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%INCLUDE{%SYSTEMWEB%.WebChangesRightBox}% ---+ !TestCases Web If you are here, you want to test this version of TWiki. This web is held in the TWiki Subversion repository, so: 1. You must manually ensure that all topics in this web are readable and writable by the apache user 1. New topics must be manually added to the Subversion repository. * Only check in =.txt= files. You must _not_ check in ,v files. Topic histories will be maintained in Subversion. 1. If you use TWiki to edit topics (recommended) you must: * Fix the =META:TOPICINFO= of all topics in this web so that the =author= is =TWikiContributor= and the =version= is the SVN keyword =$<nop>Rev$=. The =tools/fixtopicmeta= script is a handy utility to fix the meta data. * Remove all ctrl+M's before checking in. The integration testcases are an important assistant to TWiki testing. However they should _not_ be regarded as the only required testing; manual testing, by a user interacting with TWiki, is also key, as are unit tests. Integration testcases are of two kinds; manual, and automatic. Automatic testcases are _strongly_ preferred. Each integration testcase consists of a single topic, always named <nop>TestCase<i>Something</i> where _Something_ is descriptive of the testcase. For example, =TestCaseAmISane=. If _Something_ starts with =Auto= then the topic is assumed to be an automatic testcases and it is automatically added to the table below with a =run= link e.g. =TestCaseAutoFormatting= *All* testcase topics should contain a line starting with <code>Description: </code> that describes what the testcase does, for the table below. It's also convention to credit the designer(s) of the testcase, on a line starting <code>Designed by: </code>. Other topics may be created to provide test fixtures, but all checked-in topics in this web should be regarded as read-only i.e. no test should require the _overwriting_ of any of the checked-in topics. If you need to create topics in order to execute a test, please do so, but delete them after you are finished to avoid any risk of polluting future tests. *Manual* testcases simply document a series of steps that have to be performed to execute the test, sometimes with links in to help the process (for an example see TestCaseAmISane). *Automatic* testcases are designed for testing TWiki rendering. They can be visited and manually checked just like manual testcases, but also include markers that indicate to the %SYSTEMWEB%.TestFixturePlugin what is _expected_ output versus what TWiki _actually_ produces. See %SYSTEMWEB%.TestFixturePlugin for details, and view [[%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%WEB%/TestCaseAutoFormatting?raw=on][TestCaseAutoFormatting]] raw for a good example. Automatic testcase topics should also contain a link that allows the testcase to be run: <code>[<nop>[%<nop>SCRIPTURL%/view%<nop>SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%<nop>WEB%/%<nop>TOPIC%?test=compare&debugenableplugins=TestFixturePlugin&skin=pattern][run this test]]</code> Automatic testcases may be run by clicking on the =run= link for the testcase in the table below. The testcases are run with _no plugins enabled_. Plugins do not ship with test cases in the !TestCases web. It is possible to create a test case topic in the %SYSTEMWEB% web (and thus ship it with a plugin for manual testing), and include that in an !TestCases topic. For example the TestCaseAutoSpreadSheetPlugin topic includes the test cases from [[%SYSTEMWEB%.SpreadSheetPluginTestCases]]. %H% A good tip is to right-click each =run= link and open in a new tab. That way you can run a whole bunch of testcases quickly without having to wait for each to finish loading. <!-- %TABLE{}% --> |*Testcase* |*Description* |*Tests* | %SEARCH{"^TestCaseAuto" type="regex" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="|$topic |$pattern(.*Description:(.*?)\n.*) |[[%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%WEB%/$topic?test=compare&debugenableplugins=TestFixturePlugin,CommentPlugin,DefaultPlugin,InterwikiPlugin,SpreadSheetPlugin&skin=pattern][run]] |"}% %SEARCH{"^TestCase(?!Auto)" type="regex" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="|$topic |$pattern(.*Description:(.*?)\n.*) |manual |"}%
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Topic revision: r0 - 2012-11-01
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