Course contents
Defining machine learning and data mining
Relation to other fields (stats, databases, probability, information theory)
Privacy issues and social impact
Applications in AI, computer vision, computer games, search engines, marketing,
bioinformatics, robotics, HCI and graphics.
Exploratory Data Analysis
Linear algebra revision (eigenvectors !!!)
The SVD, spectral methods and latent semantic indexing
Probabilistic component analysis
Examples: text mining, search engines, image compression and visualization
Graphical models
Introduction to discrete probability
Inference in Bayesian networks
Maximum likelihood and Bayesianlearning
Model selection
Supervised learning
Introduction to continuous probability
Linear regression and classification (least squares and ridge)
Model assessment and cross-validation
Introduction to optimization
Nonlinear regression (neural nets and Gaussian processes)
Boosting and feature selection
Unsupervised learning
Nearest neighbours and K-means
Spectral kernel methods for clustering and semi-supervised learning
The EM algorithm
Mixture models for discrete and continuous data
Temporal methods: hidden Markov models & Kalman filters
Boltzmann machines and random fields
Examples: web mining, collaborative filtering, music and image clustering,
automatic translation, spam filtering, computer games and object recognition.
Other forms of learning
Semi-supervised learning
Active learning
Reinforcement learning
Self-taught learning
- The machine learning book of Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman is now online:
The elements of statistical learning.
- Chapters 14,15 and 20 of the artificial intelligence book
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig is strongly recommended reading for this course. I'll provide partial photocopies of chapters
14 and 15 in class. Chapter 20 is available online.
This AIspace page at UBC has lots of videos and applets about inference in
directed probabilistic
graphical models (aka Bayesian networks or belief networks).
- For graphical models and Beta-Bernoulli models, I recommend A
Tutorial on Learning with Bayesian Networks
David Heckerman.
- Kevin Murphy has compiled a nice page about
Bayesian learning.
- Wikipedia tutorial on the:
- The following handout should help you with linear algebra revision:
- The homework should be handed in on Wednesday at the beginning of the class. Please note that messy homeworks will be penalized - it is your
responsibility to ensure that the material is presented in a clear written form. All pseudocode must be handed in.
Please don't forget to add your name and student number.