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LinkAtStart <!-- /actual --> <!-- expected expand LINKATSTART --> <span class="twikiNewLink"><a href=%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/TestCases/LinkAtStart?topicparent=TestCases.TestCaseAutoFormatting;nowysiwyg=%IF{ "$ EDITMETHOD='wysiwyg'" then="0" else="1" }% rel="nofollow" title="LinkAtStart (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)" >LinkAtStart</a></span> <!-- /expected --> Description: Simple formatting, as described in TWiki.TextFormattingRules [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?test=compare&debugenableplugins=TestFixturePlugin&skin=pattern][run this test]] Designed by: Crawford Currie %BR% Modified by: Markus Ueberall (redundant anchor names get renamed, cf. TestCaseAutoTOC) ---++ Paragraphs ---+++ Expected <!-- expected PARAS --> 1st paragraph <p /> 2nd paragraph <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> 1st paragraph 2nd paragraph <!-- /actual --> ---++ Headings ---+++ Expected <!-- expected HEADS --> <h2><a name="Sushi_AN1"></a>Sushi</h2> <h3><a name="Maguro_AN1"></a>Maguro</h3> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> ---++ Sushi ---+++ Maguro <!-- /actual --> ---++ Bold Text ---+++ Expected <!-- expected BOLD --> <strong>Bold</strong> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> *Bold* <!-- /actual --> ---++ Bold Text with URL ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand BOLD LINK --> <strong>reminded about <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TWikiDocGraphics/external-link.gif" width="13" height="12" alt="" border="0" /></a></strong> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> *reminded about* <!-- /actual --> ---++ Italic Text ---+++ Expected <!-- expected ITALIC --> <em>Italic</em> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> _Italic_ <!-- /actual --> ---++ Bold Italic ---+++ Expected <!-- expected BOLD ITALIC --> <strong><em>Bold italic</em></strong> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> __Bold italic__ <!-- /actual --> ---++ Fixed Font ---+++ Expected <!-- expected FIXED --> <code>Fixed font</code> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> =Fixed font= <!-- /actual --> ---++ Bold Fixed Font ---+++ Expected <!-- expected BOLD FIXED --> <code><b>Bold fixed</b></code> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> ==Bold fixed== <!-- /actual --> ---++ Bold Fixed Font ---+++ Expected <!-- expected MIXED --> <em>this</em> <em>should</em> <em>italicise</em> <em>each</em> <em>word</em> <p /> <strong>and</strong> <strong>this</strong> <strong>should</strong> <strong>embolden</strong> <strong>each</strong> <strong>word</strong> <p /> <em>mixing</em> <strong>them</strong> <em>should</em> <strong>work</strong> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> _this_ _should_ _italicise_ _each_ _word_ *and* *this* *should* *embolden* *each* *word* _mixing_ *them* _should_ *work* <!-- /actual --> ---++ Verbatim Mode ---+++ Expected <!-- expected VERBATIM --> <pre> <verbatim> Description </verbatim> class CatAnimal { void purr() { code <here> } } </pre> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual VERBATIM --> <verbatim> <verbatim> Description </verbatim> class CatAnimal { void purr() { code <here> } } </verbatim> <!-- /actual --> ---++ Separator ---+++ Expected <!-- expected HR --> <hr></hr> <hr></hr> -- <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> --- ------- -- <!-- /actual --> ---++ List Item ---+++ Expected <!-- expected BULLETS --> <ul> <li>bullet item </li> </ul> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> * bullet item <!-- /actual --> ---++ Nested List Item ---+++ Expected <!-- expected NESTBULL --> <ul> <li>level 1 <ul> <li>level 2 and some more </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> * level 1 * level 2 and some more <!-- /actual --> ---++ Ordered List ---+++ Expected <!-- expected OL --> <ol><li> Sushi</li></ol><p /> <ol><li style="list-style-type: upper-alpha;"> Sushi</li></ol><p /> <ol><li style="list-style-type: lower-roman;"> Sushi</li></ol><p /> <ol><li> Sushi</li> <li style="list-style-type: upper-alpha;"> Sushi</li> <li style="list-style-type: lower-roman;"> Sushi</li></ol> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> 1. Sushi A. Sushi i. Sushi 1. Sushi A. Sushi i. Sushi <!-- /actual --> ---++ Nested bullets & numbers lists ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand WIKIWORDAFTER --> <span class="twikiNewLink"><a href=%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/TestCases/WikiWordBeforeList?topicparent=TestCases.TestCaseAutoFormatting;nowysiwyg=%IF{ "$ EDITMETHOD='wysiwyg'" then="0" else="1" }% rel="nofollow" title="WikiWordBeforeList (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">WikiWordBeforeList</a></span> <ol> <li>Things</li> <li>Stuff <ul> <li>Banana Skins</li> <li>Other</li> <li></li> </ul></li> <li>Something</li> <li>Hello kitty</li> </ol> <span class="twikiNewLink"><a href=%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/TestCases/WikiWordAfterList?topicparent=TestCases.TestCaseAutoFormatting;nowysiwyg=%IF{ "$ EDITMETHOD='wysiwyg'" then="0" else="1" }% rel="nofollow" title="WikiWordAfterList (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">WikiWordAfterList</a></span> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> WikiWordBeforeList 1 Things 2 Stuff * Banana Skins * Other * 3 Something 4 Hello kitty WikiWordAfterList <!-- /actual --> ---++ Definition List ---+++ Expected <!-- expected DL --> <dl> <dt> Sushi </dt><dd> Japan </dd> <dt> Dim-Sum </dt><dd> San Francisco, USA </dd> <dt> Honey Fried Locust </dt><dd> Tombouctou, Mali </dd> </dl> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> $ Sushi: Japan $ Dim-Sum: San Francisco, USA $ Honey Fried Locust: Tombouctou, Mali <!-- /actual --> ---++ Table ---+++ Expected <!-- expected SIMPLE TABLE --> <p /> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class=twikiTable><thead><tr><th> <strong>L</strong> </th><th> <strong>C</strong> </th><th> <strong>R</strong> </th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr><td> A2 </td><td align="center"> 2 </td><td align="right"> 2 </td></tr> <tr><td> A3 </td><td align="center"> 3 </td><td align="right"> 3 </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3"> multi span </td></tr> <tr><td> A4-6 </td><td> four </td><td> four </td></tr> <tr><td> ^ </td><td> five </td><td> five </td></tr> </tbody> </table> <p /> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class=twikiTable> <tbody><tr><td> ^ </td><td> six </td><td> six </td></tr> </tbody> </table> <p /> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> | *L* | *C* | *R* | | A2 | 2 | 2 | | A3 | 3 | 3 | | multi span ||| | A4-6 | four | four | |^| five | five | |^| six | six | <!-- /actual --> ---++ Prevent a Link ---+++ Expected <!-- expected NOLINK --> <nop>SunOS <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> !SunOS <!-- /actual --> ---++ Disable Links ---+++ Expected <!-- expected DISLINK --> <noautolink> RedHat & SuSE </noautolink> <!-- /expected --> Note: noautolink tags will still be there, because they are not removed until immediately before topic display. ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> <noautolink> RedHat & SuSE </noautolink> <!-- /actual --> ---++ Mailto: Links Note: depends on setting of spam padding ---+++ Expected <!-- expected MAILTOS --> <a href="">Mail</a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Hi">Hi</a> <a href=""></a> <a href="">Mail</a> <a href="">Mail link</a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Hi">Subject_only</a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Hi">Subject only</a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Hi">Subject only</a> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> [[ Mail]] [[mailto:?subject=Hi Hi]] [[][Mail]] [[][Mail link]] [[mailto:?subject=Hi][Subject_only]] [[mailto:?subject=Hi][Subject only]] <a href="mailto:?subject=Hi">Subject only</a> <!-- /actual --> ---++ Wiki Word Links ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand WIKIWORDS --> <a class="twikiLink" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TestCases/WebPreferences">WebPreferences</a> <p /> <span class="twikiNewLink"><a href=%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/TestCases/CompleteAndUtterNothing?topicparent=TestCases.TestCaseAutoFormatting;nowysiwyg=%IF{ "$ EDITMETHOD='wysiwyg'" then="0" else="1" }% rel="nofollow" title="CompleteAndUtterNothing (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">CompleteAndUtterNothing</a></span> <p /> <a class="twikiLink" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TestCases/LinkBox">LinkBox</a> <a class="twikiLink" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TestCases/LinkBox">LinkBoxs</a> <a class="twikiLink" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TestCases/LinkBoxy">LinkBoxies</a> <a class="twikiLink" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TestCases/LinkBoxess">LinkBoxess</a> <a class="twikiLink" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TestCases/LinkBoxess">LinkBoxesses</a> <a class="twikiLink" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TestCases/LinkBox">LinkBoxes</a> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> WebPreferences CompleteAndUtterNothing LinkBox LinkBoxs LinkBoxies LinkBoxess LinkBoxesses LinkBoxes <!-- /actual --> ---++ Square Brackets ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand SQUABS --> <span class="twikiNewLink"><a href=%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/TestCases/WikiSyntax?topicparent=TestCases.TestCaseAutoFormatting;nowysiwyg=%IF{ "$ EDITMETHOD='wysiwyg'" then="0" else="1" }% rel="nofollow" title="wiki syntax (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">wiki syntax</a></span> <p /> escaped: [<nop>[wiki syntax]] <p /> <a href="/relative/URL" target="_top">relative url</a> <p /> <span class="twikiNewLink"><a href=%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/TestCases/FilterRubbishFromThelink?topicparent=TestCases.TestCaseAutoFormatting;nowysiwyg=%IF{ "$ EDITMETHOD='wysiwyg'" then="0" else="1" }% rel="nofollow" title="filter%rubbish;from`thelink (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">filter%rubbish;from'thelink </a></span> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> [[wiki syntax]] escaped: ![[wiki syntax]] [[/relative/URL][relative url]] [[filter%rubbish;from'thelink]] <!-- /actual --> ---++ Protocol Links ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand PROTOCOL --> <span class="twikiNewLink"><a href=%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/TestCases/WikiSyntax?topicparent=TestCases.TestCaseAutoFormatting;nowysiwyg=%IF{ "$ EDITMETHOD='wyswyg'" then="0" else="1"}% rel="nofollow" title="syntax (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">syntax</a></span> <p /> <a href="" target="_blank">GNU<img src="%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TWikiDocGraphics/external-link.gif" width="13" height="12" alt="" border="0" /></a> <p /> <a href="" target="_blank">XML<img src="%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TWikiDocGraphics/external-link.gif" width="13" height="12" alt="" border="0" /></a> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> [[WikiSyntax][syntax]] [[][GNU]] [[ XML]] <!-- /actual --> ---++ Anchors ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand ANCHOR --> <a class="twikiCurrentTopicLink twikiAnchorLink" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TestCases/TestCaseAutoFormatting#NotThere">TestCaseAutoFormatting#NotThere</a> <p /> <a class="twikiCurrentTopicLink twikiAnchorLink" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TestCases/TestCaseAutoFormatting#MyAnchor">Jump</a> <p /> <a name="MyAnchor"></a> To here <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> [[TestCaseAutoFormatting#NotThere]] [[#MyAnchor][Jump]] #MyAnchor To here <!-- /actual --> ---++ Escaped variables 1 ---+++ Expected <!-- expected ESCAPEDVAR1 --> %USERSWEB%nowt <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> !%USERSWEB%nowt <!-- /actual --> ---++ Escaped variables 2 ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand ESCAPEDVAR2 --> nowt!%USERSWEB% <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> nowt!%USERSWEB% <!-- /actual --> ---++ Complex table ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand COMPLEX TABLE --> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" class=twikiTable> <thead> <tr> <th><strong>A0 all rows</strong></th> <th><strong>B0</strong></th> <th><strong>C0 widen this col</strong></th> <th><strong><span class="twikiNewLink"><a href=%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/TestCases/D0LinkInColHeader?topicparent=TestCases.TestCaseAutoFormatting;nowysiwyg=%IF{ "$ EDITMETHOD='wysiwyg'" then="0" else="1"}% rel="nofollow" title="D0LinkInColHeader (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">D0LinkInColHeader</a></span></strong></th> <th><strong>E0 not a link this time</strong></th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td align="right"> ^ </td> <td> B1 left </td> <td align="center"> C1 center </td> <td align="right"> D1 right </td> <th><strong>E1 strong</strong></th> </tr> <tr> <td> ^</td> <td colspan="4" align="center"> B2:E2 span whole row </td> </tr> <tr> <td> ^ </td> <td colspan="2" align="right"> B3:C3 span 2 cols right</td> <td> D3</td> <td> E3:E4 span 2 rows </td> </tr> <tr> <td> ^</td> <td> B4:B5 span 2 rows </td> <td colspan="2"> C4:D4 span 2 cols</td> <td> ^ </td> </tr> <tr> <td> ^</td> <td> ^</td> <td> C5</td> <td colspan="2"> D5:E5 span 2 cols</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual Note that when viewing this topic the table below may be formatted by <nop>TablePlugin. This is switched off during the tests. Revisit this URL with <code>?debugenableplugins=</code> to see the table used in the test. ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> | *A0 all rows* | *B0* | *C0 widen this col* | *D0LinkInColHeader* | *E0 not a link this time* | | ^ | B1 left | C1 center | D1 right | *E1 strong* | |^| B2:E2 span whole row |||| |^ | B3:C3 span 2 cols right||D3|E3:E4 span 2 rows | | ^|B4:B5 span 2 rows |C4:D4 span 2 cols|| ^ | |^|^|C5|D5:E5 span 2 cols|| <!-- /actual --> ---++ Link in a table ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand GOOGLE --> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class=twikiTable> <tbody> <tr> <td> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TWikiDocGraphics/external-link.gif" width="13" height="12" alt="" border="0" /></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TWikiDocGraphics/external-link.gif" width="13" height="12" alt="" border="0" /></a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> || | | <!-- /actual --> ---++ Newlines in variable parameter lists ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand NEWLINES_IN_VBLS --> %IF{"context view" then="X" else="Y"}% <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> %IF{ "context view" then = "X" else = "Y" }% <!-- /actual --> ---++ Anchor links ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand --> <span class="twikiNewLink"><a href=%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/TestCases/AnchorLink?topicparent=TestCases.TestCaseAutoFormatting;nowysiwyg=%IF{ "$ EDITMETHOD='wysiwyg'" then="0" else="1"}% rel="nofollow" title="AnchorLink#AnchorName (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">AnchorLink#AnchorName</a></span> <a class="twikiAnchorLink" href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/TWiki/TWikiVariables#VarWEBLIST">TWikiVariables#VarWEBLIST</a> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> AnchorLink#AnchorName TWiki.TWikiVariables#VarWEBLIST <!-- /actual --> ---++ Link at end of topic ---+++ Expected <!-- expected expand LINKATEND --> <span class="twikiNewLink"><a href=%SCRIPTURL{"edit"}%/TestCases/LinkAtEnd?topicparent=TestCases.TestCaseAutoFormatting;nowysiwyg=%IF{ "$ EDITMETHOD='wysiwyg'" then="0" else="1"}% rel="nofollow" title="LinkAtEnd (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">LinkAtEnd</a></span> <!-- /expected --> ---+++ Actual <!-- actual --> LinkAtEnd
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