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Description: Tests for handling embedded tag parameters

Test for embedding a URLPARAM in a SEARCH

%SEARCH{"%URLPARAM{"tagname"}%" topic="TestCaseEmbeddedTags" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="The test passed %TOPIC%"}%
Click here to run test The expected result was: Search hit in TestCaseEmbeddedTags

The value of tagname is:

The actual output was:

Test for embedding an URLPARAM tag in the parameters to another URLPARAM tag.

%URLPARAM{ "%URLPARAM{"tagname" default="failed"}%" default="failed"}%
Click here to run test

The value of tagname is:

The expected output was: expected The actual output was: failed

Topic revision: r0 - 2005-03-27 - TWikiContributor
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