the people in their subgroup towards shared lab jobs (listed above), with 1/3 of the people available for subgroup-specific jobs (subgroup-specific reading group, subgroup-specific hardware or space stuff, subgroup-specific web site maintenance, etc), and 1/3 of the people exempt or unavailable (doing big departmental level jobs like grad recruiting, finishing up thesis writing, etc). Below, "Number Computed" is just 1/3 of "Group Size", as a rough guide to the fair share. "Number Assigned" is the reality, which might be a bit over or under.

Availability By Faculty Member

Name Group Size Number Computed Number Assigned Last Updated
AS 5 1-2 2  
DP 9 3 2  
JM 6 2 5  
KB 4 1-2 1  
KM 5 1-2 3  
MV 8 2-3 3  
RB 4 1-2 2  
TM 5 1-2 4 Jun 2016
WH 8 2-3 3  

Other Jobs

  • Imager News Updates: Laura Selander
  • Imager Space: rolled into Czar Faculty Liaison
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