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MUX meeting supersedes IDRG as of Jan 2011.

Presenter Queue

A Presenter Queue has been set up to help IDRGers take turns and present at times that work best with the presenter's schedule.

Please feel free to arrange your place (but not reorder others) in the queue. When the queue is up and running, the person at the top of the queue is first in line to present (at the next meeting).

If you want to present at a particular IDRG meeting, email Mohan (mohanr@cs) and he'll slot you in. If you don't care when you present, keep your name in the queue and he'll let you know in advance when it's your turn. After you present, please move yourself to the bottom of the queue.

  • Mona
  • Garth
  • Rock
  • Vincent
  • Zoltan
  • Matt
  • Jeff
  • Syavash
  • Mohanr
  • Michael

(Detailed information about meetings with link to papers)

Fall Meetings, 2010

  • Sep 14: Welcome session for new grads
  • Sep 21: CHI Draft reviews
  • Sep 28: (paper) Mohan
  • Oct 5: (paper) Vincent
  • Oct 12: (paper) Zoltan
  • Oct 19: (paper) Matt
  • Oct 26: (paper) Kelly
  • Nov 2: (paper) Jeff
  • Nov 9: (paper) Syavash
  • Nov 16: (research design brainstorming) Mohanr, (discussion about future of IDRG, HCI grad research forum) Charlotte, Rock
  • Nov 23: (paper) Michael

CHI 2012 Draft review signup

Authors Title
Mona, Diane, Shathel, Charlotte, Joanna Individual Difference in Personal Task Management PTM-CHI12.pdf
Syavash, Louise, Vasanth, Joanna, Devon Exploring the Design Space of Rating Interfaces (Rating Paper, and its Video)
Charlotte, ... What Motivates Older Adults to Learn to Use Mobile Phone (Mobile Paper)
Charlotte, ... Domestic Interruptions: A Taxonomy and Resumption Strategies (Interruption Paper)

CHI 2011 Draft review signup

Authors Title Reviewers
Jessica, Karyn, Leah, Joanna, and Tamara Ephemeral Paths: Gradual Fade-In as a Visual Cue for Subgraph Highlighting ephVis_Sept19.pdf Mona, Gordon, Matt
Rock, Joanna, Peter Graf et al. Help Kiosk: Augmenting displays help older adults use mobile phones (paper) Mohanr, Gökhan, Zoltan
Michael, Petra Isenberg, et al. Requirements and Applications for Visual Analysis of In-Car Communication Traces (Paper) Mohanr, Jeff
Jeff, Juliette, Kelly, Joanna Parameter Selection in Keyboard-Based Dialog Boxes parameterKeysIDRGv2.pdf Tao, Gordon, Michael
Jen, Garth, Kelly Oh snap vs. suck snap vs. no snap: Why our snapping technique is better than yours (Paper) Jeff, Michael, Garth
Garth, Kelly, and others Modeling the effect of gain on mid-air pointing (Paper) Gökhan, Tao
Zoltan and others Crumby Computer Assistance for Video Annotation Tasks (Paper) Rock, Syavash, Matt
Syavash, Mona, et al. Epistemically Active Adaptive User Interfaces: Designing Subtly Interactive Adaptation Processes eaaui.pdf Rock, Joanna

Summer Meetings, 2010

  • May 4: (presentation) Nick Shim
  • May 11: (paper) Russ
  • May 18: (paper) Matt
  • May 25: (practice talk) Jeff
  • Jun 1: (cancelled)
  • Jun 8: (practice talk) Jen
  • Jun 15: (paper) Presley
  • Jun 22: (talk) Barbara Grosz
  • Jun 29: (paper) Emerson
  • Jul 6: (ISG conference overview) Matt & Rock
  • Jul 13: (talk) Jill Woelfer
  • Jul 20: no meeting
  • Jul 27: (paper) Rock

Winter Meetings, 2010

  • Jan 12: (practice talk) Tony
  • Jan 19: (paper) Emerson
  • Jan 26: (paper) Fahimeh
  • Feb 1: (paper) Jeff
  • Feb 8: (talk) Pourang Irani
  • Feb 16: Reading break - no meeting
  • Feb 23: Reading break - no meeting
  • Mar 2: (discussion) Vincent
  • Mar 9: (paper) Kirstie
  • Mar 16: no meeting
  • Mar 23: (paper) Tom
  • Mar 30: (paper) Garth
  • Apr 6: no meeting
  • Apr 13: no meeting
  • Apr 20: (research presentation) Jen
  • Apr 27: CPSC 543 presentations

Fall Meetings, 2009

  • Sep 22: (practice talk) Joel
  • Sep 29: (paper) Jeff
  • Oct 6: (paper) Kirstie
  • Oct 13: (paper) Tom
  • Oct 20: (paper) Karyn
  • Oct 26: (paper) Garth
  • Nov 3: (paper) Presley
  • Nov 10: (paper) Jen
  • Nov 17: (paper) Tony
  • Nov 24: (paper) Russ
  • Dec 1: (ITS conference overview) Tony & Jen
  • Dec 8: (paper) Rock

Summer Meetings, 2009

  • May 5: Presley
  • May 12: Karyn
  • May 19: (practice talks) Garth & Brad
  • May 26: GI - no meeting
  • Jun 2: (paper) Jen
  • Jun 9: (paper) Tony
  • Jun 16: (talk) Mike Terry
  • Jun 30: (practice talk) Leah
  • Jul 7: (paper) Evgeny
  • Jul 14: (paper) Russ
  • Jul 21: (discussion) Joel
  • Jul 28: (paper) Fahimeh
  • Aug 4: (paper critique) Emerson
  • Aug 18: (paper critique) Emerson

Winter Meetings, 2009

  • Jan 27: Planning meeting
  • Feb 3: (design review) Jeff
  • Feb 10: (paper) Rock
  • Feb 17: Cancelled for Reading week
  • Feb 24: (paper) Garth
  • Mar: 3: (paper) Joel
  • Mar 10: (paper) Brad
  • Mar 17: (paper) Kirstie
  • Mar 24: (paper) Russ
  • Mar 31: (practice talk) Leah
  • Apr 7: CHI - no meeting
  • Apr 14: CHI recap
  • Apr 21: Leah
  • Apr 28: Justine

Fall Meetings, 2008

  • Sep 4: Cancelled
  • Sep 11: CHI submission review
  • Sep 17: (talk) Clarence's thesis presentation
  • Sep 24: (paper) Rock
  • Oct 1: (paper) Joel
  • Oct 8: (paper) Brad
  • Oct 15: (paper) Tony
  • Oct 22: (paper) Evgeny
  • Oct 29: (paper) Karyn + Leah
  • Nov 5: (paper) Joel
  • Nov 12: (paper) no meeting
  • Nov 19: (paper) CSCW recap
  • Nov 26: (paper) Tony
  • Dec 3: (paper) Karyn
  • Dec 10: (paper) Kirstie
  • Dec 17:

Summer Meetings, 2008

  • May 7: (practice talk) Lyn Bartram, SFU
  • May 14: SOCIAL!
  • May 21: (practice talk) Cristina
  • May 28: (paper) Leah
  • Jun 4: (paper) Karyn
  • Jun 11: (paper) Tony
  • Jun 18: canceled
  • Jun 25: (paper) Joel
  • Jul 2: (talk) Allan Rempel
  • Jul 9: (workshop recap) Kirstie
  • Jul 16: SOCIAL!
  • Jul 23: (talk) Ducky
  • Jul 30: (paper) Jeff Hendy
  • Aug 6 - 27: BREAK

Winter Meetings, 2008

  • Jan 23: (paper) Karyn
  • Jan 30: (paper) Joel
  • Feb 6: (paper) Tony
  • Feb 13: (paper) Rock
  • Feb 20: CANCELLED for Reading week
  • Feb 27: (paper) Kirstie
  • Mar 5: (paper) Karen
  • Mar 12: (paper) Peter
  • Mar 19: (practice talk) Kirstie
  • Mar 26: (practice talk) Peter
  • Apr 2: (practice talk) Joel
  • Apr 9: CANCELLED for CHI'08
  • Apr 16: CANCELLED
  • Apr 23: CHI wrap-up
  • Apr 30: (thesis presentation) Ying

Older Pages

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Quicktime moviemp4 CHI11-tpad.mp4 r1 manage 5409.2 K 2010-10-04 - 06:34 VincentLevesque Levesque et al. CHI 2011 Submission (mp4)
PDFpdf CHI11-tpad.pdf r1 manage 1778.2 K 2010-10-04 - 06:32 VincentLevesque Levesque et al. CHI 2011 Submission (pdf)
PDFpdf InterruptionHomeV6.pdf r1 manage 1337.2 K 2011-09-20 - 14:05 SyavashN  
PDFpdf MobilePhonev1-15.pdf r1 manage 1295.3 K 2011-09-20 - 14:06 SyavashN  
PDFpdf PTM-CHI12.pdf r6 r5 r4 r3 r2 manage 1691.4 K 2011-09-14 - 02:50 MonaHaraty  
PDFpdf chi2011LeungEtAlv20100920.pdf r1 manage 8987.5 K 2010-09-20 - 23:17 RockLeung Rock's CHI paper draft
PDFpdf chi2011_garth.pdf r1 manage 3613.0 K 2010-09-20 - 20:32 GarthShoemaker Garth's Fitts gain paper
PDFpdf eaaui.pdf r2 r1 manage 404.1 K 2010-09-20 - 19:14 SyavashN  
PDFpdf ephVis_Sept19.pdf r1 manage 503.3 K 2010-09-20 - 17:24 JoannaMcGrenere chi draft by Jessica Dawson et a.
PDFpdf michael_chi2011_automotive.pdf r1 manage 523.1 K 2010-09-20 - 17:42 UnknownUser Michael's CHI2011 Paper Draft
PDFpdf parameterKeysIDRGv2.pdf r1 manage 562.9 K 2010-09-20 - 18:45 JeffHendy  
PDFpdf parameterKeysPaperIDRG.pdf r1 manage 718.2 K 2010-09-20 - 03:07 JeffHendy paper draft from Jeff, Juliette, Joanna, Kelly
PDFpdf rating.pdf r6 r5 r4 r3 r2 manage 778.2 K 2011-09-14 - 06:12 SyavashN  
Quicktime moviemp4 ratingvid.mp4 r1 manage 4693.0 K 2011-09-13 - 01:52 SyavashN  
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Topic revision: r195 - 2011-09-20 - SyavashN
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