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  • Start planning itinerary update from Scott
  • Robot shipping plan
  • Self-administered PC and networking update
  • List of pre-known objects posted
  • Demo of working image processing nodes
  • Finally, the list of completed and in progress tasks.


  • Everyone should contribute to the abstract.
    • It can be checked out like this: svn co svn+ssh://username@cascade.cs.ubc.ca/lci/project/raid1/srvc/SVN/DOC/abstract
  • Bug Scott about planning who's going to Vegas
  • Start looking into renting SUV/minivan to drive the bot to vegas. In parallel, Catherine will investigate shipping options in case those look better.
  • Robot network setup is complete. From any locally administered machine, we should be able to drive the robot
    • Put this in your .bashrc.ros file:

function fraser() {

export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://fraser:11311 }

    • Then type "fraser()" in your shell in order to have ROS use the robot's roscore
    • Test this by typing "rostopic list" and make sure you see the robot's devices

  • This is the list of pre-known objects, grouped by our assessments:
    • We can probably do these already:
      • laptop
      • toy car
      • toy Stegosaurus
      • table lamp
    • These objects are really going to need some contours or structure:
      • mug
      • bottle
      • bowl
      • Frying pan
    • Not sure if there's any point working on:
      • pencil
      • toy bed
    • We need to obtain a bunch of these objects for testing. We'll go buy more if needed. [ALL]

Completed components:

  • Porting of basic drivers for: bumblebee, cannon and powerbot
  • Tower design
  • gmapping
  • Tilting laser drivers
  • Robot coordinate transform code
  • Network configuration and development environment
    • Robot router setup
    • Setup self-administered PC's
    • ROS instructions
  • WG nav stack
  • Basic saliency map computation

Current in-progress task list:

  • Capture data from robot for testing
  • Tower upgrade:
    • Order material for building a new laser/camera mount and assemble same.
  • Attention system:
    • Stereo + saliency combined to identify interesting regions [PV]
    • Tilt laser point cloud segmentation [MM]
    • Choice of where to look
  • High-level control functionality such as planning
    • Random walk behavior
    • 3 main high-level planners:
      • Exploring frontiers
      • Find tables [PV]
      • Space coverage
      • Look back at objects
    • Top level state machine to choose between above planners
  • Recognition framework (James module directly or something built upon that) [AG and CG]
    • Skeleton framework for the recognition system (inputs: robot images, outputs class guesses)
    • Combining results from different types of detectors (different algorithms)
    • Combining results from various viewpoints
    • Evaluate on the known objects
    • Test data interface
    • Felzenswalb detector
      • MB profiled Kenji's python implementation - most of the time in convolution - promising
      • Will investigate cuda'ing pieces
    • Helmer detector
      • Using point cloud,
    • Mccann
    • Training data interface and additional parameters
    • Load balancing between various recognition algorithms
  • Cuda on fraser [MB, WW and TH]
    • Need to get the code compiling
    • GPUSift
    • FastHOG
  • Web grabbing module [PF and CG]
    • Add additional sources of info
    • Investigate filtering techniques
    • Integrate output data format with classification
  • Speed-up of Felzenswalb training [MB]
    • Data transfer kills several ideas we've had about converting to Cuda
    • Kenji suggested several non-GPU speedups which Matt will work on next

Future tasks pending completion of others:

  • Use of 3D models in recognition
  • Use of 3D information and context in attention system
  • Real time result reporting
  • Feeding back classification results to robot planner
  • Investigate new cameras which might be faster than the Cannon
  • Prioritizing computation done by classifiers towards images which look really promising to the attention system, and based on the classes which have already been recognized.

-- DavidMeger - 14 Oct 2009

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Topic revision: r3 - 2009-10-28 - DavidMeger
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