I am a Professor of Computer Science at Oxford University.
I was a tenured Full Professor in Computer Science at UBC until 2014. Currently, I am an adjunct professor at this department.
I am a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR).
1999-2001: Visiting post-doctoral scholar with
Stuart Russell at
UC Berkeley. I worked on machine learning, computer vision, image retrieval,
probabilistic models in artificial intelligence, variational
inference algorithms, particle filtering and MCMC simulation.
Ph.D. on
Bayesian methods for neural networks
Trinity college,
Cambridge University).
M.Sc. degree (
with distinction) in control systems at the
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Thesis title:
Neural network based nonparametric regression for system identification and fault detection.
B.Sc. degree (
with distinction) in electrical engineering at the
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Before: I was born in Zimbabwe and grew up in Mocambique,
Portugal, Venezuela and South Africa.
Fellowships and Awards
[2013] Charles A. McDowell Award for Excellence in Research. Distinguished Paper Award at IJCAI 2013.
[2010] MITACS Young Researcher Award.
[2009] UBC incredible instructor award.
[2009] CIFAR Fellowship.
[2008] Killam Faculty Research Fellowship.
[2007] My students won the SRC competition at SIGGRAPH for their work on Preference Galleries.
[2004] Elected member of the Golden Key Honour Society.
[2004] Best Paper prize on Cognitive Computer Vision at ECCV, with Kenji
Okuma, Ali Taleghani, Jim Little and David Lowe.
[2004] UBC incredible instructor award.
[2003] UBC incredible instructor award.
[2002] Best Paper prize on Cognitive Computer Vision at ECCV, with Pinar
Duygulu, Kobus Barnard and David Forsyth.
[2002] Mencion Especial - Romulo Garza Award for work with Ruben Morales on Real-Time Control and Monitoring of Complex Industrial Processes with Particle Filters
[2002] UBC incredible instructor award.
[1997] Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Fellowship.
[1996] Trinity College External Research Studentship, Honorary Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship, South African Foundation for Research Development Overseas PhD Scholarship, WITS University Council Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship, WITS Appeal Fund Scholarship, WITS Postgraduate Merit Scholarship, Foundation for Research Development Masters Scholarship, Anne Harris Scholarship and Adolph Wagner Scholarship.
[1995] Portuguese Government Medal for being the Portuguese student of highest academic merit in Southern Africa. WITS Postgraduate Merit Scholarship, Foundation for Research Development Masters Scholarship and Standard Bank Research Scholarship.
[1994] Bernard Price Prize for being the best final year student in Electrical Engineering, Deist-Sefor Prize for outstanding academic ability in undergraduate career, Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) Prize for outstanding performance in the final year of study, Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) Merit Medal and Certificate in honour of special merit on the part of a BSc (Engineering) graduate, Trevor Williams Scholarship, Foundation for Research Development Scholarship and merit certificates for High Frequency Techniques, High Voltage Engineering, Engineering Design II and Signal Processing (top of the class).
[1993] SAIEE Prize to the best 3rd year student in Electrical Engineering, University Council Merit Scholarship, Foundation for Research Development Scholarship and merit certificates for Mathematical Methods, Electric Power II and Control I.
[1992] Jackson Prize to the best second year student in the Faculty of Engineering, University Council Merit Scholarship, and merit certificate for Mathematics II.
Merit certificates for Mathematics I and Engineering Graphics