Difference: InteractionDesignReadingGroup (1 vs. 19)

Revision 192010-09-30 - TamaraMunzner

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)


Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG) 2005-2006

  Paper for 01.09.06

Revision 182006-01-05 - TonyTang

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Paper for 01.09.06

Configuring Awareness
Configuring Awareness (high rez version)
 by Heath, C., Svensson, M. S., Hindmarsh, J., Luff, P., and vom Lehn, D. 2002. Comput. Supported Coop. Work 11, 3 (Nov. 2002), 317-347.


Revision 172006-01-05 - KarenParker

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

-- KarynMoffatt - 21 Oct 2005
Paper for 01.09.06
Paper for 10.26.06
Configuring Awareness by Heath, C., Svensson, M. S., Hindmarsh, J., Luff, P., and vom Lehn, D. 2002. Comput. Supported Coop. Work 11, 3 (Nov. 2002), 317-347.

ABSTRACT: The concept of awareness has become of increasing importance to both social and technical research in CSCW. The concept remains however relatively unexplored, and we still have little understanding of the ways in which people produce and sustain `awareness' in and through social interaction with others. In this paper, we focus on a particular aspect of awareness, the ways in which participants design activities to have others unobtrusively notice and discover, actions and events, which might otherwise pass unnoticed. We consider for example how participants render visible selective aspects of their activities, how they encourage others to notice features of the local milieu, and how they encourage others to become sensitive to particular events. We draw examples from different workplaces, primarily centres of coordination; organisational environments which rest upon the participants' abilities to delicately interweave a complex array of highly contingent, yet interdependent activities.

Paper for 10.26.05

  For those of you who will be around next week, we will be read "Touch a Screen or Turn a knob: Choosing the Best Device for the Job" by Wendy A. Rogers, Arthur D. Fisk, Anne Collins Mc Laughlin, and Richard Pak. (Human Factors, 47(2), pp. 271--288).
Line: 55 to 64
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="New version has screenshots and references" date="1126589765" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.doc" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.doc" size="413696" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1126645189" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf" size="263676" user="dmitry" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="IDRG paper for 10.26.06" date="1129853204" name="Rogers-Fisk-Trash.McLaughlin-Pak-2005J.pdf" path="Rogers-Fisk-Trash.McLaughlin-Pak-2005J.pdf" size="329524" user="kmoffatt" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Configuring Awareness" date="1136472858" name="configuringawa_Heath_2002.pdf" path="configuring awa…_Heath_2002.pdf" size="4486348" user="parker" version="1.1"

Revision 162005-10-25 - KarynMoffatt

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

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 research include guidance for the optimal selection of input devices for different user populations and task characteristics.

Revision 152005-10-21 - KarynMoffatt

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

-- KarynMoffatt - 21 Oct 2005

Paper for 10.26.06

For those of you who will be around next week, we will be read "Touch a Screen or Turn a knob: Choosing the Best Device for the Job" by Wendy A. Rogers, Arthur D. Fisk, Anne Collins Mc Laughlin, and Richard Pak. (Human Factors, 47(2), pp. 271--288).


Input devices enable users to interact with systems. In two experiments, we assessed whether and how task demands and user age influenced task performance for a direct input device (touch screen) and an indirect input device (rotary encoder). In Experiment 1, 40 younger (18–28 years) and 40 middle-aged to older adults (51–65 years) performed tasks using controls such as sliders, up/down buttons, list boxes, and text boxes while using a system. The optimal input device to facilitate performance was dependent on the task being performed and the age of the user. In Experiment 2, touch screen use was assessed for 20 younger (19–23 years) and 20 older adults (51–70 years). Task demands were manipulated through button size, movement distance, direction, and type of movement. Performance was moderated by the age of the user and by task demands. Actual or potential applications of this research include guidance for the optimal selection of input devices for different user populations and task characteristics.

 If you are working on a paper for CHI 2006 and would like feedback from IDRG members, Please attach your draft to this page. You can do this by clicking "Attach image or document" in the wiki footer, and following the instructions. PDF format is preferable.

-- KarenParker - 08 Sep 2005

Line: 21 to 47
  • epo8.pdf: Styles of Collaborative Engagement
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Heidi and Eric's CHI short draft" date="1126226628" name="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" path="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" size="226142" user="hllam" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Going with the flow: How users continuously manage incoming email" date="1126429064" name="email-flow-13.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Email Flow\email-flow-13.pdf" size="41535" user="ttang" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Screenshots of conditions coming Monday" date="1126502529" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" size="169295" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Styles of Collaborative Engagement" date="1126504419" name="epo8.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Engagement\epo8.pdf" size="139455" user="ttang" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="New version has screenshots and references" date="1126589765" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.doc" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.doc" size="413696" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1126645189" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf" size="263676" user="dmitry" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="IDRG paper for 10.26.06" date="1129853204" name="Rogers-Fisk-Trash.McLaughlin-Pak-2005J.pdf" path="Rogers-Fisk-Trash.McLaughlin-Pak-2005J.pdf" size="329524" user="kmoffatt" version="1.1"

Revision 142005-09-13 - dmitry

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Line: 26 to 26
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Screenshots of conditions coming Monday" date="1126502529" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" size="169295" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Styles of Collaborative Engagement" date="1126504419" name="epo8.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Engagement\epo8.pdf" size="139455" user="ttang" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="New version has screenshots and references" date="1126589765" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.doc" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.doc" size="413696" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1126590015" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf" size="292547" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1126645189" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf" size="263676" user="dmitry" version="1.2"

Revision 132005-09-13 - TonyTang

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Line: 19 to 19
    • Looking for "obviously missing" things or large organizational issues
    • Aware that it is repetitive and not quite there in terms of tightness
  • epo8.pdf: Styles of Collaborative Engagement
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Heidi and Eric's CHI short draft" date="1126226628" name="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" path="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" size="226142" user="hllam" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Going with the flow: How users continuously manage incoming email" date="1126429064" name="email-flow-13.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Email Flow\email-flow-13.pdf" size="41535" user="ttang" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Screenshots of conditions coming Monday" date="1126502529" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" size="169295" user="dmitry" version="1.1"

Revision 122005-09-13 - dmitry

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Line: 10 to 10
    • Looking for high level comments on: what is obviously missing, or other strange happenings
    • Not too interested in low level nits at this point (unless that's all you've got)
    • Mostly complete except results of followup study (in progress) and discussion
    • Looking for high-level suggestions for organization and "spinning" contributions and results
Line: 21 to 21
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Heidi and Eric's CHI short draft" date="1126226628" name="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" path="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" size="226142" user="hllam" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Going with the flow: How users continuously manage incoming email" date="1126429064" name="email-flow-13.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Email Flow\email-flow-13.pdf" size="41535" user="ttang" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Screenshots of conditions coming Monday" date="1126502529" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" size="169295" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Screenshots of conditions coming Monday" date="1126502529" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" size="169295" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Styles of Collaborative Engagement" date="1126504419" name="epo8.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Engagement\epo8.pdf" size="139455" user="ttang" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="New version has screenshots and references" date="1126589765" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.doc" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.doc" size="413696" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1126590015" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf" size="292547" user="dmitry" version="1.1"

Revision 112005-09-12 - KarenParker

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Line: 19 to 19
    • Looking for "obviously missing" things or large organizational issues
    • Aware that it is repetitive and not quite there in terms of tightness
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Heidi and Eric's CHI short draft" date="1126226628" name="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" path="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" size="226142" user="hllam" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Heidi and Eric's CHI short draft" date="1126226628" name="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" path="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" size="226142" user="hllam" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Going with the flow: How users continuously manage incoming email" date="1126429064" name="email-flow-13.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Email Flow\email-flow-13.pdf" size="41535" user="ttang" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Screenshots of conditions coming Monday" date="1126502529" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" size="169295" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Styles of Collaborative Engagement" date="1126504419" name="epo8.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Engagement\epo8.pdf" size="139455" user="ttang" version="1.1"

Revision 102005-09-12 - TonyTang

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Line: 14 to 14
    • Mostly complete except results of followup study (in progress) and discussion
    • Looking for high-level suggestions for organization and "spinning" contributions and results
  • epo8.pdf: Styles of Collaborative Engagement
    • Missing some figures and charts
    • Looking for "obviously missing" things or large organizational issues
    • Aware that it is repetitive and not quite there in terms of tightness
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Heidi and Eric's CHI short draft" date="1126226628" name="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" path="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" size="226142" user="hllam" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Going with the flow: How users continuously manage incoming email" date="1126429064" name="email-flow-13.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Email Flow\email-flow-13.pdf" size="41535" user="ttang" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Screenshots of conditions coming Monday" date="1126502529" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" size="169295" user="dmitry" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Styles of Collaborative Engagement" date="1126504419" name="epo8.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Engagement\epo8.pdf" size="139455" user="ttang" version="1.1"

Revision 92005-09-12 - dmitry

Line: 1 to 1

Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Line: 10 to 10
    • Looking for high level comments on: what is obviously missing, or other strange happenings
    • Not too interested in low level nits at this point (unless that's all you've got)
  • Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf: An Evaluation of Overview+Detail and Focus+Context Interfaces with Guaranteed Visibility
    • Mostly complete except results of followup study (in progress) and discussion
    • Looking for high-level suggestions for organization and "spinning" contributions and results
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Heidi and Eric's CHI short draft" date="1126226628" name="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" path="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" size="226142" user="hllam" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Going with the flow: How users continuously manage incoming email" date="1126429064" name="email-flow-13.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Email Flow\email-flow-13.pdf" size="41535" user="ttang" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Screenshots of conditions coming Monday" date="1126502529" name="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" path="Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0911.pdf" size="169295" user="dmitry" version="1.1"

Revision 82005-09-11 - TonyTang

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

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  -- KarenParker - 08 Sep 2005
  • email-flow-13.pdf: Going with the flow: How users continuously manage incoming email
    • Looking for high level comments on: what is obviously missing, or other strange happenings
    • Not too interested in low level nits at this point (unless that's all you've got)
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Heidi and Eric's CHI short draft" date="1126226628" name="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" path="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" size="226142" user="hllam" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Going with the flow: How users continuously manage incoming email" date="1126429064" name="email-flow-13.pdf" path="C:\temp\chi2006\Email Flow\email-flow-13.pdf" size="41535" user="ttang" version="1.1"

Revision 72005-09-09 - HeidiLam

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

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  -- KarenParker - 08 Sep 2005
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Heidi and Eric's CHI short draft" date="1126226628" name="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" path="evita_chi2006_short.pdf" size="226142" user="hllam" version="1.1"

Revision 62005-09-08 - KarenParker

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Sign up to read/discuss topics for July 20 by adding your name after one of the topics.
If you are working on a paper for CHI 2006 and would like feedback from IDRG members, Please attach your draft to this page. You can do this by clicking "Attach image or document" in the wiki footer, and following the instructions. PDF format is preferable.
  • What is the core of HCI? - Group A ( Kelly )
  • What is the core of HCI? - Group B ( )
  • What is design education? ( Joe )
  • What are important issues to be considered for an HCI education materials repository? ( Karen , Lior)
  • Creating an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program ( Tony )

See http://hcc.cc.gatech.edu/chi2005workshop.htm for details on the topics and the supporting documents.

Please read http://hcc.cc.gatech.edu/submissions/Questions.pdf that has an overview of issues identified for discussion at the workshop


Please read and be prepared to comment on the topic you indicated above.

The session will start with the five-minute SNL skit Nick Burns - Computer Guy

-- KelloggBooth - 16 Jul 2005

-- KarenParker - 08 Sep 2005

Revision 52005-07-20 - TonyTang

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Line: 8 to 8
  • What is the core of HCI? - Group B ( )
  • What is design education? ( Joe )
  • What are important issues to be considered for an HCI education materials repository? ( Karen , Lior)
  • Creating an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program ( )
  • Creating an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program ( Tony )
  See http://hcc.cc.gatech.edu/chi2005workshop.htm for details on the topics and the supporting documents.

Revision 42005-07-20 - LiorBerry

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Line: 7 to 7
  • What is the core of HCI? - Group A ( Kelly )
  • What is the core of HCI? - Group B ( )
  • What is design education? ( Joe )
  • What are important issues to be considered for an HCI education materials repository? ( Karen )
  • What are important issues to be considered for an HCI education materials repository? ( Karen , Lior)
  • Creating an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program ( )

See http://hcc.cc.gatech.edu/chi2005workshop.htm for details on the topics and the supporting documents.

Revision 32005-07-20 - KarenParker

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Line: 7 to 7
  • What is the core of HCI? - Group A ( Kelly )
  • What is the core of HCI? - Group B ( )
  • What is design education? ( Joe )
  • What are important issues to be considered for an HCI education materials repository? ( )
  • What are important issues to be considered for an HCI education materials repository? ( Karen )
  • Creating an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program ( )

See http://hcc.cc.gatech.edu/chi2005workshop.htm for details on the topics and the supporting documents.

Revision 22005-07-19 - JosephLuk

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Line: 6 to 6
  • What is the core of HCI? - Group A ( Kelly )
  • What is the core of HCI? - Group B ( )
  • What is design education? ( )
  • What is design education? ( Joe )
  • What are important issues to be considered for an HCI education materials repository? ( )
  • Creating an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program ( )

Revision 12005-07-16 - KelloggBooth

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Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

Sign up to read/discuss topics for July 20 by adding your name after one of the topics.

  • What is the core of HCI? - Group A ( Kelly )
  • What is the core of HCI? - Group B ( )
  • What is design education? ( )
  • What are important issues to be considered for an HCI education materials repository? ( )
  • Creating an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program ( )

See http://hcc.cc.gatech.edu/chi2005workshop.htm for details on the topics and the supporting documents.

Please read http://hcc.cc.gatech.edu/submissions/Questions.pdf that has an overview of issues identified for discussion at the workshop


Please read and be prepared to comment on the topic you indicated above.

The session will start with the five-minute SNL skit Nick Burns - Computer Guy

-- KelloggBooth - 16 Jul 2005

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