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Recent Changes in LCI Web retrieved at 16:12 (GMT)

May 2009 48 1 0 21 BuildInstructionsToRunRobotFromSource 12 WebHome 5 TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge 3 FoodList 2 Plants...
Power up and devices Main robot power on Robot CPU power on Ensure the laser toggle switch is at state (WHICH ONE WORKS?) Manually power on the...
The Semantic Robot Vision Challenge GENERAL INFORMATION Running the robot with the current ROS setup Setting Up the Master and Slave Computers for...
Please sign up to bring goodies (budget is approx $30 $35) for the LCI Forum meetings. I will send out e mail reminders. (If you forgot about it, Tim Horton`s has...
Robuddies meets Wednesdays at 2pm in CS146 Each week someone presents a paper/tutorial or current research. The topics for robuddies are Robotics and Vision. Under...
Game Theory and Decision Theory reading group meets weekly on Tuesdays, 2:15 4:15pm in ICICS/CS 146. To check the current schedule and the past talks, see http://www...
Top Menu of LCI Web This topic defines the menu structure of the LCI web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic...
LCI Equipment Tracking Page The purpose of this page is to keep track of various equipment borrowed from the lab by people. Whenever you take something from the lab...
Laboratory for Computational Intelligence (LCI) Wiki Welcome to the home of LCI wiki. This is a web based collaboration area for members of the LCI. The site is protected...
Setting Up the Master and Slave Computers for SRVC Networking Configure NIS (help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNISHowTo) apt get install nis and portmap...
Setting Up the Master and Slave Computers for SRVC Networking Configure NIS (help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNISHowTo) apt get install nis and portmap...
Test test test test testse teasrfdsafs
Current ROS based run instructions Powering up bart Make sure the charger is unplugged! Locate the panel to the left side of the robot, as seen by standing...
An Attempt at beaking down the code. This section assumes that you are familiar with the concepts of ROS (main page here) Packages This section contains a list of...
There are currently four servers: brendan.cs.ubc.ca magellan.cs.ubc.ca zhenghe.cs.ubc.ca cook.cs.ubc.ca brendan, magellan, and zhenghe have 32GB of memory...
Follow following steps to run training for Felzenszwalb detector Make sure you have right directory structure read in training data node(described here)...
Using Annotation GUI Directory Structure for Data Training data and annotations are organized as follows training data node is the ROS node which is supposed...
Router setup All the computers on the robot are in on the same logical network (192.168.10.x/ We have two routers configured with a wireless bridge...
Minutes Travel plans: Rental van Need to book hotels and plane tickets Dry run status: This week: ran full system integrated...
Current packages needed Now that we`re using ROS, most of the instructions below are obsolete. All you really need to do is setup ROS, check out the code, and...
Minutes Who`s going to the conference Travel plans Everyone who`s going to attend the conference should register for the conference Flights...
Agenda Start planning itinerary update from Scott Robot shipping plan Self administered PC and networking update List of pre known objects posted...
Minutes: 2 page abstract due for this year. We`ll develop it in the directory: DOC/abstract inside SVN. Dave will start it and email around DM Qualification...
This article documents the process of installing the NVIDIA CUDA GPGPU framework on a self administered Ubuntu 8.04 Linux computer. This guide is a collection of...
Installation steps: Install Ubuntu: Recommended partitioning: 15GB Linux partition using ext3 mounted on / Swap partition of 4GB Data...
SRVC Meeting minutes for September 30th, 2009 Discussion: Report that mechanical turk will not be allowed this year Reminder to lockup the laptops because...
SRVC Meeting minutes for September 23rd, 2009 We discussed moving the robot. CG reported that shipping the bot is possible for about $600 each way. Still need...
People Chiang Plant Care Name Description Light Water Fertilizer Comments Areca Palm Chrysadlidocarpus lutescens A palm with slender...
The `harness` package is part of the ubc srvc pkg repository, under the folder `recognition`. It is designed to provide a harness for object detection algorithms...
SRVC Meeting minutes for September 9th, 2009 Laptop situation: We planned some changes to the structure of our development environment to stop the rapidly...
Step 1: Pre install Check Step 1 from http://pr.willowgarage.com/wiki/ROS/Installation Step 2: Install The following commands will download the latest version...
This page is deprecated. It has been replaced by the Running section of the build instructions. Instructions for Running UBC SRVC 2008 Contest Code All code...
LCI Chess Tournament About Why an LCI chess tourney? To meet people even the ones in your lab you`ve been ignoring Show off your chess skills Because...
ScottHelmer 20 May 2008 Flight Info To Anchorage: Scott Helmer Depart at 7:10 pm on 22/06/08 Arrives at 9:36 pm Hotel Info We have one room booked at the Red...
Timeline for SRVC work 2008 Feb 28 Begin the schedule March 6th Initial Dry Run to test old tech March 13th Sub team meetings April 8th...
UBC SRVC 2007 Team Legacy Information This page contains some information which applied to the 2007 version of UBC`s SRVC entry (winners of that year`s contest). The...
SVN Tutorial for the SRVC Here`s a quick example of how I use SVN to access the SRVC project code. There are plenty of other general tutorials scattered across the...
Who we are Erik Forssen Helpful hints and tips CS PostDocs Wiki For non LCI specific post doc info, look here. Administrative Mailing lists and...
ErikZawadzki 07 Sep 2007 Problem Description Objectives I. Minimize delays, stops, trip times, queue size I. Maximize `bandwidths` Planning Measures I...
Geographic Mark up Language This is an open source GIS format. It`s an XML grammar designed by the Geospatial Consortium.
GAMUT Read about it here: website. Import in Eclipse: 1. Create a project, call it GAMUT (or whatever) 1. Import the GAMUT jar file as an archive...
ErikZawadzki 11 Sep 2007 Algorithms AWESOME Bully / Determined Fictitious Play GIGA WoLF GSA Meta MaxMin MiniMax Q Pareto...
ErikZawadzki 10 Sep 2007 VISSIM is a micro simulator made by PTV. This program is used for modeling traffic flow, and is the program used for the assignments in CIVIL...
ErikZawadzki 10 Sep 2007 VISUM is a planning tool that is made by PTV (the same people as VISSUM ). This tool was recommended by Dr. Jenkins for planning questions...
Notes from Robuddies January 23, 2006 Sim`s slides on the robot hardware Elinas` slides on Homer RobertSim 24 Jan 2006 Here is a brief set of instructions...

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