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Results from Faculty web retrieved at 01:02 (GMT)

NEWS postings TEACHING More on the future of universities, online teaching: Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail, http://tinyurl.com/8xb8jl9 Larry Summers, NYT, www...
NSERC Discovery Grants 2012 per bin funding amounts for CS, in k$/year: 14 17 22 28 34 42 52 62 78 2011 per bin funding amounts for CS, in k$/year: XX...
Internal Grant Review for Fall 2011 NSERC Discovery Grant Applications Applicant Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Carenini Mackworth Lakshmanan...
Internal Grant Review for Fall 2012 NSERC Discovery Grant Applications Applicant Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Robert Bridson Pai Conati Michael Friedlander...
Number of topics: 4

Topic revision: r29 - 2014-08-07 - bestchai
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