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Notes from Robuddies January 23, 2006

-- RobertSim - 24 Jan 2006

Here is a brief set of instructions for checking out the code and getting it running for the first time. I'm starting this based on my own experiences. If each person using it would be kind enough to add the details they find relevant, then we'll always have an up to date instruction set.

The robot code can be compiled and built successfully by following these steps:

  1. Begin logged on to a Linux box, and being inside the directory where you want the code to end up.
  2. Get permissions for the following groups from IT to access all parts of the CVS repository with the commands (you can also newgrp them, but they will not be permanent):
    1. little
    2. lci
  3. Execute the CVS checkout instruction which grabs the code and puts it in your directory:
    1. cvs -d ~simra/ai/.cvs co fastslam
  4. Add some necessary lines to your shell config files. There are several ways to do this, and some components are shell dependent.
    1. setenv ROBHOME /.autofs/homes/ubccshome/s/simra
    2. setenv MAGICK_HOME # the main directory for the ImageMagick files (set to ROBHOME if you don't want to install a new version of ImageMagick)
    3. setenv FASTSLAM_HOME # where you checked out the files
    4. setenv CPATH ${CPATH}:${MAGICK_HOME}/include/Magick++/lib
    5. setenv PYTHONPATH /usr/lib/python2.4
    6. setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH ${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/cs/public/lib/pkgconfig:/lci/project/raid1/elinas/gtk/lib/pkgconfig
    7. setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${ROBHOME}/mrl/lib:${ROBHOME}/mrl/lib/Robodaemon:${ROBHOME}/lib:${ROBHOME}/ai/lib: ${ROBHOME}/Localize/lib:${ROBHOME}/ai/aim/usr/lib:/cs/public/lib/pkg/:${MAGICK_HOME}/lib
    8. setenv PATH ${PATH}:${MAGICK_HOME}/bin
  5. Install the ImageMagick development libraries, and ensure that these are in the path. if the libraries are not on the system that you are using, do the following to get it to work:
    1. download and untar the files
    2. ./configure --prefix=${MAGICK_HOME} # this prevents ImageMagick from trying to put files in /usr/local/bin & /usr/local/lib if you lack the premissions to write there
    3. make # to build the package
    4. display # to test that ImageMagick is working properly
  6. At the time I built the code, two files gave errors under gcc 4. I had to modify these files slightly to get the build to work:
    1. Navigator.cc. Lines 402 and 403 need (unsigned int)() casts put around the hardcoded zeros.
    2. GlobalNavigator.cc. Lines 60 and 61 need (unsigned int)() casts put around the hardcoded zeros.
  7. Compile the code:
    1. make checkout-install GCC=4.1
    2. make PRODUCTION=yes

Please contact Dave Meger with any feedback on these instructions.

-- Main.DavidMeger - 13 Feb 2007

I found installing ImageMagick really tedious, so I tried to use the one installed in ROBHOME. However, it needs slightly different environment variables:

  • export ROBHOME="/.autofs/homes/ubccshome/s/simra"
  • export MAGICK_HOME="${ROBHOME}"
  • export FASTSLAM_HOME="/.autofs/homes/ubccshome/r/rmcantin/simcode/fastslam"
  • export CPATH="${CPATH}:${MAGICK_HOME}/lib:${MAGICK_HOME}/include"
  • export PYTHONPATH="/usr/lib/python2.4"
  • export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/cs/public/lib/pkgconfig:/lci/project/raid1/elinas/gtk/lib/pkgconfig:${MAGICK_HOME}/lib/pkgconfig"
  • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${ROBHOME}/mrl/lib:${ROBHOME}/mrl/lib/Robodaemon:${ROBHOME}/lib:${ROBHOME}/ai/lib: ${ROBHOME}/Localize/lib:${ROBHOME}/ai/aim/usr/lib:/cs/public/lib/pkg/:${MAGICK_HOME}/lib"
  • export PATH="${PATH}:${MAGICK_HOME}/bin"

Note that I'm using bash shell and that's why I use export instead of setenv.

-- Main.rmcantin - 12 Jun 2007

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Topic revision: r6 - 2007-06-12 - rmcantin
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