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Backlinks to InteractionDesignReadingGroup in Imager Web (Search all webs)

Results from Imager web retrieved at 13:24 (GMT)

IDRG Time Slot for Fall 2007 This is a list of time slot conflicts and preferences for attendees of the Interaction Design Reading Group for Fall 2007 (Sep Dec)....
Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG) What is the IDRG? We collectively decide on a theme we`d like to explore, and then individual members of the group select...
MUX meeting supersedes IDRG as of Jan 2011. Presenter Queue A Presenter Queue has been set up to help IDRGers take turns and present at times that work best with...
May 2009 1018 68 1 216 WebRss 168 PsmSpace 130 SummerInternships 88 WebHome 50 PsmPackageSystem 49 StatusReport 43 UsefulScripts...
Number of topics: 4

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