The following are the slides of some recent talks by David Poole.
- Learning and reasoning about entities and relations under uncertainty: a story of romance and disappointment, slides. KR 2020 and various invited talks.
- Probabilistic reasoning with complex heterogeneous observations and applications in geology and medicine, invited talk, UAI Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop, Sydney August 2017.
- Interoperability of probabilistic programs and data (probabilistic programs for representing scientific hypotheses), Probabilistic Programming Workshop at DALI, April 2015.
- Lifted inference in relational graphical models and (potentially) probabilistic programs, Probabilistic Programming Reading Group, Oxford, March 2015.
- Logic, Probability and Computation: Statistical Relational AI and Beyond Oxford University, Department Seminar, February 2015.
- Probabilistic Programming Languages: Independent Choices and Deterministic Systems, Probabilistic Programming Reading Group, Oxford, November 2014
- Logic, Probability and Computation: Statistical Relational AI and Beyond London, October 2014.
- Ontologies, data and probabilistic hypotheses: Conditioning on all the knowledge in the world, Oxford, October 2014.
- Population Size Extrapolation in Relational Probabilistic Modelling, SUM Conference, September 2014.
- First-order probabilistic inference (first talk) and Limitations and potential of lifted probabilistic inference (last talk) IJCAI-2011 Tutorial T1: Lifted Inference in Probabilistic Logical Models.
- A Multi-dimensional Design Space of AI: the frontiers of research and beyond, invited talk, 24th Canadian Conference on AI, St. John's, May 2011.
- Logic, Probability and Computation: Statistical Relational AI and Beyond, invited talk, 11th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Vancouver, May 2011.
- Probabilistic Relational Learning and Inductive Logic Programming at a Global Scale, invited talk, 20th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2010).
- What Should the World-Wide Mind Believe? Knowledge and Uncertainty at a Global Scale, invited talk, 23rd International FLAIRS Conference, May 2010.
- Semantic Science and Machine-Accessible Scientific Theories, AAAI Spring Symposium on Semantic Science Knowledge Integration, Stanford, March 2008.
- Semantic Science: ontologies, data and probabilistic theories, invited talk, EECS Dept, Oregon State University, Nov 2007, University of Alberta, Feb 2008..
- AAAI-2007
- Uncertainty with logical, procedural and relational languages, tutorial at 22nd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, July 2006.
- Combining logic and probability: a knowledge representation perspective, Dagstuhl Seminar 05051, Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning - Towards a Synthesis, February 2005
- Relations, generalizations and the reference-class problem, International Conference on Machine Learning, Workshop on Statistical Relational Learning and its Connections to Other Fields, Banff, July 2004.
- Reasoning under uncertainty in robotics. Invited talk IJCAI-2003 workshop on Reasoning under Uncertainty in Robotics, Acapulco, August 2003.
- First-order probabilistic inference, talk at IJCAI-2003, Acapulco, August 2003.
- Modern Artificial Intelligence: Computer Science and Beyond, talk to the CS dept at UBC, November 2001.
- Dimensions of representations for acting under uncertainty: what we want and why we can't have it, AAAI Spring Symposium on Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents, Stanford University, March 2001.
- Logic, Knowledge Representation and Bayesian Decision Theory, Invited talk, First International Conference on Computational Logic (CL2000), London, July 2000.