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Guide to Using ACME

ACME is a robotic facility located in PSM. This guide discusses general procedures for running experiments on the low-level commandline interface. There are also a higher level C API, and an (even higher level) Java class hierarchy. Currently, there is no documentation for either of those in this location.

IMPORTANT: whenever working with ACME, make sure that you switch off power at the end of the day (red button on the ACME Power Box)! Otherwise the amplifiers might burn through! And, of course, don't forget to switch power on (yellow button) before you start...

  • Environment Settings. Discusses how to set up a UNIX account for ACME use. This is required for all other operations.

  • Reboot and Calibration. Procedures for calibrating ACME. These need to be executed every time the host kiewa is rebooted.

  • Puma Robot. Procedures for calibrating the Puma robot.
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg ACMEAmps.jpg r1 manage 286.0 K 2005-11-29 - 02:20 WolfgangHeidrich ACME stage and gantry ampliefiers
JPEGjpg ACMEGantry.jpg r1 manage 677.0 K 2005-11-29 - 02:30 WolfgangHeidrich The gantry
JPEGjpg ACMELinear.jpg r1 manage 499.4 K 2005-11-29 - 02:21 WolfgangHeidrich The linear stage
JPEGjpg ACMEPowerBox.jpg r1 manage 338.3 K 2005-11-29 - 02:06 WolfgangHeidrich ACME power box
JPEGjpg ACMEPuma.jpg r1 manage 675.6 K 2005-11-29 - 02:42 WolfgangHeidrich The Puma robot
JPEGjpg ACMEPumaPower.jpg r1 manage 313.8 K 2005-11-29 - 02:42 WolfgangHeidrich The Puma controller module
JPEGjpg ACMEStage.jpg r1 manage 580.7 K 2005-11-29 - 02:23 WolfgangHeidrich The stage and turn table
JPEGjpg ACMEkiewa.jpg r1 manage 246.1 K 2005-11-29 - 02:23 WolfgangHeidrich kiewa
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Topic revision: r2 - 2005-11-29 - WolfgangHeidrich
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