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SPLuRGe (SPL Reading Group)

Papers Reviewed (Past, Present, and Future)

Fall 2010
Fall 2005
Summer 2005
Before Summer 2005



This page is "deprecated" as of January 2006. Please visit the FoRGe page instead to learn about the new Focussed Reading Group group format that is being used for the Software Practices Lab.

As of January 2006, the SPLuRGe reading group format has been reformed. Thanks to John Anvik for doing such a great job on running the SPLuRGe upto this point.

In the mean time we'll keep this page around for old time's sake for a while and just in case we want to revive the SPLuRGe format again in the future.

1. To indulge in an extravagant expense or luxury.
2. To be showy or ostentatious.

Welcome to the wiki page for SPLuRGe (the Software Practices Lab Reading Group). The name was chosen because:

  1. The spelling matched with the letters SPLRG.
  2. The definition fits the atmosphere of the reading group (just kidding).
  3. No one has suggested something better.

What We Do

SPLuRGe meets weekly to discuss a variety of topics covering a broad range of subjects such as:

  • language design and implementation,
  • case studies,
  • software and methodologies,
  • software development and analysis tools

When and Where The Meting Is Held

SPLuRGe is on hiatus until January, at which time we will again be meeting in the Software Practices Lab (CICSR 308). The exact meeting time will be determined in the new year.

Who To Contact

John Anvik is moderating SPLuRGe for the current session (2005/2006). He is the one to contact if you need more information about reading group or have something that you would like to discuss at the next meeting (or you can just bring it up yourself at the next meeting, we're quite friendly).

Meeting Format

The meeting format is (roughly):

  1. Welcome.
  2. Reports back from conferences, trips, etc.
  3. Reseach Updates
    • Papers submitted/accepted
    • Interesting developments
  4. Discussion of lab issues.
  5. Research paper discussion led by one of the graduate students.
  6. Practice talk by a graduate student for an upcoming trip (when in season).

Research Paper Reviews

The majority of time in SPLuRGe is taken up by the discussion of a research paper. Each week three graduate students prepare reviews of the paper, present the reviews to the group, and the group discusses the paper. The paper reviews serve a number of purposes:

  1. Increasing the awareness of group members of current research in the area of software engineering.
  2. Providing experience in preparing paper reviews for conferences/journals/etc.

Papers are typically selected from:

Papers Reviewed (Past, Present, and Future)
Before Summer 2005
Summer 2005
Fall 2005
 Potential Papers

Paper Review Procedure

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