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Recent Changes in LCI Web retrieved at 18:33 (GMT)

WESTGRID ( http://www.westgrid.ca/ ) provides high performance computing, networking, and collaboration tools hosted by Western universities (Simon Fraser University...
CLUMEQ is a super computer available to students (though I`m sure any student attending a Canadian university may have access). See details here: http://www.clumeq...
lmstat Copyright (c) 1989 2003 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved. Flexible License Manager status on Mon 5/22/2006 09:26 License server status:...
% File: `westgrid.m` % Author: Albert Law bleuant@cim.mcgill.ca (McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) % Description: This is written for any linux cluster...
% File: clumeq.m` % Author: Albert Law bleuant@cim.mcgill.ca (McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) % Description: This is written for CLUMEQ http://www...
Main.bleuant 10 May 2006 % Author: Albert Law % File: `qdelall.m` % Date: 2006 05 05 % Description: This will kill all the user queues on a PBS system. % Note #1:...
TWiki`s LCI web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Status: Dec 14, 2005 Homer`s wirelss interface failed to start after some hardware work. The system had some IRQ conflicts between the USB and the PCMCIA devices...
Page 387 `is a vector in vector in this space` `is a vector in this space` `in Figure 8.2 If` `in Figure 8.2. If` Page 388 `ason line algorithms...
Page 149 caption of fig 3.1: `hand side of(3.2)` `hand side of (3.2)` (add a space) Page 151 the second equation is missing the equation number. Also...
Page 87 `Gamma function is defined` `Gamma function is defined` Page 88 Figure 2.2: It would be nice to show what`s on the x and y axes. Also...
GeneralComments ChapterOne ChapterTwo ChapterThree ChapterEight
Page 12 `as we say in Figure 1.4 ... ` The caption of Fig 1.4 doesn`t say this, but the statement can be infered from the bottom right figure. Maybe `as we...
Status: November 28, 2005: Player/stage is installed in /usr/local/bin There is a sample powerbot config file in /usr/local/src/player 1.6.5/config/powerbot.cfg RS...
Project proposals Do not use this page please send your proposal to Frank. The list is here http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~hutter/teaching/cpsc540/projects.html
Here is a list of topics for the review session EM HMM algorthms. esp. forward backward. Evidence Approximation(8.4)
Machine Learning I Computer Science 540 This is a page for CS540. Links: Course Website Vote for Meeting Time Time Table Unofficial Registeration...
Please enter your name, Email address, department and degree in the table below. First Name Last Name Email Address Department Degree Maryam...
This is a page about CVS
Research Group of Kevin Murphy This is a page for Kevin Murphy`s research group. Links: Kevin`s Website Information about CVS
LCI Robots GeneralNotes Homer Bart Lisa Jose
Status: Notes: Main.simra 26 Sep 2005
Status: Notes: Main.simra 26 Sep 2005
Video matting, or layer extraction, is a classic inverse problem in computer vision that involves the extraction of foreground objects, and the alpha mattes that describe...
We describe a Markov chain Monte Carlo based particle filter that effectively deals with interacting targets, i.e., targets that are influenced by the proximity and...
Robot localization is the problem of how to estimate a robot...
The book is great! :) In many cases, it appears `Chapter ??` or `Section ??` On the left side of the text, sometimes there is `Excercise x.xx` corresponding...
Please write your username in the time slots you would most like for the discussion section and/or mark off slots with conflicts known to affect multiple people (eg...
Piled Higher and Deeper: http://www.phdcomics.com/
bla Main.murphyk 06 Sep 2005
Please enter your name, Email address, department and degree in the table below. First Name Last Name Email Address Department Degree Maryam...
LCI Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the LCI web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this LCI web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
Main.carenini 28 Apr 2005 lciweb.pdf:
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