External Bibliographic References
Huang Fang, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Victor Sanches Portella, Michael Friedlander. Online mirror descent and dual averaging: keeping pace in the dynamic case.
Thirty-seventh International Conference on Machine Learning, July 2020.
Laura Greenstreet, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Victor Sanches Portella. Efficient and Optimal Fixed-Time Regret with Two Experts.
33rd International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, March 2022.
Victor Sanches Portella, Chris Liaw, Nicholas J. A. Harvey. Continuous Prediction with Expert Advice.
Submitted, 2022.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Chris Liaw, Edwin Perkins, Sikander Randhawa. Optimal anytime regret with two experts.
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, November 2020.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Chris Liaw, Yaniv Plan, Sikander Randhawa. Tight analyses for non-smooth stochastic gradient descent.
Conference on Learning Theory, June 2019.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Jan Vondrak. An Algorithmic Proof of the Lovasz Local Lemma via Resampling Oracles.
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, October 2015.
- SIAM Journal on Computing, 49(2):394-428, 2020. PDF
Hassan Ashtiani, Shai Ben-David, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Chris Liaw, Abbas Mehrabian, Yaniv Plan. Near-optimal Sample Complexity Bounds for Robust Learning of Gaussian Mixtures via Compression Schemes.
Neural Information Processing Systems, December 2018.
PDF. Best Paper Award
- Journal of the ACM, 2020. PDF
Chris Liaw, Tasuku Soma, Nicholas J. A. Harvey. Improved Algorithms for Online Submodular Maximization via First-order Regret Bounds.
Neural Information Processing Systems, December 2020.
Yihan Zhou, Victor Sanches Portella, Mark Schmidt, Nicholas J. A. Harvey. Regret Bounds without Lipschitz Continuity:
Online Learning with Relative-Lipschitz Losses.
Neural Information Processing Systems, December 2020.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Chris Liaw, Abbas Mehrabian. Nearly-tight VC-dimension bounds for piecewise linear neural networks.
Conference on Learning Theory, July 2017.
- Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20:63:1-63:17, 2019. PDF
Wai Shing Fung, Ramesh Hariharan, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Debmalya Panigrahi. Graph Sparsification by Edge-Connectivity and Random Spanning Trees.
43rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, June 2011.
- SIAM Journal on Computing, 48(4), 2019. PDF
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Chris Liaw, Paul Liu. Greedy and Local Ratio Algorithms in the MapReduce Model.
30th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, July 2018.
Maria-Florina Balcan, Nicholas J. A. Harvey. Submodular Functions: Learnability, Structure, and Optimization.
43rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, June 2011.
- SIAM Journal on Computing, 47(3):703-754, 2018. PDF
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Piyush Srivastava, Jan Vondrak. Computing the Independence Polynomial: from the Tree Threshold down to the Roots.
ACM-SIAM Conference on Discrete Algorithms, January 2018.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Keyulu Xu. Generating Random Spanning Trees via Fast Matrix Multiplication.
Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium, April 2016.
Jake Wires, Stephen Ingram, Zachary Drudi, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Andrew Warfield. Counter Stacks and the Elusive Working Set.
;login: the Usenix magazine, 40(1), 2015.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey. A note on the discrepancy of matrices with bounded row and column sums.
Discrete Mathematics, 338:517-521, 2015.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey. A generalization of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality involving four vectors.
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 9(2):489-491, 2015.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Chris Liaw. Rainbow Hamilton cycles and lopsidependency.
Discrete Mathematics, 2015.
Zachary Drudi, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Stephen Ingram, Andrew Warfield, Jake Wires. Approximating Hit Rate Curves using Streaming Algorithms.
International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, August 2015.
Marcel K. de Carli Silva, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Cristiane M. Sato. Sparse Sums of Positive Semidefinite Matrices.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 12(1), 2015.
Jake Wires, Stephen Ingram, Zachary Drudi, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Andrew Warfield. Characterizing Storage Workloads with Counter Stacks.
Eleventh Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, October 2014.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Roy Schwartz, Mohit Singh. Discrepancy Without Partial Colorings.
International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, September 2014.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Samira Samadi. Near-Optimal Herding.
Conference on Learning Theory, June 2014.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey. An introduction to the Kadison-Singer Problem and the Paving Conjecture.
Not submitted for publication, 2013.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Neil Olver. Pipage Rounding, Pessimistic Estimators and Matrix Concentration.
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 2014.
Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Ryuhei Uehara, Takeaki Uno, Yushi Uno. UNO is hard, even for a single player.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2013.
Maria-Florina Balcan, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Satoru Iwata. Learning symmetric non-monotone submodular functions.
NIPS Workshop on Discrete Optimization in Machine Learning, December 2012.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Tamas Kiraly, Lap Chi Lau. On disjoint common bases in two matroids.
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 25(4):1792-1803, 2011.
Takehiro Ito, Erik D. Demaine, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Christos Papadimitriou, Martha Sideri, Ryuhei Uehara, Yushi Uno. On the Complexity of Reconfiguration Problems.
19th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, December 2008.
- Theoretical Computer Science, 2011. PDF
Michel X. Goemans, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Satoru Iwata, Vahab Mirrokni. Approximating Submodular Functions Everywhere.
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 2009.
- Draft of full version, 2010. PDF
Nicholas J. A. Harvey. Matroid Intersection, Pointer Chasing, and Young's Seminormal Representation of Sn.
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 2008.
- RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, B23(2):81-106, 2010. PDF
Nicholas J. A. Harvey. Algebraic Algorithms for Matching and Matroid Problems.
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, October 2006.
PDF. Best Student Paper (Machtey) Award
- SIAM Journal on Computing, 39(2):679-702, 2009. PDF
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Jelani Nelson, Krzysztof Onak. Sketching and Streaming Entropy via Approximation Theory.
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, October 2008.
John Dunagan, Nicholas J. A. Harvey. Iteratively Constructing Preconditioners via the Conjugate Gradient Method.
39th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, June 2007.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Robert D. Kleinberg, Chandra Nair, Yunnan Wu. A "Chicken and Egg" Network Coding Problem.
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, June 2007.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Mihai Patrascu, Yonggang Wen, Sergey Yekhanin, Vincent Chan. Non-Adaptive Fault Diagnosis for All-Optical Networks via Combinatorial Group Testing on Graphs.
26th Annual IEEE Conference on Communications, May 2007.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey. An Algebraic Algorithm for Weighted Linear Matroid Intersection.
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 2007.
Micah Adler, Erik D. Demaine, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Mihai Patrascu.
Lower Bounds for Asymmetric Communication Channels and Distributed Source Coding
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 2006.
Micah Adler, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Kamal Jain, Robert D. Kleinberg, April Rasala Lehman. On the Capacity of Information Networks.
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 2006.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Kamal Jain, Lap Chi Lau, Chandra Nair, Yunnan Wu. Conservative Network Coding.
44th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, September 2006.
Petar Maymounkov, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Desmond S. Lun. Methods for Efficient Network Coding.
44th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, September 2006.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, David R. Karger, Sergey Yekhanin.
The Complexity of Matrix Completion
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 2006.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Richard E. Ladner, Laszlo Lovasz, Tami Tamir. Semi-Matchings for Bipartite Graphs and Load Balancing.
Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, July 2003.
- Journal of Algorithms, 59(1):53-78, 2006. PDF
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, David R. Karger, Kazuo Murota.
Deterministic Network Coding by Matrix Completion
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 2005.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Robert D. Kleinberg. Tighter Cut-based Bounds for k-pairs Communication Problems.
43rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, September 2005.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, J. Ian Munro. Deterministic SkipNet.
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, July 2003.
- Information Processing Letters, 90(4):205-208, 2004. PDF
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Robert D. Kleinberg, April Rasala Lehman. Comparing Network Coding with Multicommodity Flow for the k-pairs Communication Problem.
MIT LCS Technical Report 964, 2004.
Kevin C. Zatloukal, Nicholas J. A. Harvey.
Family Trees: An ordered dictionary with optimal congestion, locality, degree, and search time
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 2004.
John Dunagan, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Michael B. Jones, Dejan Kostic, Marvin Theimer, Alec Wolman. FUSE: Lightweight Guaranteed Distributed Failure Notification.
Sixth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, December 2004.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Kevin C. Zatloukal. The Post-Order Heap.
Third International Conference on Fun with Algorithms, May 2004.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Michael B. Jones, Marvin Theimer, Alec Wolman. Efficient Recovery From Organizational Disconnect in SkipNet.
2nd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems , February 2003.
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Michael B. Jones, Stefan Saroiu, Marvin Theimer, Alec Wolman. SkipNet: A Scalable Overlay Network with Practical Locality Properties.
Fourth USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, March 2003.
PDF. Best Paper Award
- Long version, 2003. PDF