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-- Main.oxenford - 02 Jun 2005

Where To Buy Food And Drink

  • Safeway: They need at least 2 days notice for party trays (sandwiches, wraps, etc.)

... add suggestions for where to buy things and any gotchas to be aware of ...

Jen wonders: is Safeway really the best place to get party food? I know their prices are significantly higher than everywhere else I've ever shopped when it comes to everyday items - I would assume that prepared trays would be equally expensive. Anyone know how much Calhoun's charges, comparatively? I know that they're used for a lot of events (i.e. NIME, csgsa orientation), and the food is awesome.

Jason Replies: Calhouns is also on the expensive side, but the quality is higher than Safeway (IMHO). I've attached the May 2005 catering menu from Calhouns.

What To Buy

Food and Drink Guidelines

  • don't just get chips
  • if bringing pop, get some sugar-free pop too
  • try to incorporate some variety of vegetables, fruit, meat, cheese, etc. instead of all breads and sweets (bagels, croissants, donuts, muffins, crackers)

Tim notes: The Safeway Select cola that looks like Diet Coke is only caffeine-free. It still has lots of sugar.

General Supplies

  • cups
  • bottle opener
  • napkins
  • serving plates, bowls, etc.
  • iPod or other music source to plug into the fancy Logitech THX speakers

Karyn notes: non-disposible items (including a bottle opener, knives, cutting boards, etc., but not including disposible cups, plates, napkins, cutlery, etc.) can be borrowed from the imager social box. Ask David Sprague or Tony Tang.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf CalhounsCompleteMenu2005.pdf r1 manage 1695.1 K 2005-06-03 - 21:41 JasonHarrison Received May 2005 from Jennifer (catering@calhounsDELETEthisTEXT.bc.ca)
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Topic revision: r6 - 2005-06-16 - oxenford
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