PNWNAS brings together people interested in scientific computing, numerical analysis, and
computational mathematics from academia, government research labs, and industry from around the
Pacific Northwest region. PNWNAS has been hosted annually since 1987. This one-day meeting
will be hosted this fall on the UBC campus on October 13, 2018.
Important Dates
We look forward to seeing you in Vancouver.
The University of British Columbia
Conference Organizers:
Uri Ascher
Jessica Bosch
Chen Greif
We gratefully acknowledge generous support from the
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) and the
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
Late registration: after October 3, 2018, 4:00pm PST
To register, please click here
and read further instructions.
Confirmed Plenary Speakers
Ron Estrin | Stanford University, Stanford, USA |
Jay Gopalakrishnan | Portland State University, Portland, USA |
Eldad Haber | University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada |
Danny Kaufman | Adobe Research, Seattle, USA |
Sherry Li | Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, USA |
Steve Ruuth | Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada |
Andy Wan | University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, Canada |
Past PNWNAS Meetings
A list of past PNWNAS meetings can be found here.