CPSC 312 - Functional and Logic Programming
January-April 2024
These are some articles you may find interesting, in no particular
ordering. I've added resources that look as though they might be
interesting. No guarantees!
- Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years by Peter
Norvig; this course is designed to help you with part of "Learn at
least a half dozen programming languages", as well as "learn by doing" and "Work on projects with other programmers."
Functional Programming
- Textbook: Simon Thompson, Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming, 3rd edition,
Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2011. (see PDF tab for free pdf download)
- Haskell download: Haskell Platform
- Haskell
general list for
everyting Haskell
- Haskell
Documentation including books, tutorials,
and other online resources.
- The best free books I have found (for the basics)
- Links to Free
books to learn about Haskell and tutorials.
- Real world
Haskell - another online book. I didn't like it much, but you might.
- Explaining IO: Tackling the Awkward Squad:
monadic input/output, concurrency, exceptions, and foreign-language
calls in Haskell by Simon Peyton Jones.
Logic Programming
Last updated: 2021-01-06, David Poole