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Results from Faculty web retrieved at 20:28 (GMT)

Active Learning tools for developing screencasts, done as a screencast by Robert Bridson: http://books.google.ca/books/about/What s the Use of Lectures.html...
Advising Tips GradTravelAwards Procedures for starting out with a student Students are told by Joyce that they need to find a supervisor by March 15....
Campus Info Campus maps: http://www.maps.ubc.ca Voice mail instructions: http://www.itservices.ubc.ca/voice/instructions/commands.html Faculty Relations...
Canada Excellence Research Chair UBC CS working group: Andy, Bill, Kevin, Alla, Anne, Michiel (chair) http://www.cerc.gc.ca/hp pa eng.shtml application...
Department Info The department fact sheet with general department info (e.g., number of faculty, students, etc, is at http://www.cs.ubc.ca/about/FactSheet.shtml...
Department Meetings and Events, 2011 2012 Planned Working Meetings faculty mentoring event Irmi Oct 27 3:30 5 DLS/FLS slot, ICCS x836 CPSC...
Funding Info Every faculty member gets $500 per year in professional development funds. This money can be used up to 3 years later, or borrowed for up to 5 years...
General Tips DocumentEditingTips The question of how to manage travel came up the other day. I recommend Fabyo Brenner at North South Travel for making travel...
This page is no longer active. Please see page on my.cs for the new version. This page collects a concise pointers to essential information/resources that one must...
KelloggBooth 05 Mar 2009 A number of faculty members have expressed interest in the mechanics of accepting an intern from another country (in particular from one of...
Life Tips CampusTips CanadaImmigrationAndVisaInfo LandedImmigrantTips (aka permanent residency) ImportingCars from the US Employer Bus Pass...
NEWS postings TEACHING More on the future of universities, online teaching: Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail, http://tinyurl.com/8xb8jl9 Larry Summers, NYT, www...
Online Learning and MOOCs Working meeting: Thurs Nov. 29, 3:30pm 5:00pm What do we want to achieve? I`d be interested in hearing about: (a) status quo on Coursera...
Current documents related to the Professor of Teaching rank Guidelines for Promotion to Professor of Teaching Timeline Notes: Candidates should strongly...
Publicity Information Why publicity? We all want UBC CS to be the best department in the world. In order to make it there, we need people to perceive UBC CS as...
Research Tips The NSERC website login can be found at https://ebiz.nserc.ca/nserc web/nserc login e.htm The `normal` NSERC program that everyone applies...
Sabbatical Tips sabbaticalhomes.come is a great place to advertise your house and find a new one You can elect to pay for UBC`s extended health care when...
Service Tips The current list of local committee info is at https://secweb.cs.ubc.ca/local/affairs/committees/. Parts of this list are clearly out of date....
Tablet PCs HP Compaq tc4400 duo Core, 1.86 Ghz, 1Gb, 80Gb, XGA, 4.6 lbs, $CDN 2,199 http://laptopmag.com/Review/HP Compaq tc4400 Tablet PC.htm...
Teaching Dicussion What is your reaction to new online classes? See http://www.ai class.com/ Also see the twitter feed if you`re interested in following this saga...
Teaching Tips (including Best Practices) Table of Contents Multiple Choice Exams Multiple choice questions (choose one answer from among 4 5 choices for each...
Tenure and Promotion Information Due to concerns about ensuring accuracy of information about this highly sensitive issue, only information that`s gathered from official...
US Folks Here`s an attempt at a list of folks who might know or care about US/Canada issues, especially about finances and taxes. Either because they`re a US citizen...
Developing Screen Casts Adobe Captivate Paul Carter has used this. However, to take full advantage of interactive elements, it produces Flash movies,...
Web Web Home Changes Index Search Webs
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Faculty web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to...
Faculty Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Faculty web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and...
May 2009 32 0 0 18 WebHome 5 LifeTips 3 TeachingTips 2 TenureAndPromotion 1 GeneralTips 1 ServiceTips Jun...
See the document below for an indication of some of the unseen complexity that goes into processing visitor requests and financial requisitions. MichielVanDePanne...
Number of topics: 29

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