Note that accessing many of these papers may require being logged into the VPN
Week of: | Tuesday | Thursday |
January 6/8 |
Introduction & class outline - what data do you have?
slides in PDF Rachel presents and leads discussion |
Introduction to databases: part 1
Optional reading (note: no need to turn in a review - the next one will be the one I will tell you what you would have gotten if I were grading, but will not actually grade) Preliminary slides for next two classes in PDF Rachel presents and leads discussion |
January 13/15 | Introduction to databases: part 2
Rachel presents and leads discussion |
Relational Roots(slides)
Rachel presents and leads discussion |
January 20/22 | Query Optimization
Overview (Slides: System R and overview)
Homework due: design a database for your data Presentation: Peter Discussion: Joyita |
Two query
Presentation: Laura Discussion: Keqian |
January 27/29 |
Query Execution (slides)
Presentation: Sampoorna Discussion: Rachel Project: one page project proposal due |
Processing (slides)
Presentation: Jessica Discussion: Sampoorna |
February 3/5 |
Answering Queries Using Views/Data
Presentation: Omar Discussion: Jessica |
Adaptive Execution
Presentation: Ben Discussion: Yidan |
February 10/12 |
Object-oriented and
Object-relational databases (Slides)
Presentation: Rachel Discussion: Omar |
XML (Slides: Querying XML, indexing XML)
Presentation: Manikandan Discussion: Vyas |
February 17/19 | Reading week: no class | |
February 24/26 | 40 years of data models: what
goes around comes around
Presentation: Joyita Discussion: Peter |
On Line Analytic Processing (OLAP)
(Slides: OLAP, cubes)
Presentation: Parminder Discussion: Kailang Project: 4 page midterm status report due |
March 3/5 |
Parallel Databases and No SQL
Presentation: Hootan Discussion: Ben |
Rachel out of town: no class (the next set of readings is long! Start early!) |
March 10/12 |
Critiquing No SQL
Presentation: Keqian Discussion: Hootan |
Presentation: Vyas Discussion: Manikandan |
March 17/19 |
Data Mining
Presentation: Yidan Discussion: Parminder |
The Role of Theory
Presentation: Kailang Discussion: Laura |
March 24/26 |
Advanced Topics/Student Request Potpourri: security
Rachel out of town: no class. Paper responses are optional for make up points |
Advanced Topics/Student Request Potpourri: Top-K query processing
Rachel out of town: no class. Paper responses are optional for make up points |
March 31/April 2 | Paper reading wrap up & EDBT discussion: no reading (slides) | Future of DBMS research |
April 7/9 |
Project Reports: Omar Jessica, Kailang, and Laura Ben and Yidan Peter and Sampoorna |
Project Reports: Hootan Parminder Keqian Mani and Vyas Joyita |