I am a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia. I am a member of the Laboratory for Computational Intelligence and I am a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
My main research interests are artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, reasoning under uncertainty, computational logic, diagnosis, probabilistic argumentation systems, reasoning about actions, decision theoretic planning, intelligent agents, and preference elicitation. I am currently working mostly on Semantic Science, in particular I am working on probabilistic theories over rich hypothesis spaces, mediated by ontologies.
In general, I am interested in the questions: What should an agent do based on its beliefs, abilities and preferences? How can we acquire and efficiently use information to make better decisions?
I have an on-line research overview and a list of all of my papers (many are on-line), recent talks, and some code to play with. See also AILog2 (a simple logical representation and reasoning system with explanation facilities, declarative debugging, ask-the-user, abduction and probabilistic reasoning; formerly CILog). The research overview provides detailed information on Theorist, Probabilistic Reasoning, and Combining logic and probability.
For the best overviews of my research see: Agents, Decisions, Beliefs, Preferences, Science and Politics and Semantic Science: Ontologies, Data and Probabilistic Theories for a vision of what we are trying to do with semantic science and The Independent Choice Logic and Beyond for an overview of what we know how to do with rich probabilistic logical relational languages, and what challenges remain.
See also How to write a research paper.
NEW: Alan Mackworth and I have completed a new textbook: Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents Cambridge University Press, 2010. The whole book is available online in html, and the hard copy is available from your favourite bookstore. We have a number of associated interactive learning tools in AIspace and some open-source interactive demos.
I am a co-author of Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach, Oxford University Press, 1998. This is a textbook introduction to Artificial Intelligence, that presents AI from the perspective of logic (programming).
I was co-editor of Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, 1994.
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Department of Computer Science,
University of British Columbia,
2366 Main Mall,
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4
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October 1996.