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-- KaronMacLean - 08 Mar 2006

This page is for Imager coordination of grad recruiting for 2009. No confidential material should be posted on this page.

GATS (online admission records)

2009 Grad HCI Recruiting Coordination

  • Put your comments online; SCORING (1-5 scale, with 3.5 borderline accept) IS IMPORTANT.
  • Contact Karon to request documents (generally letters) not available online (they cannot be posted here, too insecure)

Name Deg Accept Fac Cont Grad Buddy Visit Day Whereabouts
Dai, Yang Yang MSc ?       local

2007 ARCHIVE: HCI Offered Students + Visit Invitees

Name Deg Accept Fac Cont Grad Buddy Visit Day Whereabouts
Smyth, Tom PhD ? MacLean not needed invited/DECLINED local
Htun, Yamin PhD ? Booth and McGrenere not needed invited/? local
Dubroy, Patrick MSc DECLINED Booth and Rensink Shoemaker? invited/ACCEPT non-local
Cechanowicz, Jared MSc ? MacLean Ternes invited/ACCEPT non-local
Fung, Richard MSc DECLINED Booth Leung? invited/DECLINED (conflict) non-local
Welsman-Dinelle, Michael MSc ? Conati and MacLean from CC??, Yohanan invited/ACCEPTED non-local
Kinnear, Kate MSc ? Carenenni Moffat? invited/DECLINED non-local
Kelly, Adam MSc ? Conati Findlater? invited/? non-local

2006 ARCHIVE: HCI Offered students + Visit Invitees

These students have currently been offered by UBC. Status on acceptance of the offer is indicated in table.

Name Deg Accept Fac Cont Grad Buddy Visit Day Whereabouts
Rock Leung PhD yes McGrenere Moffatt invited/COMING local
Lucas Rizoli MSc yes Carenini Bunt/Muldner invited/COMING non-local
Evgeny Maksakov MSc yes Munzner   not invited local
Garth Shoemaker PhD yes Booth   invited/COMING local
Xiaojun Bi MSc accepted offer at U of T Booth Chan not invited China
April Webster MSc likely, waiting on new offer letter? Careneni and McGrenere Parker invited/COMING local
Krista Davis MSc not a peep, deadline past Conati Bunt/Muldner invited/refused non-local
Vicki Ha MSc no McGrenere Findlater invited/refused non-local
Saleema Amershi PhD no Conati not needed invited/refused local
Heather Neilson MSc no MacLean Enriquez invited/refused local
David Dearman PhD no Booth Parker invited/refused non-local

2009 Visit Day Schedule & Group Specific Plans


2007: Visit Day Schedule

Friday March 9

  • 9am: Welcome & Breakfast
  • 10am: Building and Lab tour
  • 12am: Lunch with current grad students
  • 1pm: Campus tour
  • 2pm: Individual Faculty/Grad/Lab meetings
  • 4pm: Wine & Cheese

2006 Visit Day Schedule

Friday March 17

  • 9am: Welcome & Breakfast
  • 10am: Building and Lab tour
  • 12am: Lunch with current grad students
  • 1pm: Campus tour
  • 2pm: Individual Faculty/Grad meetings
  • 3:30pm: Individual Lab meetings
  • 4pm: Wine & Cheese

Building and Lab tour: A brief introduction to each lab space as the visitors wander around in a group.

Individual Faculty/Grad meetings: Visitors meet with faculty or grads one-on-one. ** Try to accommodate visitors who would like to meet with you.

Individual Lab meetings: Visitors get a more in-depth intro to a lab. ** Dust off some demos or debug some new ones

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Topic revision: r15 - 2007-03-30 - KaronMacLean
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