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Imager Twiki and Website Access

Twiki access

In general, if a person registers their TwikiName on the CS department registration page (.../view/TWiki/TWikiRegistration) they will get access to the Imager wiki.

Mechanism: Imager's wiki does not allow ExternalUsersGroup to access the pages, as seen on .../view/Imager/WebPreferences.

Individuals who register via the public (non-CS account) registration page, rather than CS department registration page, will be listed in ExternalUsersGroup. This can be checked in the membership as seen in ../view/Main/ExternalUsersGroup.

In addition, such individuals will notice the lack of a Login Name on their personal page.

Imager website

See WebMaintProcedures for more information about conventions for maintaining the imager webspace.

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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-05-16 - TamaraMunzner
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