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Installation steps:

  • Install Ubuntu:
    • Recommended partitioning: > 15GB Linux partition using ext3 mounted on /
    • Swap partition of 4GB +
    • Data partition using ext3 with the remainder
    • Primary user named lciuser with the usual password
  • Once ubuntu install completes, add some users:
    • Edit /etc/adduser.conf
      • Uncomment EXTRA_GROUPS related variables so new users have access to dialout etc
      • Recommended: add the group admin to the list of EXTRA_GROUPS
    • Add users as desired with "adduser "
  • Install some basic tools:
    • sudo apt-get install openssh-server libcv-dev
  • Install Matlab (pay for the license of course, since that's the law... talk to Dave about where to give you money)
  • Setup ROS software:
    • Run the kitchen sink version of the install at: http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Installation
    • Dont forget to run the section labeled "Environment Setup" in the install instructions
    • Check out our locally developed packages into the ~/ros folder, with an SVN command such as: svn co svn+ssh://@cascade.cs.ubc.ca/lci/project/raid1/srvc/SVN/ubc-srvc-pkg
    • Add our folder tree to ros's search path:
      • Edit ~/.bashrc.ros
      • Add ":/home//ros/ubc-srvc-pkg" after the path that is currently assigned to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH variable

  • If you'd like to edit with eclipse, download it from here:http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/SR1/eclipse-cpp-galileo-SR1-linux-gtk.tar.gz
    • This also requires installing Java

-- DavidMeger - 01 Oct 2009

  • Adding "admin" to EXTRA_GROUPS did not appear to work in my case. If so, you can simply log in as lciuser and use the System->Administration->Users & Groups control panel to add your other users to the admin group, allowing use of sudo.

-- MattBaumann - 01 Oct 2009

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Topic revision: r3 - 2009-10-02 - DavidMeger
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