CPSC 522 - Artificial Intelligence 2
September-December 2023
Which students are presenting on
each day: http://wiki.ubc.ca/Course:CPSC522/StudentPresentations2023W1.
- Sept 7 - First Class: AI and Agents. Slides:
AIFCA Sections
2.1, 2.4, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
- Sept 12 -
moral machines,
networks. Readings:
AIFCA Sections
2.1, 2.4, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3; rolling average.
- Sept 14 -
Discussion paper:
in belief
networks. Demo of reasoning in
aipython.org (chapter 9)
- Sept 19 - representing
conditional probability, probabilistic
inference: recursive conditioning. See AIPython
Chapter 9 for Python code implementing belief networks and recursive
conditioning (and more).
- Sept 21 - probabilistic
inference: variable elimination.
Discussion papers:
- Bender, E. M., Gebru, T., McMillan-Major, A., and Shmitchell, S. [2021]. On
the dangers of stochastic parrots: Can language models be too big? In
Proc. 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and
- Sept 26 - stochastic
simulation. Video: sca80a0.avi: Animation of Monte Carlo
Localization using laser range finder by Sebastian Thrun.
learning (EM).
- Sept 28 - Bayesian
learning (EM). learning
belief networks. Discussion paper:
Diederik P Kingma, Max Welling [2013] Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes
- Oct 3 -
Inferring Causality.
- Oct 5 - Missing data,
Discussion paper:
Karthika Mohan & Judea Pearl (2021) Graphical Models for Processing
Missing Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association,
116:534, 1023-1037, DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2021.1874961 (UBC login required)
- Oct 10 - Preferences,
utility and rewards. . Video
- Oct 12 - No Class (makeup Monday)
- Oct 17 - Decision
Markov decision
processes. Demo of decision networks from aipython.org (chapter 12)
- Oct 24 - Reinforcement
Learning and Q-learning,
Demo of reinforcement learning from aipython.org (chapter 13)
- Oct 26 - Beyond Q-leaning.
Discussion paper:
Kocsis, L., and Szepesvari, C. 2006. Bandit Based Monte-Carlo Planning. In
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Machine Learning
(ECML), 282-293.
- Oct 31 - Multiagent
systems representations,
Demo of multiagent reinforcement learning from aipython.org (chapter 14)
- Nov 2 - mechanism design.
Discussion paper:
Silver, D., et al. [2017]. Mastering chess and shogi by self-play with a general
reinforcement learning algorithm.
- Nov 7 - logic for representation,
knowledge graphs.
Justin's Family Tree family.pl.
Wikidata page on
Christine Sinclair described in AIFCA Examples 16.6 and 16.7 and Figure
16.1; also machine readable in
- Nov 9 - ontologies.
Discussion paper:
Kemp, C., Perfors, A. and Tenenbaum, J.B. (2007), Learning overhypotheses with hierarchical Bayesian models. Developmental Science, 10: 307-321.
Science, Vol. 349, Issue 6245, pp. 273-278, 2015 (you might need to
VPN to UBC to get free access)
- Nov 14 - no class (midterm break)
- Nov 9 - relations
to random variables. embedding-based methods.
Thw demo was for relnCollFilt.py in aipython.org (Ch 15).
- Nov 21 - relational
probabilistic models.
- Nov 23 - some
specific relational
probabilistic models.
Discussion paper:
Trouillon, T.; Welbl, J.; Riedel, S.; Gaussier, E.; and
Bouchard, G. 2016. Complex embeddings for simple link prediction. In ICML, 2071-2080.
- Nov 28 - The social impact of AI; digital economy, values
and biases. Human-centered
- Nov 30 - Work,
Automation, Transportation.. Sustainability.
- Dec 5 - Discussion paper:
- Michael Schlichtkrull, Thomas N. Kipf, Peter Bloem, Rianne van den Berg, Ivan Titov, Max Welling [2018]. Modeling relational data with graph convolutional networks. European Semantic Web Conference.
- Dec 7 -
AI and Agents. deploying AI. dimensions
of AI. the future.
Last updated: 2020-03-15, David Poole