Reflexion Model Tool Index

Reflexion Model Tool (RMTool Version 1.5)

Reflexion Models are a software system summarization technique developed to aid a software engineer in understanding and reasoning about the structure of large software systems.

To find out more about reflexion models, try this link for a very brief example of the use of the technique. For more detail, a paper written about the technique is available, or for really in-depth reading, try my dissertation.

Getting Started (setup requirements)

Using RMTool
User Interface
File Formats
Environment Variables
Command-Line Arguments
Understanding Reflexion Models
How to interpret a Reflexion Model
Reports for additional reference
Software Reflexion Models (Overview)
Case Study on Use of Software Reflexion Models
Lightweight Source Model Extraction

For more information contact

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This page has been accessed 16 times since October 25, 1996.

Last modified: October 25, 1996

Gail Murphy