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  • Name: Philippe Beaudoin
  • Login Name: beaudoin
  • Email: beaudoin@csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca
  • Phone: (604) 827-3992
  • Office: X653
  • Lab: X660 (Imager lab)
  • Comment: Post-Doc with Michiel van de Panne in the Imager Lab (until January 2010).

About Me

Philippe Beaudoin
I completed a Ph. D. in computer graphics at University of Montreal under the supervision of Pierre Poulin. My main research interest is data-driven character animation.

More information can be found on my Home Page

Animation links

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Various Project Ideas

  • In-depth study of motion alignment
    • It seems like distance-based motion alignment is a difficult problem: a punch to the left and a punch to the right will almost necessarily not get aligned right. A good alignment would aligh the extremas of these punches, but this is the "worst case" for a distance-based technique.
    • Investigate how other techniques behave: aligning velocities, accelerations, blending-based alignment.
    • Blending-based alignment: find an alignment so that for any blending ratio, the blended motion introduces/destroy as few frequency components as possible.
    • Blending-based alignment can probably be casted entirely in the frequency domain, an interesting theoretical project.
    • Thoroughly study n-way alignment
    • Build parameterized blend spaces
    • Perform a user-study to evaluate the quality of the resulting motion
    • Study the effect of modifying the blending parameter during the motion
    • Evaluate the physical correctness of the various approach, or with an evolving blending parameter
  • Motion synthesis in wavelet space
    • When compressing, study if similar motions have a similar optimal truncated wavelet coefficient distribution.
    • If so, then use this fact (together with PCA?) to reduce the search space for various kinematic motion synthesis.
  • Throwing and catching
    • Acquire mocap data for a character catching an object (a ball?)
    • Parameterize on:
      • Catching location
      • Object speed and mass
    • Kinematically synthesize a novel motion given arbitrary parameters
  • Efficient real-time exploration of a distant motion-capture database
    • Motions are transmitted across a slow channel (ie. the internet)
    • Simultaneously display a bunch of huge bunch of animations (on the same ground plane, with a wide perspective view)
    • Use wavelet-based progressive motion compression to obtain adaptive level-of-detail
      • Motion far from the viewer is less detailed
      • Automatic and nice degradation when transmission slows down
    • Use streaming transmission
    • Spatially regroup animations according to similarity
    • Automatixally extract a motion hierarchy based on similarity
      • Display a sample motion for a a complete group of similar motion that can later be "opened up"
  • Compression related projects
    • Develop and study more involved spatial compressions
      • PCA across the DOFs with pre- or post-wavelet compression (useful for large database compression)
      • Use automatic motion segmentation (Barbic et al. 2004) and pre-canned linear spaces adapted to the extracted clip
      • Dictionnary-based methods for large database (problem: building an efficient dictionnary of motion clips)
    • Study the importance of various errors in human perception of skeletal animations
    • Apply compression to complex animation data structures
      • Motion Graphs
      • Specialized database for synthesis of a specific kind of motion
    • Constaint enforcement during compression
      • Constrain extremal poses and derivatives (for inclusion in a "snap-together" style of motion graph, or for cycling motions)
      • 2-person interaction (dancing...) where animations constrain each other.
    • Efficient motion blending using a wavelet basis
    • Develop and study prediction-correction schemes (similar to MPEG motion compensation)
    • Build and use statistical motion models to increase compression efficiency
      • The model could be for a complete skeleton or part of a skeleton
      • The model could be specific (extracted from a small bank of similar motions) or generic (extracted from a large motion database)
      • The model could be for really short motion segments or for complete clips
      • Better yet, it could be multi-resolution: long clips for wide basis functions and short clips for narrow basis functions.

Random thoughts

  • Definition of "action", "motion" and "state" in a dynamical-system vocabulary
    • An active dynamical system D is a triplet (S,M,A) that contains a set of states, motions and actions. (none of these needs to be finite)
    • A motion m:S->S is a function of the state space into itself. This means that, given any specific motion from M, a state s can only be mapped towards a single other state s'. In other words, under a fixed motion, trajectory lines cannot cross.
    • An action a:M->M is a function of the motion space into itself. In other words, if we notice trajectory line that crosses, it means an action has been applied.
    • A projection of D towards D' = (S',M',A') is a transformation T:S->S' of the state space such that S' is of lower dimensionality than S. Moreover, for any m in M there exist m' in M' such that m (s) = s' <==> m' (T(s)) = T(s'). Similarly for the actions.
    • In other words, a projection reduces the dimensionality of the state space, but does not introduce crossings in the trajectories for any motion.
    • A reduced dynamical system D is such that it cannot be projected in any way.

Personal Interests (beside CG)

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-- PhilippeBeaudoin - 04 Feb 2009

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