Python resources
The programming language of the course is Python. The previous link takes you to Enthought, who have put together a nice installation package. Make sure you become familiar with Numpy and Matplotlib as soon as possible.
- My favourite book for this course is the book of Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig titled artificial intelligence. Chapter 14 covers probabilistic graphical models. Chapter 15 covers HMMs. Chapter 20 talks about maximum likelihood, the EM algorithm, learning the parameters of graphical models and naive Bayes. Chapter 18 teaches decision trees, linear regression, regularization, neural networks and ensemble learning.
- The machine learning book of Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman is much more advanced, but it is also a great resource and it is free online: The elements of statistical learning.
- For graphical models and Beta-Bernoulli models, I recommend A Tutorial on Learning with Bayesian Networks David Heckerman.
- Kevin Murphy has compiled a nice page about Bayesian learning.
- Wikipedia tutorial on the: SVD
- The following handout should help you with linear algebra.
- Machine learning video lectures
- Why stats: NYTimes article
- A video lecture about python's package matplotlib
- The machine learning course of Andrew Ng is available in youtube and iTunes. It is strongly recommended.