
(November 17, 2015) Talk at MPICH Birds-of-a-feather session, Supercomputing 2015, Austin, TX.

(November 10, 2015)  FG-MPI version 2.0 is now available for download.

(June 17, 2015) Talk on Fine-Grain MPI for Extreme-Scale Programming at HPCS 2015 (Abstract)

(March 26, 2014)  FG-MPI version 1.0.0 is now available for download.

(March 26, 2014) Westgrid Seminar on Fine-Grain MPI. (Live streaming here).

(March 19, 2014) Webinar at the Society of HPC Professionals. FG-MPI: A Fine Grain Concurrency Model for MPI.

(January 15, 2013) The MPICH2 group at the Argonne National Laboratories publicize FG-MPI exascale experiment with over a 100 million MPI processes on their website.

(January 14, 2013) FG-MPI exascale experiment is featured on HPCwire and the WestGrid website and newsletter.