Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)
If you are working on a paper for CHI 2006 and would like feedback from IDRG members, Please attach your draft to this page. You can do this by clicking "Attach image or document" in the wiki footer, and following the instructions. PDF format is preferable.
KarenParker - 08 Sep 2005
- email-flow-13.pdf: Going with the flow: How users continuously manage incoming email
- Looking for high level comments on: what is obviously missing, or other strange happenings
- Not too interested in low level nits at this point (unless that's all you've got)
- Eval_Vis_Adam_Dmitry_0912.pdf: An Evaluation of Overview+Detail and Focus+Context Interfaces with Guaranteed Visibility
- Mostly complete except results of followup study (in progress) and discussion
- Looking for high-level suggestions for organization and "spinning" contributions and results
- epo8.pdf: Styles of Collaborative Engagement
- Missing some figures and charts
- Looking for "obviously missing" things or large organizational issues
- Aware that it is repetitive and not quite there in terms of tightness
- epo8.pdf: Styles of Collaborative Engagement