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(This page is a work in progress...)

This document provides README-level information about the MDA (Multi-Dimensional Array) package developed by Wolfgang Heidrich with contributions by members of the PSM Lab at UBC. It should probably remain relatively lightweight and should NOT contain information that would be better put in the MDA documentation itself. Ideally, MDA should be self-contained without this need for this wiki document.

To obtain your own working copy of MDA on a machine on which dept file servers are mounted, use the following command.

svn co file:///ubc/cs/research/imager/project/psm/SVNRepository/MDA

To obtain your own working copy of MDA on a machine with internet access on which dept file servers are NOT mounted, use the following command.

svn co svn+ssh://username@okanagan.cs.ubc.ca/ubc/cs/research/imager/project/psm/SVNRepository/MDA

To build MDA, cd to the MDA directory in which your version is downloaded, use tmk, and run tmk.

To build MDA documentation, cd to the MDA/Doc directory and run tmk.

All MDA development should happen in your own working copy. However, for reference, a copy of MDA exists at


This version should be considered read-only and can be updated and rebuilt as desired. This version exists partly to provide a canonical place to obtain MDA documentation, at the following link.


The above link will only work on machines with the CS dept netapp mounted because it uses a file: link, and it will only work if it is explicitly entered in the URL field of the browser. (I.e. just clicking on the above will not work on most browsers.) Should the documentation for MDA be located in a web-accessible directory (like the imager tech reports page) so that the above link can be modified to work from anywhere? That would make MDA Google-able, which may have various pros and cons...


  • Add MDA to the list of packages available with the "use" command.
  • Run a cron job every night that does an "svn update" and "tmk" in the reference copy directories mentioned above. (Optional.) This job should auto-email the PSM group if it fails to help ensure that the core checked-in version is always buildable.
  • Should MDA documentation exist in the imager tech report web directory so it can be linked to from here?
  • Should some of the information on this page be put into a README file in the top-level MDA directory, and only be linked to in this page?
  • Should this TODO list be put into a TODO file in the top-level MDA directory, and only be linked to in this page?
  • Add a link to a complete set of all MDA SVN commits and their comment fields so we can get a history of all the changes that have been made.
  • List other proposed MDA development efforts here...

Raison d'être

I put this document together to assemble some meta-information about MDA. As people enter and leave the lab, this document should provide (links to) the necessary background information about what MDA is and how to use it. It also provides a point of first contact to make it easy to get to the MDA documentation pages, or at least it will when I (or someone) gets these documentation links working.

-- AllanRempel - 13 Feb 2009

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HTMLhtml index.html r1 manage 0.4 K 2009-02-13 - 23:21 AllanRempel MDA Documentation
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Topic revision: r4 - 2010-12-21 - MushfiqurRouf
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