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-- KaronMacLean

Imager Web: Status & To-Do (2008-09)

Updated Aug 09 2009 - KM



-- Karon - 17 Nov 2009

  • (fixed) The website home page name is still set to "The Imager Lab for Graphics... and HCI" rather than "..and Human Centered Technologies".

-- Tamara - 16 Nov 2009

  • On home page and faculty name list page, make links from professor pic/name go directly to their own page, not to intermediate graphics/hci/vis pages.
  • Minor bug on home page with visible links only for Michiel/Alla, not rest of us.

-- Tamara - 14 Nov 2009

  • Upper right image credit fixing (as below) should be done ASAP, makes us look really bad to publicly have joint work with students attributed only to professor. If it's not easy to fix that quickly, then I'd vote for just taking out the images for now and just having news in that column.

  • (fixed) Style issue - please make links be visible without the need for mouseover (ideally through underlining as is standard). now it's got poor usability because it's very hard to see what's a link and what's not - way too subtle about lighter grey links vs darker grey text, couldn't figure it out at all on a links-only page like faculty name list. also can't tell difference between links and headers on the finding us page. [Nov 15 - looks great now! Tamara]

-- KaronMacLean - 13 Nov 2009 *(fixed) Banner: reasearch area items font (graphics, vis etc) are too big and bottom edge is obscured. Fix by making the areas smaller, not by making the banner bigger.

  • (could not replicate, but assuming the banner fix, fixed this as well). left menu: the shaded highlight for the top-level items has a downward offset from where actually clicking or hovering
  • clicking on a faculty's image on the "home" page does NOT take you to the location on the page where that person's blurb appears (only notice this for graphics fac near bottom of list, e.g. Michiel)

  • (fixed) archival link: the "old" imager site needs to be maintained with a forward to the new site. [concern of Kellys' from 13 nov]
  • Meetings: the current content is so old that it should be removed - it looks bad. Please take this offline until we can get Juliet's attention on it.
  • Images of Imager: Ben Ceccheto has made available new images. These need to be incorporated
  • students: the list is still at least 15 months out of date. What is status on getting updated list here?
  • publications and theses: these are still unpopulated. We need to deal with this.

-- Earlier

  • (fixed)The banner has a spelling mistake! "Technolgies" Also seems to be a few pixels too narrow to match the lower part of the page.

  • (fixed) Research pages: hover on faculty names does weird thing
  • (fixed)Sort for faculty on people page does not work properly. All the other sorts are working.

Joanna - 12 Oct 2009

  • (fixed)clicking in "Imager Laboratory" upper lefthand corner of banner takes you to cs main page
  • seems that clicking on the parent node in the nav hierarchy should take you to a page: About Us, People, Research, Publications; right now it opens up the hierarchy if it isn't open already, but does nothing else
  • (fixed)facilities page is really long, and will be even longer once the photos are in. I think it would be helpful to have links to each of the labspaces at the top of this page for those that want to jump to a particular lab (i.e., some sort of index)
  • (fixed)about us page - the areas associated with each of the faculty members needs to be better spacially positioned. Right now the areas for the faculty in the top row are closer to those images of faculty in the second row (e.g., Dinesh looks like he is "user interface". Also, should the "user interface" onces change to HCT or actually try to spell out "human centered technolgoies".

Main.KelloggBooth - 02 Oct 2009

  • (fixed)postdoc link under people goes to empty list with apparent error message. It appears that a null list is considered an error -- it should instead say "there are currently no postdocs"
  • (fixed)list of students does not sort by supervisor (something weird happens)
  • it does not appear the student list supports co-supervision (it needs to do this, and it needs to support co-supervision when one of the supervisors is NOT an Imager faculty member)
  • instructions for updating student and postdoc list are missing

Tamara - 2 Oct 2009 *(fixed) sortable column for supervisor on people page also broken - that sorts by supervisor. suspect an off-by-one error...

  • (fixed)on home page, fixed it so all names are on two lines, it was an inconsistent mix before. but i argue area should be right below name, instead of having one line of whitespace - that makes the label appear to belong to the image below, not the image above as it should. that's a php not a text editing change, so leaving it for andre. Robert suggests making the images a little bit smaller to make five of them fit on a single line; currently at 106x106 pixels, should work at about 85x85.


[DONE] style and layout

  • wrap "human centered tech" in left sidebar; then make left sidebar narrower

[DONE] Banner

  • (done) HCI -> Human Centered Technologies
  • (done)put HCT on bottom (longer) and G, V on top
  • (done)make them all visibly clickable (according to random user test)
  • Does not look good still. Too cluttered. Need to come up with a better idea around style

[DONE 09/30/09] move prototype onto CS server, into current imager webspace with a ghost link so faculty can start editing directly.

[NOT DONE] Documentation:

  • transfer "process" notes onto twiki, start organizing (probably best to organize by WHO does the task, with possible prominent subcategores being the topic, like News, Student Records, etc); and Frequency (like, once/year, once/month, etc).
  • Items to include:
      • Process for moving students to alumni (Juliet; but, is add'l contact info supplied by prof?)
      • See also references below, e.g. Under News.
      • Important NOW: instructions on how to modify text content that pertains to yourself, e.g. faculty bio info.

[DONE] History - waiting on image from KB (??)

  • try to break up big block of text. Wish list: neat old photos, artifacts of old days that Kelly might have around? Original founding faculty photo?? Kelly might have (Kelly didn't have photo)

[DONE 09/30/09] Finding Us

  • add top link for "tips"
  • check permissions on maps links (floor maps) - still not working - check w/ someone else

[DONE 09/30/09] Contact list - see Karon's source mt'l from mid Aug

[DONE 09/30/09] News & Events

  • remove leading bullet (done)
  • (done) Keep most recent 10 items (can adjust this) and automatically put everything else into a SINGLE archive. Which could be manually cleaned out when someone notices.

[SEMI DONE] Meetings: waiting on Juliet

  • Juliet had updated the content on the old site. I ported it over. I have left the notes on the page of what Karon wanted because I am not sure things align properly.
  • If the current system is okay, then the next task is to convert the sub-pages to the current look and feel.

Will include the following:
Meetings (reading groups and lab meetings) ... subsections: Imager meeting schedule (to encourage visitors), subgroup meetings ... Admin posts Imager meeting schedule here, perhaps via a google calendar (oops, we're not allowed to anymore). ... Link to where the meetings are maintained: IDRG page, SPIN twiki, ?? or contact info if it's not public.

[NOT DONE] Images of Imager: --- mostly waiting for Michiel

  • Michiel van de Panne is the person to bug. Grad students might take photos; can ask them to also generate thumbnails of desired size (smaller than existing)
  • rename to "images of imager"
  • good photos, some professionally acquired, laid out carefully one time. This is not an automatically updated repository.
    • make "large thumbnails" (w/ varying aspect ratios) smaller than now, e.g. ~3/row.
    • [For now, use current images, and plan to augment or swap when get better ones.]

[DONE 09/30/09] Faculty

  • Remove all associates from both Faculty and Research pages.
  • Missing Michiel's bio (he needs to supply)

[NOT DONE] Students and postdocs: private contact

  • Do NOT need to separate into different tables for different programs (one for all)
  • password protected, not obscurity - ask anthony winstanley for how - anyone with a cs account
  • Put FULL student and postdoc contact info on private webpage (not twiki, which won't work well). Use same mechanism for updating as for public list.
  • Question: should this be two pages, or alright to be one for this piece?

[DONE DONE] students and postdocs public page

  • populate!
  • working with Juliet, ADD a "comments" column which will be on both public and private page; and ensure that the "ROLE" field is very consistent, limited to a small number of preset options. Any elabaoration on them like "on leave" or "research technician" or "visitor" should be in the comment field. See Juliet action item below.

[Not DONE 09/30/09] alumni - waiting on faculty to say what they want

  • make a skeleton that's visible for now both in left sidebar and a page
  • KM needs to ask faculty what they want here, and get 1-2 years past data to populate (w/ juliet's help)
  • then, hide until we have accumulated a database consisting of former students migrated into an alumni database. But, otherwise set it up with a few manually entered items.

[DONE 09/30/09] Research / Graphics etc

  • (done) when click on faculty name on faculty page, should take to anchor on respective research page.
  • (done) Link names at start of blurbs; remove caption names.
  • (done) HCI/Haptics tag in left menu: hold off until HCI fac decide what to call it

[ALMOST DONE] Publications & Theses

  • (done) procedures: link to twiki, which needs to be updated. This link is currently broken. (twiki location: WebMaintProcedures)
  • (done) papers need to be dumped
  • We need a plan for theses. Current database is not well populated. For now, Andre will dump what we have.

[ALMOST DONE] Courses - links, waiting on faculty; add cogs stuff

  • add COGS section as a high level section (add after Viz)
  • ask Rensink which courses should be included (appropriate given pre-reqs etc - say, top 2) plus blurbs and links
  • contrast between 1st and 2nd level headings - add a thin line delineation; could use this elsewhere (finding us, etc check other pages w/ sections)
  • consistency in linking (respond to faculty requests checking first pass)

[DONE 09/30/09] Joining Imager.

* remove the notes par when done with it

[NOT DONE] Upper right image:

    • Right now, the tag is manually constructed and linked. (done by McLachlan, we believe).
    • Suggest: flat organization (not by professor)
    • New plan: files named in convention heidrich_15; associated with tag (title and full author list), and link to paper (eventually; for now, to pubs page?)

Completed items

  • [DONE 8/4/09] combine grads, undergrads
  • plus a lot of other stuff...

[DONE] News:

  • no outstanding items

[DONE] Staff:

  • drop the bullet
  • BF the name

[DONE] *faculty / Research page:

    • RB et al. 8/19/09: move associate faculty to a separate list at bottom, out of graphics/user interface/vis categories.
    • KM 8/18/09: HCI/Haptics on left sidebar -> User Interfaces
    • KM 8/03/09: change "HCI/Haptics" on hci.php -> User Interfaces: * and on line below: Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Haptics (done)
    • KM 8/03/09: rename hci.php -> userInterfaces.php


  • [NOT DONE] photos: van de panne will be handling through grad student Ben C.

  • [DONE] assign "other imager faculty" action items
  • [DONE] get Andre access to Imager Twiki (CS ID Q0T6, cwl = ramcio)
  • [DONE] find what current status on pubs database is from Wolfgang and Moyra
    • --> status quo for at least another year


  • [NOT DONE] Alumni: start an alumni database which is same format as students database.
... When a student graduates, their record is simply moved into the alumni database along with any new contact info provided by professor.

  • [NOT DONE] People data file (students, postdocs):
    • (not done!) make sure it's updated.
    • Working with Andre: ADD a "comments" column; ensure that the "ROLE" field is very consistent, limited to a small number of preset options. Any elabaoration on them like "on leave" or "research technician" or "visitor" should be in the comment field. See Juliet action item below. Categories:
      • M.Sc.
      • Ph.D.
      • Postdoc
      • Undergrad
      • Research Associate

  • [NOT DONE] meeting page. Which meeting belong here, which elsewhere; calendar (google) or list display; can we keep it simple, and who maintains?
    • Imager fac agreed that Catalog belongs on website, for all; those which are "public" include pointers to further information.
    • JOK, please collect this list from faculty, with links and designation, and put it into a text file?
    • It will provide a LIST of meetings including links (URL or personal contact), and designation of open or private.



  • [ALMOST DONE] Lab overview - JOANNA - Andre is porting; waiting for photos
    • includes NEW photos, to come from professional (drop the existing photos and separate section at bottom of
    • Include brief list of great places where our students go to work (solicit examples from entire group)

  • [ALMOST DONE] History: "short wikipedia" entry - KELLY has done; waiting for a photo or two
    • this section might get worked into the Lab Overview. Keep separate for now.

  • [DONE] Finding Us - TAMARA

  • [DONE] lab Contact page - JULIET / KARON


  • [DONE] Faculty bios (xx words) and photo for each professor (later, these will be text-editable directly by the prof, but give to Andre in first pass) - (done: Dinesh, Robert, Karon)
    • Probably word limit = 50; embedded links fine.
    • Update your mugshot if desired

  • [DONE - check?] Staff - Information about Juliet - JULIET / KARON


  • The plan: turn our courses into a shorter list, sorted into the three areas but grad/ugrad continuous, with course number, title and a couple of sentences.
  • additionally, within each area section follow our courses with "external courses", which include dept, name/number and remarks like "most HCI graduate students are expected to take this one"

  • [ALMOST DONE] courses: RENSINK - cogs courses? EVERYONE - links
    • Supply 1-2 sentences for the course that you nominally "own".
    • E.g. TAMARA/ROBERT -> 314; KARON -> 344, 543; JOANNA -> 444, 544; TAMARA 533C, ETC
    • EVERYONE: review external list and contribute remarks like "most HCI students are expected to take this one."

    • Ugrad, grad, external; we will use a flat list in numerical order since short.


  • [DONE] Joining Imager - TAMARA
    • TAMARA will take first pass, or farm out to someone else
    • ALLA has "information for prospective graduate students" on her website which could be used as reference.
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