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Follow following steps to run training for Felzenszwalb detector-
  • Make sure you have right directory structure read in training_data node(described here)
  • Add a training file to ImageSets with name category_train.txt (e.g., toy_Stegosaurus_train.txt)
  • Add list of xml files(without extension) as positive examples.
  • Add list of jpg images(without extension) for negative examples.
  • pyUtil package has a node list_files to make above two steps easier(type $rosrun pyUtils list_files.py --help )
  • Modify(or create a new)launch file dpm_train.launch to enter category you'd like to train for.(make sure you have a corresponding train file available, see second step)
  • Run $ roslaunch DPM dpm_train.launch

-- AnkurGupta - 12 Nov 2009

Topic revision: r1 - 2009-11-12 - AnkurGupta
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