Mark Crowley - CV, Publications, Awards
Conferences & Publications
You can see a complete list of my writing here.- Mark Crowley and David Poole. Policy Gradient Planning for Environmental Decision Making with Existing Simulators.
Proceedings of the
Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence , Special Track on Computational Sustainability and AI.(AAAI-11).
San Francisco, 2011.
[paper/ poster/ BibTex] - Mark Crowley, John Nelson and David Poole. Seeing the Forest Despite the Trees:
Large Scale Spatial-Temporal Decision Making. Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI09). 126-134, Montreal,2009.
[paper/ poster/ BibTex] - Awarded Best Paper!
Mark Crowley. Representation and Reasoning in Large Scale, Spatial-Temporal Planning Problems in the Graduate Student Symposium at the Canadian Conference in Artificial Intelligence. Windsor, Canada 2008.
I was chosen to give a full presentation of this work at the main conference after the symposium.
[Slides/abstract/poster] - Mark Crowley, Brent Boerlage and David Poole. Adding Local Constraints to Bayesian Networks. Z. Kobti and D.Wu editors,
Canadian Conference in Artificial Intelligence (CAI07), in Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence (LNAI2007),Springer-Verlag, 344-355. Montreal, 2007.
[paper/slides/BibTex] - Mark Crowley. Shielding against conditioning side effects in graphical
models. Master's thesis, University of British Columbia, October 2005.
- I received the prestigious Graduate TA Teaching Award for 2009 at UBC for my years of being a teaching assistant and helping to improve the quality of TAs in Computer Science and around campus.
- I coordinate the reading group on First Order Probabilistic Inference, a weekly discussion of the latest research into relational modeling and inference, reasoning under uncertainty and ontologies.
- For the past four years I have been the main organizer of the CS department's TA training program at the beginning of September. These sessions give incoming graduate students who will be teaching assistants the background they need about deparment policy, teaching techniques and profressionalism as teachers.
- I am the webmaster for the main website of the Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence(
- As the CS department TA Co-ordinator I organize training for teaching assistants in the department and facilitate evaluation, course assignment and other TA issues.
- As the duly elected Teameister I try to get students, faculty and staff out every Tuesday afternoon to socialize and chat in a comfortable environment over some tea and tasty treats.
- Doctorate (2005 - 2011) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
- Master's (2003 - 2005) University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC
My thesis was Shielding Against Conditioning Side-Effects in Graphical Models see research. I carried out
research on preference elicitation and various bayesian modelling problems in collaboration with David Poole. I also revamped the
website of the Association for Uncertainty in AI and launched the UAIWiki.
- Bachelor's (1995 - 1999) York University, Toronto, Ontario
Finished B.A. Computer Science Specialized Honours cum laude.
- IBM Canada (1999 - 2003) Toronto Lab
I was a Software Developer in Electronic Commerce. I developed and customized online commerce systems for IBM customers worldwide. Worked with customers to design and customize their commerce systems in Toronto and on location in the United States and Germany. - Vector7 Design (1997 - 1999) Toronto, Ontario
Web Application / Software Developer
Sole programmer for a small graphic design web company